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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Wife and I have already been bite this year.... It's gonna be a bad one
  2. Very nice, this year I have planted 3 yellow cherry, two beefsteak and 4 early girl tomatoes, two rows of beans and two rows of peas, I am also attempting asparagus for the first time. In the side garden I'm planting potatoes again. Still have half a garden to plant... Need to look for something that doesn't mind shade. G
  3. It's a load of crap. Gas was 99.4 here.... Jumped to 111.9 overnight. What a crock. G
  4. Located in Brighton,work in Belleville. former licensed carpenter. (Changed careers for better pay ) Willing to lend a hand if your within a reasonable distance. I have also rebuilt a boat (my own! Mind you from the ground up).... Willing to lend a hand, or offer a bit of advice. G
  5. Happy to hear yeah caught something man! Don't mind some of the purists here.... They forget fishing is supposed to be enjoyable and not political. Good job man, and I hope you catch the quarry you were targeting... Can't wait to read the report when you do. Keep on, keeping on. KCCO G
  6. another boring night shift, slugging away...

  7. That's just cool! Thanks for spending the time to put it up. That little man will never forget the trips with dad. G
  8. How did asking advice about their calls turn into this? Outdoorsman vs. outdoorsman.. I was hoping to get solid advice. G
  9. They work...... Just make sure, it is up before you take off! Seen a couple of folks forget.... Not nice. G
  10. Looks like someone has taken their puck and has gone home..... Too bad.... Game on!
  11. That's was pretty funny, thanks for the chuckle I liked the rager, too funny G
  12. A lot of good info here that's guys! NAW that's a good read! I hope to find some good documentaries that explain the various calls as well... YouTube here I come! (I'm a documentary freak) G
  13. Thanks FnF... But was wanting more info on their calls etc. Wikipedia is a good resource however for the basics G
  14. Hey guys I have some questions about Coyotes, seems I have a bunch of them out back. But I have questions regarding their behaviour and their randomness! First off if anyone has a good resource on coyote behaviour and what their various calls mean I would appreciate it, it would help me understand these animals. They seem to just start freaking out for no reason... Everything is dead calm and still all of a sudden the pack breaks out yelping, sounds like dozens of them. This will last for 30 seconds. Then everything is right back to dead calm, not a peep. Other times I hear them howling (didn't know they did this) you will soon hear several others begin to howl, then the yelping starts again.... And dies quickly. Then they will Yelp for several long minutes (I'm assuming after a kill?) almost sounds like they are fighting. As I have what heard what sounds to be injured dogs afterwords whining and crying as if in pain... I enjoy hearing the haunting echos in the late evening and nighttime... And I hope they stick around.... Sometimes it sounds like they are 10 feet away! Pretty sure we have a couple of packs out back... I'm just wondering if there is a resource to try and understand what is going on out in the bush. Thanks folks. G
  15. I would agree with Rick here.... So long as it stays positive. Discussion is good. G
  16. While I agree charges should have been laid. There is a different dynamic at play here... And it's political. Two different set of rules. Sad that a family is missing a son and a father. G
  17. What is it B? Hard to tell from the pic..... A person?
  18. Please do post a recipe! This is relevant to my interests. G
  19. FOOD! I am going to make this dish... Lord love a duck.... I will make this happen. Thanks for this Chris!... I knew all those years of drinking the leftover pickle juice would amount to something!.... We've all done it.. G
  20. My condolences to Leslie and thier family. Kevin was From all accounts a hard working man providing for his family.... I'm sure his loss is great, to those that counted upon him. He touched a lot of people's lives... Directly and indirectly... Rest in peace Kevin Cameron. Leslie I'm sure you know the OFC community is there to help. We take care of our own. G
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