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Everything posted by Tdel

  1. Very nice Fisher girl. Setting looks very serene and quiet with all the hustle and bustle left in the city or until everyone wakes up. Tom
  2. I looked up some info on the Niagara area and thought this might help you with the Divisions around the Niagara area. The Grey colour to the left of the 20 and 19 with an arrow is Division 16. Here are the regulations for smelting and the different divisions. All taken from the 2008 regulations. In the last image the OFC logo is covering this>No Open season>Zone>1,2,3,4,5, Algonquin Park in Zone 15. Limit>N/A. I hope this helps you. Tom.
  3. Hi Anatz, I wish I could help you but I haven't fished smelts near Niagara in a long time. Actually it was when I was in my late teens and early twenties at Niagara-On-The-Lake a long, long, time ago. When you mentioned Niagara it brought back fond memories of the good times and of friends who are no longer here. Smelts were plentiful and were legal to net when the run came in the spring as they were in most areas of Ontario if not all. I am sure someone on this site will bring you up to date on the current regulations and the different size of nets you are allowed to use. Thanks for bringing back fond memories!!! Tom.
  4. Usually I stay away from threads like these ones which lately, has been a lot. OFC is reminding me of "The Zoo" when it was around. All of this blocking of background, pm me and I will tell you, do as I do, don't give out any info, instigating, arguing, I'm right and your wrong kind of attitude isn't very friendly at all. What has happened here! Tom
  5. Yep, almost walked on one at Beausoleil Island main camp in the dark. It had been removed and tagged already. The rattler decided it would return just to make the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Out4Trout is exactly right. Rattle sounded like the noise a June Bug makes with it's wings. I have heard June Bugs before and have never had the hair on the back of my neck stand up but when I heard the Massasauga rattle I knew it was a rattle snake before I even saw it. They certainly don't sound like they do on t.v. The snake got another ride to the northern end of the Park. Tom
  6. Maybe next time Roger. I don't go to BPS too often but I am sure there will be another time. Tom.
  7. It didn't look like I would be able to go to Toronto today but my buddy was able to free himself up and called me this morning. He asked me to go with him to BPS today and check out some of the specials that were left. I picked up a few Berkley Power baits, Yum Walleye Grubs & VK Finesse Tubes, Slurpies, Bass Pro Shops Tournament Series Tripple Ripple Grubs, Northern King Lures, and a couple of Little Cleo's. I was able to listened in on Mark Kulik's seminar and watched a bass being filleted afterward. The fish seemed to really like the Berkley Gulp baits he was throwing in the tank. One of these days I am going to recognize someone from this site at one of these functions. I guess I will have to invest in some OFC apparel to stand out a bit more. Wearing my General Mills hat doesn't seem to be doing it. Tom.
  8. I was watching CNN last night and they were showing some downtown Atlanta damage at and near the CNN Center. They believed at the time that a tornado had damage the downtown area and "interrupted a basketball game". I can't believe that they were able to finish the game. Looked like a lot of debris on the street and a lot of people standing around. CNN only mentioned injuries and no deaths. Hopefully there were no serious injuries and all the people affected by the tornado are ok. Tom.
  9. I am feeling the pinch and I have a small car. I feel sorry for those driving tanks. Gas prices today in Midland > Noco > $1.119 and SuperStore > $1.10.7 Prices in Penetang have to be higher because they usually are higher. Tom
  10. Yep as far as I know there is Maureen (motv8r) & Wayne (Irishfield) who are the prominent board members. Then there is me. What would you like to know? Tom.
  11. Congratulations Maureen. I cringe everytime I find out I have to go to Toronto. With your new job you shouldn't have to worry all day long about the crazy drivers down there doing the unexpected, until you are going to and from work. Tom.
  12. Hard to believe that you got snow down there and up here in the "snow belt" not a flake of the white stuff last night. The winter storm warning is still continuing for our area but maybe if we cross our fingers we won't get hit. If we do get dumped on today I hope we get as much as you did because enough is enough and I am ready for spring. By the way I thought all snow storms come from Canada. Lately they all seem to come from the south. What's up with that? Tom
  13. Heard on the news ...... oil fire in Texas. OPEC decided not to increase oil production to cover shortage therefore price goes up. Tom.
  14. You would probably notice ONFC members who have OFC stickers on their boats,trucks and tackle boxes or wearing OFC apparel listed on the link below: OFC Apparel As for the trout ...... I don't fish trout very often but when I do I don't use a leader. I usually fish with worms or spawn. When I use a lure it is an old kwikfish or flatfish coloured skunk. Tom
  15. It looked like it was going to quiet down after I posted. The snow slowed down and the wind died out. Didn't take long to for it to start up again. Seems to have it's ups and downs. Lew the amount of snow today is suppose to be around 6 inches which would be a piece cake to handle up here. The snowfall we had over the weekend, a couple of weeks ago was about 3.5 ft here. You definitely don't want to be on any highway when the winds are high and it is snowing. It is a deadly combination for sure. Tom.
  16. Lots of snow and gusting wind here. Total whiteout when the wind is blowing. I know you would not want to be caught out in this stuff. Stay safe. Tom
  17. Dan, when I saw the ice breaker I was expecting to see the same colours of the ship in your picture. The breaker that was breaking up the ice in Midland today was a U.S. Coast Guard ice breaker flying Canadian and U.S. flags. I looked up the ship numbers on the net and it matched up to the US Coast Guard ice breaking tug "Katmai Bay". I should learn to bring my camera with me whenever I go out. I think I would have gotten some great shots when the tug was emerging from the blowing snow. I will never learn that opportunistic shots are always waiting out there for me, especially when I don't have my camera with me. Tom
  18. Midland and Penetanguishene has snow coming down and blowing around pretty good, not very nice out there, especially on the Bays. Midland Bay has 3 ice huts on it right now. As I was having my coffee and looking out over the bay, I saw a coast Guard ice breaker appear out of the blowing snow around 10:45 am. I was waiting to see if anyone would come out of the huts to look around but no one did. I guess they didn't hear or feel anything. Ice is being broken up near the center of the bay, right up to and including the town dock. Be careful if venturing out. Tom
  19. I don't know how thick the ice is but there are two ice huts out there and about 5 people fishing on the ice today. Tom.
  20. All that whining must of worked because I just got my card in the mail this afternoon too. Tom.
  21. I also bought my 3 year small game and fishing licence online Nov 29th/07 and I am still waiting for the card to arrive in the mail. I was wondering if I was alone waiting for the card but I guess I am not the only one. Good thing I printed out the licence. Tom
  22. Hi Dan, I don't get out as often as I would like to take pictures. A lot of times I would plan to go out and charge the batteries for the camera, then the weather would turn bad or something else would come up to prevent me from going. It felt like I was wasting the batteries by charging, not using, then having them drain. With these R2 batteries it looks like this "problem" has been solved for me. No more missed kodak moments. No more charging, draining and re-charging. Tom
  23. My NI-MH batteries for my Canon camera (SI S2) died on me and I went looking for replacements around August/07. I saw these Panasonic NI-MH R2 Batteries at Future Store which had great reviews but seemed a little expensive to me. I liked the fact that Panosonic stated these batteries (after the initial charge) would not have to be charged before using the camera only after and would hold their charge when in storage for about 6 months. In other words charge after use not before. In fact it stated that you could use the batteries right after opening the package or top them up with a re-charge. I don't always believe what I read but decided to buy them and give them a try. I was tired of seeing a "Kodak Moment"and grabbing the camera to take a couple of shots only to find out that the batteries were dead. When I bought these R2 batteries and got them home I charged them up. I haven't re-charged the batteries since that initial charge. I didn't use my camera a lot from that time but I did use it. I pulled my camera out yesterday and put the batteries in and guess what, they were still charged up. Wow!! I can't believe they went this long without a re-charge. If I had used the regular NI- MH batteries in my camera I know they would have been definitely dead and in need of a re-charge. I thought I would pass this along in case anyone else was considering buying these batteries. I think they are great. Tom
  24. Maureen .......... a friend of mine picked up two 2008 Fishing Fishing Regulation booklets at Canadian Tire in Midland on Sunday afternoon. He said they were the last two. Tom
  25. Yep, definitely white out there and kind of chilly. Best of luck to both of you and hope you get the big one. I might take a drive down by the lake and look for the only boat out there. Tom
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