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Everything posted by capt bruce
Diawa Sealine , been running on my charter boat so you know they take abuse , never had a problem and when I had a little trouble no prob getting a replacement under warrenty from Diawa . have two or three that have held up for many years NO PROBLEM ..
Not me but Im sure SID did , split the D , looked to me like two guys going you hit him NO NO not me you hit him , oh look he scored , what a great play , NOT ...
Vin dude I cant help you , 3 years ago my second oldest son moved in his than girl friend soon to be wife , badabomb badabing , she leaves and we now have a cat ???? He leaves and marrys his new friend , they have been together now 2 years ,wish them well, but STILL I HAVE A CAT !!! , wife says cat is not much trouble calm down , ya untill who cleans the shitt$$ oh no its litter box !!Now youngest son has moved in his soon to be wife , guess what , YA SHE BRINGS A CAT, IM NOW THE UNPROUD OWNER OF TWO OF THESE PESTS !!!!! . What can I say if its good for the children , we are the bigger people , leave it at that "cats dont live in your life forever, children DO "... and I have two huge dogs wife dont complain too much about them ,soo its "damn whats that smell", time to clean the cats st** , WHY ME ...
NO ONE CAME NEAR HIM !!!!! I love Sid great player but when no one will even give you a tough stick check you gonna score . Just dont think any one who watched will say he played a 2 goal game . Everyone on the ice did their best to not run in to him . Sid was playing in an allstar game , shinny on the pond NO HITTING "SHOULD I SAY NO CHECKING ALLOWED "!!! Glad to see him back but who will be the guy with the B22ls to check him hard , " NO ONE" kid will be scoreing champ if all the games he plays are like this . If this gets any worse the nhl with have to make a rule about KISSING players around the net, no kissing the other teams best player when in 3 meters of the crease if his name is SID (humping his leg will get you a double minor). just mho ,, good your back Sid but we got Steckel , ring my bell ring my bell !!
Mike tho we have never met I feel I know you as I know so many here . I will fish with ya any time, you allway have a seat on my boat , your posts are the best,never negative , I read everything you write . I lost my dad 5 years ago , tho i say hes lost he still speaks to me in my dreams and in the way I do things and how I raise my family , hes not lost, hes just in another place. Im so sorry to hear this and I wish you the best in getting on with your life without him , tho I believe he will allways be in you , and the way you live and the way your family lives their lifes . My prayers go out to you , B
He didnt grow up to lie , do we have to kill eatch fish to make you guys stop yapping . dare anyone here to produce a fish of even 3/4 of those proportions, wow so many haters !!????
When I was young and before being a father all the fish I hooked WERE MINE !!! after my first child all the fish I hooked were theirs . Ron is the best, someone to look up to, a role model we all should resepct and learn from .
Just had a very very scarey thought , TJ and LEW dressed as the guitar player in ac/dc, beanys and all , holding Rons hand as he steps up to give his speach . great work Ron we are losing so many shore fishing spots ,soon only people with boats and deep pockets for launch fees will be able to fish most lakes .
Dan dude you say it best , I allso would like to say thanks , no need to get to name calling etc. etc. , the facts are the facts , and without them its all just he said she said , bring on the facts so we can make an educated choice , seams lots of guys are hot about this , so help us out with facts not bull , take all that Testosterone and put it to good use and maybe help out instead of just sitting back in your lawn chairs and shoot crap at the people that are trying !!!!! 35 years fishing in the great lakes and still I will never say I know it all , but what we have is no where near what we could have, if only we could put together a plan that takes all in to consideration, damn when will all sit down and get our st7T together , B
Solo the bonds you make now will last a life time .The boy looks like he has learned alot all ready, soon he will be outfishing you , Bill you better find a new partner as me Thinks Solo has one for life . Like father like son , no longer Solo , now its me and mine , WE WENT OUT TO THE RIVER ETC. ETC.
You got yourself a good man ,LMAO ,(damn B Im not your Bit%bh but all I can say is your uncle loved ya,so im sticking up for ya) how did he fool you , Knew his Pa and his uncles and grandad, cant believe a great women like you fell for him , maybe you got a a FLU some kind of fever ???,lmao, you know i wish you guys all the best , Have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETTY , Ive met most of the family and all expect for him (lol) were good people , the jury is still out about Brian ,but I think with his being with you ,he makes the grade .Have a great day , you have married into a great family who I know loves you .Happy birthday to you ... B
My friends have a deer camp in manooth , ive wrote about it before . Deer , bear , moose , and birds ,lots of fishing 5 or 6 lakes within walking distance for lakers , brookies ,eyes ,smallys,perch and even a little bit of rabbit's when things are slow .We had two or three of these varmits raiding the camp . bring home a stringer of eyes leave them out on the cutting board for breakfest , wake up to one or two full fish and two three heads ??? hang a deer and some thing chewed on the legs ,whole rabbits taken off the line , WHAT IS UP , When we went after these guys , we figgered these would be easy to kill as they have no fear of man ,run right up to you hissing and barking like an out of control lap dog. but after checking out if we could kill these buggers , it was NO GO ,mnr guy comes by at least once a month to our camp , as he knows we are good and wants to know what we have seen and how we are doing , allways help out these guys as we have nothing to hide and because at least one or two of us are in the bush most hunting days we can tell them whats going on .So to deal with this problem we changed up to paint ball guns , tho fast movers there were still lots of purple and red martins/fishers for a few weeks around the camp , and we found after a hit or two they moved on to better areas.But we still have many vids from the trail cams of (and my Boyys run on the extra large size, funny to see a 2 hundred pound guy running for his life from a 3 /4 pound varmit) , running back from the out house with a Wiesell on their tail. They are tough guys not afraid of much , but paint them purple or red and they run like chickens with Col Sanders on their tail . lmao
Speil say in isnt so , what do you know about MALE FALLFISH at spawning time , not that there is anything wrong with that .Speil in rubber ducky suit wadeing in admongst all the fallfish , lmao ...
Our Lager,(canadain stuff not that water amercians drink, thank thy lord for this) Which art in barrels, Hallowed be thy drink, Thy kegdom come, I fill thee mug, At home, as in the tavern. Give us this day, our foamy head, And forgive us our spillings, As we forgive those who spill upon us, And lead us not into inebriation, But deliver us from hangovers,
Pull over sir , you have been stopped by the post police !!!! "GOOD GRIEF" , GOOD "The distinction between positive and negative entities , Grief, is a multi-faceted response to loss, particularly to the loss of someone or something to which a bond was formed. Although conventionally focused on the emotional response to loss, it also has physical, cognitive, behavioral, social, and philosophical dimensions. While the terms are often used interchangeably, bereavement refers to the state of loss, and grief is the reaction to loss. NO SUCH THING AS GOOD GRIEF , you sir must sit in the post box for 5 new topics . carry on , but beware the post police are whatching ....
As A card burying I ment carrieing member of Pe%ta , How can you call this art when so so many poor poor horses have to go to school without any shoes , think of all these shoeless equines , walking thu the cold cold ground without any footwear because some artist guy / women , used them for this . Save the horses shoes now !!!!!! occupy the black smiths now
Even worse if he gets up on the Mother-in-laws leg , down Roy down Roy oh mom hes just a little fiskey, PAUL PAUL GET YOUR DOG , lmao
Ya Lew I love my boat hate that I had to move back into a house after liveing on the boat for so many years, the house was for my children me and the wife and the dogs stayed on the boat almost allways ., first time this year boat was out of the water for so so long last time I took her out was 1998 , not gonna miss the cold cold walks to the showers in the mornings in Feb., was my dream to go around the globe when I retired , not in the boat I have now , gas being what it is , but tradeing up to maybe a 50 foot sailboat , go aroud the bottom of Africa , south america, into the Pacific , I guess when you were in the navy you did all that, but you never know Im not gone yet and my wife is still game you never know ,
ya but Roy dont think Joey would go for your licking your .... J I have two of the largest Bouviers you have ever seen Bov on a good days is 140 and Ollie is easy 160 , even on my boat (42 foot sport fish) they take up the whole back deck , tho they are old now (13 years) they love it in the boat, took them on many trips on the boat, to Jamaica , all the southern states , I have taken my boat to greenland with them , before I got sick every 2 or 3 years we went to spend the winter somewear in the boat . best fishing partners I ever had . Maybe expect for the time I pulled into Youngstown to gas up for the trip back to TO and as I was getting On plane I looked back and no dogs on the deck , as I said they are hard to miss ,Turned aroud and there they were setting on the end of the gas dock waiting for me to return . Dogs require lots of time , not like a cat you cant go away for the weekend and just leave them , but I have snuck them up the back stairs in many a hotel/motel camping site etc. if I can hide two monsters one dog of normal size should not be too much trouble, like they say dogs are mans best friend .If you put in the time to train them never been a problem with me and fishing .
I use a piece of dowel thru a can when the mouse walks out onto the dowel , can spins mouse falls , no water in the pail I use anti-freeze . Got the design I remember from TJ I think ..Lots of cloves cant stand the smell of moth balls , not that cloves are much better .
AH shucks you found me out !!
This is one site that you are given many chances , its not just one guy , if you get deleted (I know this all too well , and still Im here because it was desearved)not because one guy did not like you , was because you insulted the whole community . This comes from someone who knows . This is a great place run by great guys/girls , if ya dont like it close and find some where else . B
Joe Im usually in the know but what the f!!! does gufuffal mean ??? done lots of research cant find out????
Irish I can not believe someone on this forum questioning your Credibility, to all out there this guy is the real thing . He has helped out all and any who have asked his help , if he said he did something its a given that he has /did . Hope you and yours are good , sure you cant talk her into posting the "Rain Dance" lol . You my friend are at the top of the line of people that make this world a great place , I know you dont care what this guy has said BUT you desearve so so much better .