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Everything posted by akaShag

  1. If you are going to do bacon (back bacon or side bacon) you need a curing salt. PERIOD. If you don't use a curing salt, you can have smoked pork loin (most delicious) or smoked pork belly (not my idea of a good time), but you won't have bacon. As for chips, for bacon I use hickory. Doug
  2. I have been off-line mostly for the last few weeks. Back to Brian, I generally use apple chips for smoking pork. And I often marinate the pork in apple juice, garlic, and maple syrup before smoking. Smoked roast pork loin is FABULOUS. Doug
  3. Yes, very close to Perth, between Rideau Ferry and Perth. Don't recall if they have electrical sites.
  4. Luhr Jensen Little Chief. And then send me a note for my bacon recipes.......? I think I have posted one or two of them here, but not positive about that. Doug
  5. WOWZA!!! You're a machine, Dave! Doug
  6. John Slade, RIP indeed. I fished with him a number of times, what a great guy! Doug
  7. "Free advice is often worth what you paid for it." ?
  8. All you have to clean in an electric smoker is the racks. Before you use that smoker for the first time with food in it, you should put a couple pans of smoke through it EMPTY to burn off any chemicals/solvents/etc from the manufacturing process. Doug
  9. Yes, guilty as charged sir. Me too. I have done whole chickens before, just never tried that big a bird and was worried that it would be burned on the outside and raw in the middle. The thigh temp was higher than I liked it, but the breast temp was not up to "cooked" for about 15 minutes longer. But even the drumsticks were fine, nothing dried out. And I made a lovely GRAVY out of the pan juices!!! Doug
  10. First time for me, yesterday I cooked a whole turkey (12 pounds) in the BBQ, Brushed it all over with EVO, added a bit of Montreal Chicken Spice, put it in an aluminum roasting pan with two cups of chicken broth and some Cardamon seeds, and left the two outer burners going, middle two off, for a couple hours. Temp gauge on the BBQ read about 375 F. I put aluminum foil over the bird for the second hour. It came out beautiful golden brown and moist meat. And no heat in my kitchen! And no, I did not take a photo, never thought of it until I was already carving the bird...............
  11. That will make an excellent sandwich Brian. Might need salt and pepper, and a bit of lettuce........
  12. I missed the link AND the walleye in the photos..............sorry about your diagnosis.............
  13. Looks like a vegan fishless fish dish?????????????????
  14. Yep. Beat the snot out of rowing those tired old hulks back and forth across the lake!
  15. Many moons ago I had a Honda 2 horse. It was a fabulous motor, and saw yeoman service pushing heavy boats across a lake into our deer camp. I was just thinking the other day it might be fun to get a small boat into some of the lakes around here............ Now to see if the local dealer has any or can find one! Doug
  16. wind gusting to 50 mph = no bugs! Speaking of which, funny thing, I was up at my camp today doing some work and was hardly bothered by bugs at all, just a few deer flies. Guess the bugs took the holiday off..........
  17. Eastern Ontario has had about ten feet of rain this spring, and there is standing water everywhere. In the woods, the mosquitoes will just about carry you away. I look like the goalie for a dart team........... Doug
  18. Hey Dave, all work and no play, etc etc............ How are the bugs? Doug
  19. Brian, you can import smoked whitefish to Kingston, no problems................?
  20. Youngest son and I were booked into a camp on Lac Hebert with Air Tamarac for the first week of June. His work cancelled his vacation for a major factory installation job, and I lost my deposit. Looks like we did not miss that much in the fishing department, but I sure as hell want to go back!!!! THANKS for the report! Doug
  21. Looks like it already has a name? If not, Chief Crazy Eyes.
  22. People said this about the cod on the Grand Banks, the West Coast salmon, moose here in Ontario, caribou in northern Quebec/Labrador, etc. For that matter a decade ago Ontario's biologists allowed up to six deer tags per hunter, and did not turn off the taps when the numbers started to crash. We had two bad winters in a row, and the deer, at least here in Southeastern Ontario, are only now getting back to a normal population. We humans are pretty effective harvesters of fish and game.........and when we KNOW that something is a poor practice conservation-wise, even if it is legal, we should try to help out the species when we can. Just sayin'...........
  23. he's lucky he got a warning and not a hefty fine!!!!!
  24. yes and that is what worries me sick...............?
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