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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. You can Roy.... Agreed. However mobile users rarely do, if ever. Myself included. Was just wanting to point out the rules are not visible to those on the mobile platform, mostly iPad, iPod, iPhone and android users etc. Pm sent G.
  2. Agreed an excellent rule. One question though... Is there anyway to add the rules to the mobile skin? The forum rules are not visible, nor the classified rules. This may help ease some of the ignorance/confusion/lack of knowledge... And as more and more people go mobile... This situation could escalate. Just an observation. G
  3. Was driving down the 401 on the way home from work today and saw my first Tesla model S..... It's one thing to see pictures etc.... But quite another to see one cruIng the hiways.... What a sweet car G
  4. It's crazy.... Not to mention the amount of drama... I don't need exs stalking me etc. (this happened) not to mention the privacy concerns... Facebook owns all your images you post and can use them anyway they want. According to a news article I read, Right now in the US Facebook is mentioned in more then 50% of divorce cases.... G
  5. Been there.... Done that... More then once. Surprised they stitched the knuckle though... That said what are you doing with the tub? If it's what I am looking for is it for sale? Does it work? G
  6. Facebook is the devil. Which is why I got rid of my account years ago
  7. I should add 1 year is 109.00.... And includes extras as I mentioned (ufc) which alone are 50 bux a pop though cable providers..... G
  8. I use an android box as most here know. For quality hockey I use hockeystreams.com I can see it all and not just the NHL. It is also reasonably priced. They also show PPV's like UFC etc. all for one price. Simply open the web browser on your android box login and watch the game.our use their app.... You can also watch on your mobile phone or computer.... Anywhere you have Internet access reall I'm sure something similar exists for mlb. If you have any questions about the box feel free to send me a pm. G
  9. We did this at a previous company I worked for.... Took a work suit..... You know.... The dark blue zip up type..... Filled it full of newspaper (so it looks like a person is in it) added a set of work boots and placed it on the crapper..... Left it sitting in a one toilet bathroom.... Those that have breakfast at work at 5am need it by 7am..... Al they could see was "something/someone" in the crapper...for hours The looks of dispare were priceless, watching grown men run across the plant to another bathroom.... Cheeks clinched! G
  10. Damn..... Right now I wish I was still a basement dweller..... Makes some good eats! G
  11. might I suggest launching out of Brighton.... Tons of water a few minutes away and cheap to use the facilities.... 5 bucks. Can't beat that for a municipal launch. Big water is only a few minutes away. G
  12. As Canadians..... We honestly get screwed..... Gas over a dollar... Imported items through the roof...... All because of other countries....... Gas should be in 70-80 cent range..... That will never happen..... Just wait till oil increases.... We will think 1.50 will seem like a deal... Remember I said this.... 1.50 a litre will seem like a bargain. We are in the process of being conditioned.... While being raped of OUR natural resources.... They belong to all of us. Not foreign conglomerates. They know we are a bunch of wimps. G
  13. Yup can do, I have seperate cans for mixed gas and straight gas. Mark the can as mixed gas and the ratio so you don't confuse them in the future No issues whatsoever G
  14. Your right! It is there.... It's invisable though... Same colour as the background... lol thanks Rick!
  15. Mobile skin option has disappeared, sometimes I switch back and forth from the classic to the mobile skin on my cell phone( mobile skin doesn't give all the functions the main skin does) but now it is gone... The mobile skin saves us mobile users a TON in bandwidth costs the cell companies charge.... just an FYI G
  16. The administrators of this site have stated they have done no such thing. They have made no changes that would affect this, they have also stated they are working with IPB towards a solution. To accuse admin of this site for something they have publicly announced is not within their control is in bad taste in my opinion. G
  17. No offense but this is a bad idea.... They are not made or designed to be placed on their sides. .........Bad idea. G
  18. Raf, no problems here in my phone, on wifi. Or tablet.... Perhaps a ban was placed on the IP block you are currently on? Reset your modem to pickup a new IP addy... Hopefully it will pick one up outside that block. G
  19. On tonight's menu is homemade breaded chicken and a rice pilaf.... Mmmmm
  20. I remember getting my first wood burning kit there.... How times have changed G Wonder what happens to those that purchased extended warranties on their products....?
  21. Shame a US company swallowed up this Canadian firm..... The writing was in the wall years ago. Glad I got out when I did. G
  22. Ohhhh I have got to try those breads... Just showed the wife the pictures and she says she will try making some up! Sweet! This is my weekend off work, so naturally we did our shopping. No frills had Brussel sprouts and green beans on sale.... I have been prepping and blanching them for the last 2 hours.... (I bought a lot) getting them ready for the freezer... Lyndsey was busy making soup... We had some leftover ham from the other night, she was busy simmering the bone and left over meat. so tonight's supper is split pea and ham soup, we picked up a nice baguette, as well as a salad... I will post up some pictures if I get the chance later. G
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