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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. I am loving this thread! and Rodwrap, those are a pair of nice UDS's! G
  2. Hey thanks Micheal! this is a bit more comforting.... it is quite the shock getting served, it is something I have never experienced before.. thinking about it... I assume if these lawyers are representing my old insurance company (they dropped me after the accident) then they are also in a way representing me? how is the ice on my old stomping grounds? Killing them on the weedline by the soap plant? G.
  3. Instead of me? I thought that is why we pay for insurance? for issues like this, when a person gets into an accident... This letter is from the law firm representing my insurer... they already know the particulars.... this is why I am confused. I am afraid they might be looking for a way out of this and try and put the owness on me in some fashion. She was not hurt and refused medical treatment at the scene of the accident... which is why this was a bit of a surprise for me over two years later.. I suppose my best course of action is paying my lawyer to figure this out... Something I simply cannot afford at this time. G
  4. Anyone ever recieve a "Notice to defend" from the lawyers representing your insurance company? I got into an car accident 2+ years ago.. and now I have been sent papers from my insurance companies lawyers stating they intend to defend the lawsuit and they "request my indulgence to help them file a "statement of defence" as they investigate the matter... they are asking me to write them... however I do not know exactly what they want... Nor, do I want to incriminate myself by speaking with anyone until I know what is going on.... What can I expect? Do I/Should I get my lawyer involved? What exactly is this? and why is she able to sue over 2 years later? Thakns to those that can offer advice and have been through this before. G
  5. I see this going very badly now... Edit: to add that fish looks no more then 15lbs tops.
  6. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/RKMqCqjixyo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  7. I have been a carpenter for 10+ years, and in the trades for close to 20... cookie cutter homes are built with OSB for sheathing etc... however high end custom (the ones I built) are ply. But I guess I am an internet carpenter... what do I know... G.
  8. My advice.... Firstly make sure that VB is indeed inplace... alot of "home owners" place VB under the sill to prevent rot... instead of proper sill gasket. Simple way to be sure... remove a wall plate and look around the electrical box. secondly, if VB is in place, do NOT install an additional layer.. as you will cause sweating and thus mold. Hope this answers your questions. If you have any more feel free to ask. G
  9. Well it is that time of year again! Christmas! With all of the mindless consumerism that we have somehow been conditioned to deem as normal.. The real meaning of Christmas has been lost. I am not going to talk about the religious side of what Christmas means, as we all know the story... I am talking about family. I am talking about friends. I am talking specifically about those people we love and care for that are no longer with us... Our sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles.. and our furry friends as well.. To me this is a time to reflect, to remember and to honour what they meant to us.. The joy they brought to our lives, the unconditional love we shared and the time spent together. There is not a day that goes by I do not think of those important to me that have left for a better place.... however for some reason this time of year seems difficult for so many reasons.. My son would be 11 years old... and I wonder if he were still alive today... what would he want to see under the tree?, would he still believe in Santa Claus?, would he still help me setup the tree?, would he leave out milk and cookies?, how tall would he be?, what would his personality have been like?, would he of been a kind kid?, what would his hobbies of been?, what sports would he want to play?, would he still want to hang out with dad @ 11?, Would he still let me hug him without getting all embarrassed? This year I plan to honour my son by releasing a few balloons with some notes inside of them.... sounds corny I know... but it helps. I will also say a little something to whoever "up there" listens before I begin my Christmas meal.. This post is not about looking for sympathy or pity, as I can have pity parties all by myself... It is to remind people what the true meaning of Christmas is... FAMILY! It is not the latest video game, toy, or DVD or spending hours at the mall going into debt ,that our society has conditioned to believe is the meaning of Christmas, it is about spending time together, sharing a laugh, a smile, a hug... So I ask those of you are have lost someone close... to spend a couple of minutes and "Honour" your loved ones that are no longer here with us... Take a couple of minutes and remember... And be thankful for the time you did have together.. This is what Christmas means to me. Merry Christmas OFC. G.
  10. Yes Skeeter. The Vaughan Mills Location.
  11. Nice to know someone other then me is also cursed with a Christmas Birthday! Nice to know someone understands the scars it left LOL! G
  12. Being from a "rural" area and having kids.. let me tell you they can burn through Bells 3gb per month and rogers 6gb in NO time just on youtube alone... I know my ex is looking for options as well.... as we had receiver installed on the house, that uses line of sight to a tower... but it seems all the big boys are getting rid of it????? stupidness it works leave it alone!... Anyways, now it seems all she has left is dial up or obscene charges for "3G" (read cell phone) and like I said... the kids would eat 3gb for breakfast.... man how I am sure she begs for BBS and IRC again... not that she has any clue what those mean... nor do I really care! All I am saying is rural customers are going be hosed VERY shortly..... I hope the CRTC can deal with the way rural customers will be paying more then those in the city, while getting slower service and smaller B/W caps. G.
  13. Don, what Terry posted would be my suggestion.
  14. Bruce, I have followed this from beginning to end..... and it choked me up... as a fellow dog owner.. you have my condolences
  15. Hate to say it.... but if my boss was ever to ask me to explain what my hobbies are... I would think he is trying to replace me... especially if he is asking me to put them towards my job... how do I explain drinking beer? Hey Boss I think I could really improve my performance.... by......???
  16. If he put more then 2 hours of thought into it... it would be a Ford... but it would not be a Ranger.... Ugh... G
  17. Yup divorce. cost me the filing fees
  18. Well judging by your nickname.. I assume you work with the dearly departed??? So I have this to offer.. " The fishing sure is DEAD today"
  19. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/mwGnCIdHQH0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  20. I had this post typed up in another window/tab Joey... and then got distracted with other OFC business... and viola here it is hours later but yes... it would have been something... I wonder if it affected the fishing today?
  21. Thought this might be of interest to those of you nutcases that follow the weather and solunar tables.. http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2011/12/15/death-diving-comet-may-be-visible-to-naked-eye/ G
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