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capt bruce

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Everything posted by capt bruce

  1. Dont ya love it when A plan works out . Great buck , a really nice mature Ont buck , nice work bro . Bet your son was proud , great to see him out there with the deer , we have to keep up the traditions , children who hunt and fish with thier parents DO NOT SHOOT EATCH OTHER IN THE SCOOL YARDS .
  2. As someone who will go way out of my way TO NEVER TOUCH any bug , this warning is unnessary , I HATE BUGS , . But for people with children and those out there that find bugs interesting (Im sure theres help for this) great heads up , so many plants and bugs that can hurt you if your not aware .
  3. SO I'M BETTER TO CRUSH HIS LITTLE SKULL ???? So much for the wife coming fishing with me. She hates it when i have to take the hook out, she'll never stand for bonkin them IF you intend to eat the fish , you have to kill it unless you have a way of eating them alive ??? if you are not going to eat the fish release it after a quick pic , if its a keeper a quick slice across the gills , after you remove gills blead fish over side of boat and than put in cooler of ice . its fishing guys not rocket building . Cant see why this is getting so much attention , YOU CANT TRAVELL WITH LIVE FISH , easy to understand !!!!?????
  4. "Let he who has ne'er seen a fish flop in his kitchen sink cast the first stone." LOL your right there I have had bass taken from my wet well and placed in cooler on ice come back to life in my sink after 2 hour trip home , after that Happening I gill all the keepers now and put on ice as they are caught . But this is not a WOW FISH CAME BACK ALIVE , he admittes to running air pump to make sure they were alive , BIG BIG dif . As a co a few fish with no water that return from to dead is ALOT different than a guy who is knowing trying to keep fish alive. I know this guy is a good guy who just didnt know what he did was wrong , I will bet the fort that he does not do this again just a case of not knowing . WE PAY FOR A licence ,please guys read the rules that you paid to follow .
  5. "Clearance is like throwing a wiener down a hallway. " glad I read further thought this was a thread about my sex life .carry on
  6. great picture , you capture the spirt of the moment . Would be proud to have one of your works on my wall , we need to talk .
  7. "Time to throw out Wilson" that time was last year WHY does Burke hang on to this guy , Cant and Wont coach youg guys , get free of him Burke , we need a coach that can bring out the best in our young guys !!!!!
  8. Hes a good player but he is trying way to hard got to relax out there , he knows our offence is slim , he has to go back to what was working in preseason , just has to relax , lossen up the grip on his stick and make those passes he is so able to , hard place to play but if you do good lots of upside . Hes still young has tons of talent Im sure he will come around . Now who is Burke after , cant wait to see , team is headed in right direction , give Burke some time , even the Philly game was better than any last year , fun team to watch .
  9. Spent the weekend in Manooth not hunting just hanging out but we did get a huge bag of mushrooms , and we saw deer every day , my buddy has 250 acres and he would let you set up there lol. Cant believe how much Avery has grown , a real chip off the old block . Its like he has grown up in front of us , great to get him out for trips like this , and bonus he can clean the birds . Its great to see young people carrying on the Canadian Traditions as my father learned from his father and I learned from him and Im now teaching my sons , kids that hunt and fish and enjoy time in the woods DONT END UP IN JAIL . Its nice to see a big buck hanging up on the rack , but time spent with family and a great bunch of guys , cant be beat,harvesting a deer is just a reason for going . Great report and again I have to say wow has Avery ever grown up , Im sure your one proud Daddy . B
  10. Spiel my point is made in spades (damn can I say that) now thats two double lattes Im owed ... LMAO love you guys (in a nice manly way) HOOAH
  11. "Well, I came here for the women! Ontario Female Network was what I thought I saw... then I saw Joey in a cooler and thought, hmmmm, they know how to treat women here! I think I'll stay!" LMAO Joe , if I said something like that Spel would lock down and punish me ... You owe me a full coffee as I spit and dropped what wasnt in my mouth all over my keyboard , things like this is what keeps me comeing back , if we cant laugh at ourselves who can we laugh at , the fact that most people here have such thick skins and can laugh along makes this such a special place ..that was a star bucks double latte .....
  12. Cliff I will never get tired of that song , graet piece of work , you should be proud , that song says so much about what IS RIGHT about this site that TJ has put together , and TJ you rock allso , without you this place would go to the dogs like so many other sites I have tried , no body has a site that has so many ACTIVE members , keep up the good work T so guys like me bored at work have something to do all day lmao ...
  13. last year we used the 25 honda on christmas day out off the nuke plant , and it ran all summer like a top , self draining as I didnt do anything special , loaded boat on trailer after fishing all day in cold cold weather, and home we went , was COLD that day but fishing in the steam got us a mixed bag of browns , sheepies , white bass and one huge eye .Never gave it a thought , but reading this thread maybe I should of , allways thought they drained , the small boat stays in the unheated garage all winter with the honda on it ,I just give it a good fogging on the last day of use and put her away in the garage . Hope Ive been doing it right , have not had any problems so far , plan on fishing the nuke more times this winter , will be watching this thread in case I need to learn something .
  14. If this was directed at me , sorry if I came off blameing the police , they have been very Sympathetic ,but they have to(I do not know why when its cut and dryed its them) serve and protect the "bad" guys too. To me these guys should be in jail and my family should be allowed to sleep at nights ,as it is now I sleep on the couch with a bat , when things(bricks , rocks , metel bars , thank god so far nothing on fire) come flying thru one of my windows I run out ,but so far have not been able to catch anyone.I know the police have a tough job BUT !!!!! what did I do to deserve this ,work in same job for 37 years , payed all my taxes never even had a speeding ticket , now my family cant sleep for the fear they will be burned in their beds ,because they would not give away there phones ???????????
  15. Ive have sort of the same problem , crazy if you ask me but I see no end to this without someone getting very hurt , . My sons 16 and 18 came home from a party late a few weeks ago , on the corner of our street is an all night 7-11 store , after getting off bus they went to the store to grab a pop and some chips , when they came out of store two guys (cant be racist here ) said hey you honkeys give us your phones . I know what I would do but I told my sons do not confront anyone just get in the house safe . They made it home but I was awoken by the sound of a garbage can crashing thu my front plate glass window (1200 dollars to the insurence ) . My sons were all sorry dad we didnt do anything (you almost get ROBBED and ITS YOUR fault). went to store got info on guys called police (they live on the next street).Its been two weeks still no help from police(they charged them but than let them go untill court) seven broken windows (insurence has said look for someone else as they would not be renewing ????!!!!!)later and still no help from police , WHAT IM I TO DO ????? let these punks run me out of the HOOD I LIVED IN AND PAIDED TAXES for 35 years, ITS MY HOOD NOT THEIRS , never paid nor will they pay any taxes in their sorry lives . Sad sad day for good people , hope things work out better for you than they have for me , Gonna take my family and move away from this soon ,its all I can do IM not Mr Kersey(you know the guy from death wish , but I wish I was , I have even been told by police to stay away from these "BOYS"!!!!!!) ,call me racist (man I am the last person who should be labled such)Im not racist call me I dont know ,Familyist , I have a real hate on right now for people that have no familys and do not know whats RIGHT AND WORNG, NO FATHERS NO THANKSGIVEING ,NO GET TOGETHERS ,NO CHRISTMAS, NO SENCE OF WHAT IS NICE !!!!!!! as I said hope it works out better for you , but I do not see any end to the mess Im in but hurt ... How does this happen ???
  16. AS for the trade for Kessel , would you trade Kardi for him (7th overall wasnt he,this is what Burke thought he was giveing), leafs did not think they would finish last , any one even a first over all is not a sure thing (maybe this draft it was , but they did not think they were giveing up 1st overall) Kessel is a SURE thing ,best leaf along with Versteeg in a long long time would make this trade any day .
  17. Scot Stevens , dont see too many head hits or blind sides , He hit you face on , if you were stupid enough to cross the blue and didnt look up well ,wellcome to the I see stars all around my head club, but Scot did not hit from behind , didnt need too great skater and hard hard body , wish Dion would watch some films and learn.
  18. Billy , no not gonna be sucked into this , see Ive learned to behave . Nice day hope it does'nt rain
  19. EAsy I could tell you of the night in 83 going across lake O from TO to Port Dalhousie in the night to pick up my week end charters and putting my 43 footer on its side in 12 foot + waves and the boat getting hit by lightening , but hurricane hazel ,I was less than 12 (dont want say how old Im am) tree hit house , house half way up first floor full of water (we lived in what now is the don valley than),The street outside was a rageing river, all 10 of us on second floor hopeing roof will stay on , my mother was the best ,we sang songs ,played games , after I had the greatest memories of a great family night, forgot about how afraid I was we were all gonna get washed away . Funny how no matter how bad it gets , Mothers allways know what to do .
  20. That was not a "Belly boat " just Daves BELLY , dont need no boat . Great show , my buddy does this at the islands in the spring and he tells me what a blast it is to get a 40"+ pike face to face pulling you around .
  21. Does it get any better than this , A guy calling himsel "BILLYBOB" calling Canada's goverment socialist/communist like GBW said " Git'r'dun".. Hot damn i love this place lol , Billy I know Dara was just kidding and we were just haveing some good Canadian fun but socialist/communist goverment , to insult all of canada is going a bit far , how about your war mongering pompous we will have the whole world live under our rules or else we will blow them up Goverment , will take "Socialist/communist" anyday , sorry got to go as I have a free Doctors appointment to keep and Im not even sick ... lmao ...
  22. Are they better than last year ??? Looks like it but we will see tonight Montreal was missing some key guys so will not go by win last night . Play offs still a year away , without any draft picks , maybe longer , long time laf I mean leaf fan ,I was alive to see their last cup , ya Im real old , Still I will watch every game and chear for them , but I feel my heart breaking again , will be fun to compare the results in this poll in march .. Go Leafs GO
  23. What can you say ,dude is a stud , class guy all the way !!!!!
  24. Flapping , sorry to hear about the dent in your van .
  25. Gbw , come on now dont be picking on poor Dara , Dara dude I would gladly allow you and your sister , sorry I ment to say wife(sorry I missed the wedin was getting my anal warts taken to that day), to park your trailer in my yard and we could get my old women to boil up a big batch of hog jowls and greens and between sipps of some 150 proof corn squeezeings we could plot the take over of all them over edgamcated liberal comie , moslems loveing city fokes. HEE HAW
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