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capt bruce

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Everything posted by capt bruce

  1. Again in that water they did NOT SEE THE HOOK IN THE FRONT AND BECAUSE of this they slammed it , ouch fish i bet that hurt .. As I said red hooks become allmost invisable , but the back hook trailing behind even tho hard to see was still easy to tell it was there .. JUST LIKE I SAID >>
  2. You in league with my wife ..lol .. The red hook thing , red is the hardest color to see under water ( look it up ) so if you make your hooks inviseable or at least hard to see MAYBE , yes maybe your bait will look more natural ??? But to think a FISH can put color together with BLOOD , not a chance ,fish DO NOT KNOW WHAT BLOOD IS by sight. You and me go shark fishing .. I give you a can of BRIGHT RED PAINT,PICK YOUR BRAND and shade, I get a bucket of real blood colored any color you want blue green yellow you name it .. we pour it over the side .. WHO WINS >>> Dude IM not KVD but I have fed my family 5 kids all thru colledge by fishing , many here know me , you clean my boat for two weeks , and I guar·an·tee you will learn how to clean a boat .. lmao .. all in fun , but red hooks if it makes you feel more confundent will put more fish in the live well but not because KVD SAID SO , OR gord (YOU SURE OF THIS i WILL BE TALKING TO HIM LOL )but because you had confundence in the bait and thu this you worked the bait in a way that made it act real .. Sorry guys but colors are just that colors , SOME show up better in some waters and at some depths thats all , pink worms dude purple worms etc. etc.what do they look like ?????? at certain depths in certain stained waters some colors show better than others THATS ALL , once,you got the fishes attention with a color that they can see in the water you are fishing , you have TO MAKE the bait REAL >> enough for today .. hope some one got my point , and my boat needs cleaning ...
  3. And you sure CANT argue with his ability to SELL PRODUCT , if you dont buy my cranks at least change up our hooks for mine .. seams to me I have read (red) up on light Spectrums seams red light dissappears first in water .. maybe red makes the hooks harder to see or even invisable , but like blood .. ya right .. like fish know whAT BLOOD IS ,SMART BASS YOU FISHING THERE do you have shades maybe ab postive or 0 negative brings on stronger bites .. THEY ARE FISH DUDE NOT PHDS . KVD sAYS YOU WASH HIS BOAT OUT FOR THREE WEEKS YOU WILL CATCH MORE FISH , GO FOR IT ...
  4. Bass Become Dormant in Cold Water caught many bass ice fishing Bass Strike Red Hooks Because They Resemble Blood just too funny to reply Big Baits Catch Big Bass caught many BIG GUYS on little baits , caught many little guys on huge baits lol just a few I have disproved ..
  5. post is empty
  6. Same way poachers get away !!! Not good advise , good CLEAN brick sand (the kind you will want your children to play in , remember children will put their hands in their mouths even if covered in things i.e. sand and dirt) is not very costly , probably less than a spool of power pro , some senkos and and a cheap combo .
  7. Used to think brookies were the best looking fish , but those tigers beat them , what a great looking fish , great work guys .Nice looking and hard fighting fish , keep it up .
  8. ?????????? what you talking about willis ?????? your point sir !
  9. Or even better wait untill they need to heed the call of nature .. I know Im twice as old as you , but can you adopt me . Nice ride a great find someone sure took great care of her .
  10. Good on ya , Its not as hard as it looks (or as some guys will tell ya) . Used to give lessons in the parking lot at work , turned on many to this kind of fishing , get out there , cause now you get to land a fish without the help of a winch (reel) it gets even better .. Nice to cast 60' but most fishing you will be better off with 40' laying the fly down right in the seam ... Once you gone to flys you will never go back ... Remember tho the first fly is free soon the gear adds up lol ...
  11. I would think ea20 , thats what he played when I saw him live .I would think washburn gave him a special one but check out ebay if you like them, there are a few on there right now , for less than 300 . But you will still need Nuno's fingers and palm mutes to get the sound . Most of your tone is in your hands not the pieces of wood they are holding . I'm not a snob, martins et all are nice but I perfer Guilds . LOOK at what Bo Diddley made a career playing lol .. Its all in your hands
  12. B, singles stick just as good as trebles lol , thru a cheater out once and put a single siwash right thru my finger in one side fully out the other , thats what you get for fishing sharp hooks and not paying attention .. OUch Bill I know the feeling ...
  13. Phill I, like you were attached by these ants and was lucky my wife took my straight to emeg at East General, "Im ok dear just get me home" " shut up ,your going to the hospital" . Dont know if there is something to do with commerants , but I was attacked when out on the spit for a walk with the wife , I walked into an area that had dead trees loaded with cormerants nests and mounds of bird dropping all around . Started takeing pics of the damage and I noticed ant hills in the cormant poo . Thought wow must be some kind of tough ant that could make a home when all else was dead . Like you said the stings burn like hell and than I swelled up like a beached whale . The spit is out of bounds for me now , never going back , thanks for the heads up in Bowmanville wont be doing any hiking there allso .... ..
  14. I'm just comeing up to 43 , I feel like I'm still a virgin out on my first date when I talk to you guys .. lmao ... I have allways told my two sons find the one and thu a lot of work and understanding , STAY WITH THEM , "for better or worse , richer or poorer " not untill IM boored .. would not change my life for anyone .. Glad to see there are still good honest people in this world ... Capt B
  15. Hey there LADY you got a light ... lmao
  16. Nice set-up Lew , My P.B. lunge was caught on a believer when trolling around some islands in the St. Larry many years ago , the wind was blowing and as I was rounding a island I was being pushed too close to shore . I reeled the bait right up , maybe two feet behind boat , put rod in holder and hit the throttle on my 9.9 to get be back away from the rocks , When the drag started screaming IM thinking damn how did I hang up that lure it was feet behind and I was going full speed with a 9.9 in a 12 foot tinny , not lighting speed but way fast . Put boat in reverse took the rod out of the holderand started reeling , hopeing to retrieve the lure , when I felt the head shakes Im thinking rocks dont do that , 52 incher in the boat 10 minutes latter .. Sure changed my ideas about speeds and so called Spooking these fish .. Tight lines .. B
  17. loved the music , its you , loved the fishing even more . Keep it up Bro
  18. Lots of guys like YOU .. Dont need a season when guys cant catch anything , might have to bring in regs if you keep bringing wife's , but as long as its only guys like you ??????? Why make a limit when you guys limit yourselves ... LMAO B
  19. Even OLD guys like me ... Great band ,so sad when one so young goes .. Remember when they first broke out , woke up alot of old guys like me who thu up every time they heard some disco, THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE BEEN MISSING .. SAd day , great player , great music.
  20. Great work , Im still not sure the money is well spent in this project , without habitant rehab ??? , but I am so happy to see you guys are useing some great genes , hope the babies of this mother can go on to grow to the same sizes or even bigger in simcoe ... Keep up the good work , its guys like you giveing up their time so guys like me can enjoy ... OH and solo I dont know about tieing them up for steel, but spread on a cracker with some warm brie and a Snifter of some good Cognac yum yum .. lol
  21. There are many many kinds of fish that taste good but we dont really know about them. My local fish&chip shop , you know the kind that serves Halibut and chips , when Halibut got very costly and the large fish were gone all he could buy were smaller ones with lots of waste to fillet ratio , has tried to sell other lessor known kinds . He has just got some fillets he calls "BLUE COD " I asked are the fillets Blue ?? lol .. Great tasteing white fleshed flakey fish ,can not really tell any difference between Halibut and this "Blue cod" , may be even better , 4 dollars cheaper and he said lots available ??? Remember when I ate my first small mouth early july water still cold we were only getting large eyes my dad would not harvest but the 1-2 pound smallies we caucht in the same area went in the box, can not tell between these"s smallies and the walleyes at lunch . Spring rock bass , crappies which is which , Perch , blue gills ???? maybe gills are more work to fillet but easier to catch and in the pan TASTY TASTY, I challenge anyone blind folded to tell me which is which >> From some one who eats fish 5 out of 7 days a week dont be afraid to try diffent kinds of fish ,you do not need to stick to the more pressured kinds , many good tasteing fish , BUT !!!! I still cant swallow any carp ,tried it many ways and AHHHH some fish are best to catch but leave them in the water and CARP are ones that I feel fall into this group, gars and bowfins allso , but i did try them , like I said cooked many ways ,but ???? Im sure my 17 year old sons nikes cut up and battered have to taste better .. Fish the smart food , leave the spawners , eat the teenagers and the les pressured kinds they dont call them PAN FISHH for nothing ..
  22. Like I said in my post "GOOD LINK " but the Descriptions are at best Vague and the pics are of the best samples , not all of any kind are so .Some are smaller ,some bigger ,some not the same bright color etc. even with the book I still have a hard time telling the GOOD from the bad i.e. DEADLY .Like I said ,"CALL MIKEY" he will eat anything ..lol .. All Im saying is be carefull , there are wild food gathering groups on the net , hook up with them and learn ... Like I said ,I stick to morels , honeys , FIDDLE HEADS , wild blue berries , black berries etc. etc. things IM sure of , Darwin is watching , BEWARE >>>
  23. Dave my and my families prayers go out to you and your Dad .. You were there for him and I hope all the best ..
  24. So so right my friend .. I have a friend that has 300 acres of the most Beautiful piece of Ontario around Maynooth . When we first started to go there When walking around his piece of Ontario Forest , I was amazed at the different kinds of mushrooms that grew there . The spring brought some kinds , thru the summer others , and in the FALL crazy amounts ,so many different colours shapes sizes etc. On my hikes thru his land I would return with so many different kinds .. NOW which was posion and what to put on my steak .. NOT a easy thing , bought a mushrooms of Ontario field guide , still not so sure, vary vague at best .. .. I know now what is a real morel , and honey mushrooms got them down , but all others I just take pics of now .. Real Morels and as Brian said Honey mushrooms are some of the most tastey things you can harvest from the forest, but if you are not sure , LEAVE THEM ALONE , Darwin is allways looking for people to prove his theory of the survival of the fittest , if you dont know , call Mikey if no mikeys around DONT EVEN TASTE ..
  25. I have tried not to get into this ???? When I saw the pic .with the fish on the grass with his shoe .. COMMON guys if that is not the lamest pic I have seen on this site ... But to me any fish pic is !! what ever .. I have not taken A pic of a fish Ive caught since I was 20 , (I do keep a fish pic book on the boat for advertizeing, of the fish customers have caught ), many maNY YEARS AND THOUSANDS OF FISH AGO .tHOSE WHO KNOW ME HERE WILL know that I have fed a family of 5 and put 3 thru colledge with the money I make from fishing .Dude if you are a FISH HERO , than be a HERO catch this guy in season and than brag , but if you are not gonna eat this fish ,if you are kill it clean before you make it suffer the smell from your sneaker , or pop the hook and wish if only it was the end of june . YOu say released to be a toury winner after you put it on the ground , better said there will be many FAT turtles around . ?????? But eatch to his own , but you know my male Appendage has remained the same size NO MATTER HOW many OR HOW big the fish I have caught . Damn here i go getting in trouble again .. Dude I know you ment well , PLEASE LEARN from this and EARN your FISH HERO NAME .. Just my take on things, you had a child with you .. DUHHHH ..
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