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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. I filled up @ 132.9 at the local No Frills here... The Esso here is town was @ 141.9.... Add to that you get a 2 cent per litre coupon to use in the store... A 9 cent a litre difference... No Frills now has more then just my shopping needs taken care of. G
  2. I looked into this... however reversed... from Camrose AB to Hamilton... for a 67 Police Special.. totally restored... (my fathers bike)... and it was WELL more the 400.00... thats all I can say.. I was getting quotes of 2-4K!! insane G
  3. I have my uncle here, and he was in the sonar room for the HMCS Okanagan, I told him about this post... and he told be he could hear whales humping 15 miles away lol G
  4. Yup Pan fried in butter and garlic for me! Mmmmmmmmm G
  5. I hope to be able to find some puffballs!
  6. Glad you found your way to this site Steve.. one hell of an intro as well. Enjoy your time here. G
  7. Could you ask them if they paid cash? as I did.... if they even remember? I paid cash... and nothing... I called MNR and they have no record of me renewing.... still hearsay DaveMC? G.
  8. OMG.... we have to deal with all the Bull posts in the winter about hockey.... and now all the Bull posts in the summer about baseball? OFC admins and moderators... I know this not normal on OFC... but make section for the people that seem to find the need to talk hockey, football or baseball.... hell add golf and curling to it.. I do not care.. but how much do we have to endure.... Ugh. G
  9. Careful DaveMC might call this hearsay.... as you got this from information from another person... and he might personally try to tar a feather you...(he better have ALOT of tar and feathers...) G.
  10. Nope you need a valid outdoors card as well.
  11. Well, DaveMC it is obvious you have never dealt with the retailer I mentioned. They have a very poor reputation. Add to that I am telling you what the issuing retailer told me. The owner of a small Home Hardware ... so if he tells me he makes .25 cents I have no reason not to believe him. (1 year conservation license) Nor do I have a reason not to believe him when he states alot of other retailers were not remitting due paid to them back to the MNR... I know of 2 stores that no longer issue fishing licenses because of this. Add to that some retailers are just getting out of issuing licenses all together as it is not very profitable for them, plain and simple. All the Best, G.
  12. Sounds like a possible thermocoupler issue as Dan says. They are inexpensive to replace and if you are somewhat handy you can do it yourself in a couple of minutes.
  13. I think I would rather chew my own toe nails.... then deal with this crap you are spewing Dr.... quit being anal.... really.. G
  14. What I did is I put my hand into his food... My lab is 4 years old... and had issues whenever the kids went near him when eating.... I was advised by his trainer to do this as I was alpha... give it a try... and see what happens.... my guess is after a bit of correction, your lab will understand the rules.... G
  15. This new system of bullcrap... has me less then pleased... kindly hand your card of to the officer and tell him... like your ministries new system?.... uggg what a joke they have made this... G
  16. as a lab owner.... I know how serious they take their food... I made a point of putting my hand into his food bowl as he was eating to stop the food issues he had as a puppy... still today I could put my hand in his food bowl, or take it away while he is eating without any problems.... Perhaps this is something YOU should try... when you feed him tomorrow morning, put your hand in his bowl and move it around... and if he reacts then correct him. this just might fix the problem and help exert your dominance.
  17. 1 bite... while not serious now.... could be 6 months from now... either you trust him or not... that is the bottom line.
  18. I bought mine, and my card renewal just before I went to Bernies place last fall... and renewed everything on our way up... and got NOTHING.. and they have nothing on record either according to their website.
  19. Mike, Apparently not.... as the website shows I did not renew last year (which I did) nor does it show I have a valid outdoors card... which I also paid for as I had to renew it... the retailer told me this is why they are moving to this new system and it makes sense...alot of retailers were scamming the system.... I am more then pissed... yes I had the temp paper permit... but never got anything else after that... this is why they are saying everything has to go electronically though the MNR site..... Ugh... it is all Bull as far as I am concerned... ps... pm me about the fishing out this way G.
  20. I would certainly be concerned.... he/she cannot be trusted, if the dog did this, and it was not accidental ie. play time or a small nip while horseing around.... the dog cannot be trusted... Last thing you need is a lawsuit because he bit some kids face... you already know in your heart what needs to happen..... just make it easier on the family. not a good situation to be in.. that is for certain... G.
  21. Apperantly this situation, is alot worse them you think.... alot of small outlets were doing this... "skimming off the top" and this is why the MNR has put this new system in place to prevent people from being scammed. Everything is now done electronically through the MNR I saw the website he was logged into etc. that is the only way do get the license now... it ensures that the MNR gets the moeny due to them. atleast now I know I am legal... which I may not have been last year when I thought I renewed everything though fish-ontario.... This is good for the MNR... but bad for folks that have been screwed thinking they were legal.... but might not have been if the paperwork was not submitted. I hope to have some resolved to this tomorrow... and will post my findings after talking to the MNR. G.
  22. As I said... some places were not remitting the fees you and I paid to the MNR for the license... which may be the case here... the fellow that owns the home hardware here told me that they make 25 cents for every license they issue... that is absurd! there is no incentive for the small business owner to issue licenses... really 25 cents? no wonder some places were nopt remitting the fees.... Ohhh I am steamed right now... G
  23. Bernie... this is stupid... I know it is not cheap, but they cannot even mail out the cards... it is crazy.. Someone needs to be held accountable if any fines are laid on anglers or hunters for this screwup. Livinisfishin... make sure you do that, as the dont seem to know their heads from their .... I will also be calling tomorrow. this is what our fees and taxes are paying for folks. G
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