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Everything posted by akaShag

  1. Guilty. But stuff I don't eat: many vegetables (Vegetables are what FOOD eats); any kind of fake food like tofu burgers. You want a burger, eat a burger, not some kind of modified chemically-enhanced piece of laboratory plant-based experiment. And most stuff I see in those photos of Asian food markets. Like this stuff:
  2. Hey Brian! When Fred is fat enough, I have agreat recipe for squirrel pot pie.😋 Doug
  3. Brian, that second one is called a Mini Chief. Never heard of that model before but it is smaller than a Little Chief, judging by capacity of only 15 lb. I guess that is a good price for the Big Chief. I bought mine twenty years ago or so for something over a hundred bucks, maybe $120ish.... Doug
  4. When I needed a new burner for the Little Chief, I got it from Canadian Tire. When I needed a new power cord for the Big Chief, I got it from Amazon.
  5. This is an EXCELLENT smoker. I had one for many years until it finally died, and replaced it with a Big Chief. They don't have the bells and whistles of a Bradley, but they are a great smoker at a price that doesn't break the bank. Doug
  6. Yep. You don't want to eat steak every night...........
  7. back to m2b2........ Rick, if I had some fresh walleye fillets they would be hitting a hot frying pan!!! But I hear you loud and clear about cooking them up different ways......... Doug
  8. OK. I guess I am old-fashioned and use teaspoons, tablespoons, and cups, etc etc. The only scale I have that is capable of that kind of precision is the one I use for loading ammunition. 😉
  9. Thanks! Just out of curiosity, how do you measure the stuff that is expressed as percentages? Doug
  10. Oh man, those look mouth-watering! It has been TOO LONG since I had a feed of fresh walleye! Doug
  11. Rick, other than your secret ingredient of minced bigugli, how did you make those? Doug
  12. You cut up bigugli and put him in dumplings? 😲
  13. Get well soon, Dave! And good luck with all of the maintenance projects! Doug
  14. These were all cottontails, and all head-shot, bang flop. No damaged meat, no adrenaline in the meat. But I still simmered them for a goodly long time before I made them into pot pies. And my Grandma Tenderflake made the pie crusts.......😉
  15. I have to say I envy you that! I have not had a feed of walleye in a while. Lots of perch, which I like almost as much. But my favourite is still crappies. 😋
  16. Well I am living up to OIM's prediction that covid causes expanding bellies and waistlines. Thankfully, I am not doing nearly that amount of baking as is our friend Brian!!! Tonight's supper is rabbit pot pie. I made a half dozen of them late last fall and this is the second last one. I WANTED to be serving fresh crappies tonight, but the crappies had other ideas yesterday, and today Mother Nature had other ideas. But one night this week, I intend to have a feed of fresh crappies!!! Doug
  17. I cook perch in many ways, but yes my favourite is deep-fried in Fish Crisp coating. I also serve them baked on top of pasta and rice, with various sauces. That is my wife's favourite perch dish, done with a cheese sauce in the oven and on top of rice. Doug
  18. Brian you are getting to be one hell of a baker!!! Last night's catastrophe was Newfie Fish Cakes. I didn't have any salt cod so I poached a bunch of perch fillets in the oven, then made up the cakes. They looked good, I floured them, and into a pan with a quarter inch of HOT vegetable oil. Long story short, they really did not get golden brown, they fell apart, and once they were cooked were almost burnt, and tasted of OIL. Hideous. A sad waste of some perfectly delicious small perch fillets! 😢 Doug
  19. Hey there Rick, good to "see" you! I noticed that you weren't joining in on the cooking topic you started way back when, but figured you were still laid low with your serious work injury you told me about a while back. Hope you are your crew are well, and yes, next time I am up your way we are GOING to go fishing!!! I had no moose to can this year, and no goose either, so when the time came to lay down a few jars in the impending pandemic apocalypse I ended up doing ground BEEF, and CHICKEN, and PORK sausages. Sad but true............mind you I did one batch of canned ground venison......... Doug
  20. Brian, have you tried the dry rub cure? It makes FABULOUS bacon. Side bacon, back bacon and yes indeed tenderloin bacon aka bacon candy. I use only maple chips when I am smoking any kind of bacon. Doug
  21. Coyote would be my guess. And they like to drop their turds on trails where people will see them.............
  22. Dave, how much ice do you still have? Not much slush? Doug
  23. Couldn't,s Monday Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, Google doesn't appear to be helpful on this one........ EDIT: Didn't look hard enough, found this: http://www.bonitaskitchen.com/recipe/traditional-newfoundland-couldnts/
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