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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Video says something about Russia...... This JUST happen In Quebec as well.... Just read it on the CBC.... Insane the brutality we impose on each other... http://www.cbc.ca/m/news/topstories/quebec-city-protesters-shot-directly-with-tear-gas-1.3011873 Edit to add.... Appears these are both the same reports.... By different news agencies. One being Russia Today.... On the CBC link I provided is a raw unedited version. I for one wish we had the balls to stand up like those in Quebec do... G
  2. Mobile skin working good here.... And never any ads
  3. I'd murder that soup of yours too.... It would be a bloodbath by baguette!..... There would be no survivors. G
  4. Shag..... I would destroy that! A nice crusty bread and some fresh cracked black pepper... Drooling here! G
  5. I wonder.... Baked or fried? After seeing this it makes the video of the pike bite look like licking an ice cream cone... G
  6. Thought some might be interested in this. http://www.cbc.ca/m/news/canada/ottawa/topstories/re-introduced-elk-population-on-the-rise-east-of-ottawa-1.3005533 G
  7. The EX trim package is nice. My FIL just bought the same model in a really nice burgundy colour (love the different paint options Kia offers, compared to their competition) leather, heated seats all around etc etc... One little feature we really liked are the retractable rear window screens.... Perfect for when you have little kids! They retract into the door! A handy little extra on those sunny days. All in all I think you made a good choice.... Albeit I'm biased as I am a Kia Sorrento owner. Enjoy your new ride! Add a few pics to this thread once you take possession G
  8. While I can't testify about the Hyudai... I can say I am very happy with our Sorrento as a daily driver... I don't have a boat to tow anymore, so I was unable to comment on that. But I know the features and extras you get are far better then Hyundai... Congrats on the new car!
  9. Xbmc with the navix add on. Works for us here G
  10. Give it a go..... You won't be disappointed I promise! Ohhhhhh and I tried your rib recipe it was friggen good!!!! I had a couple slabs in the freezer, pulled me out and realized too much ribs for my slow cooker!!! So I used a electric Turkey cooker we got at our wedding LOL.... They were friggen awesome!!!! While I smoke ribs in the summer... This was a good method for the winter months! Just finished up a potato and bacon soup..... Bacon was on sale... I'll have to post up a recipe after I wake up ( just came off nights at work) As for the tenderlion..... I'm craving IT now.... It's like pork candy!!!! Mmmmmm G
  11. That's what I am talking about.... Pork tenderloin. Sorry for the confusion G
  12. MY favorite way to prepare pork tenderloin is too use strong garlic sauce.... Make sure you get the strong It comes in jars from VH. Use a meatloaf pan and add your tenderloin, then pour the sauce over the loin.... Put it in the oven. I promise you the best pork tenderloin you've ever eaten. G Edited to clear up the confusion.
  13. Weird.... Watched Dr.Oz with the wife today.... And guess what the topic was..... Oz sees the benefit of weed over opiates..... G
  14. Could the same not be achieved with a gas unit? Gas is cheap
  15. No no.... Balut....... I had many Filipino friends in the hammer... I made the mistake of trying this. I would rather consume bear turd then EVER try this again. Just Thinking about it makes me wanna hurl... G
  16. I listen to everything.... Except country lol! It's whiney pop music.... No thanks. And to prove it I saw Lil' Wayne live..... I like it all.... But country. Lol G
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