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capt bruce

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Everything posted by capt bruce

  1. Will not be the first or last rod and reel ripped of the bank by a CARP .I have been with guys who even tho they were some what watching thir rods when fishing for these guys , that had one of those lake o bad boys grab their worm float weight and all and head out into the lake never to be seen again , could have been a trout or salmon (makes for a better story , damn this giant salmon ripped the rod out of my hand and lo I lost my rod ) but I would bet the house that it was just a bottom sucking lowly CARP ,I mean that in a good way for all the carp guys here ,IM sure anyone of them will have a story or two about rod stealing carp.It happens all the time
  2. Joe , Reading what he writes I dont think Dara lives on the same planet as us ,so no need to worry about him next door . The neigbor from ,was going to say hell , but who knows where ??? Planet X . You may be a Redneck if your names Dara . lol ,I really dont belive what he says is what he feels just one of those guys whos sense of humor is just way out there , but you never know????? Reminds me I miss that holdfast guy now there was a redneck .. lol Just kidding with ya Dara , please dont come and burn down my house .
  3. We have a cat maybe I should stake him out and get back all those socks . Want to know whats worse than socks , I ,my son and my daughter and wife play guitars and banjos etc.,pretty well anything that has strings , never could figger out things ya got to blow in , Every time Im near a music store I buy picks , two dozen at a time been doing this for years , must have bought well over 1,000 maybe over the years 10,000. DO YA THINK I can ever find a guitar pick when I want one ??????? some where in my house (lived in same house 33 years ) there has to be a room I dont knowabout and its full , I mean FULLL of guitar picks , (Im sure the socks are there too ) follow the cat you say, wheres that trail cam I got on sale ..
  4. What Irish said . want more speed get a twenty than maybe you can get the boat to plane .
  5. "the chip doesnt provide the bank with the ability to 'turn your account off'.. Bitsmith2k you got that right ,I was mailed a new "chip card" but put in the drawer and forgot about it , Labour day weekend Im up in Manooth and go into town on Sunday morning to pick up some things my debit card does not work ??? say my sorrys and head over to the cibc machine across the street , card does not work !!! call the 1-800 number and Im told they disconnected my swipe card as all cards now have to be chipped and I was mailed a new one why am I not useing it , Sunday long weekend 72 cents in my pocket 300 miles from home and they cut off my money!! After getting thru to a supervisor (22 minutes off my cell ) they gave me a 7 day grace period to activate my chipped card , dont need no chips to cut you off !!!!!
  6. Bet she has a nice personality lol , might be a case of the pot (belly) calling the beagle black lol. Im sure she will be great addition and you will both enjoy the walking .
  7. Smallie just do as I did when children were small and wife worked early leaveing me to the take to school chore , I just matched them up , darks and lights , two dark socks ie blue black etc. or two light ,whites greys etc. it worked for us . But still its weird that somewhere Im sure in all peoples homes is some kind of sock monster that hoards one of a kind socks lmao , one of those things that we may never be able to explain , put a man on the moon but explain where all the odd socks in the world are DUHHHHH!!!!. lol
  8. Glad you took it right myself and Im sure Joe did not mean no harm just a little word from the wise .
  9. WE dont have much time but sounds like fun Im in if its a go.
  10. Joe you got it right , people who are giveing advise (and maybe a little showing off in the mix) should do it right , eyes caught 60 feet + are going to puke out there bladders , dont fish for them unless you want to eat old oiley tasteing murcury laden mush, and if you do get them up shallower dont hang them from their gill plates . Good to see your new rig ,nice ride Stot and great fish , you guys really have the bay dialed in , would recomend you to anyone wanting to get the bays biggens , just remember people look up to you ,you should show them the right way of things .
  11. the smiles on your sons face say it all , great report as others have said , old guys like me our memories might be slipping , cant remember where I set down my glasses and without them I cant see well enough to find them lol , BUT I will never forget times like that with my boy.
  12. Sorry Dude but rule is he/her that sets hook is the catcher ,your just helper . Its her fish , and what a great fish it is . The law of the fisher , cant get around it . next time for you .
  13. you owe me a keyboard cleaning as i just spit a mouthfull of coffee all over it , to to funny ,, lmao .
  14. Im so glad my mother was not my sister , lol . When the dude got the beaver , "Im glad the bone stopped him from biteing right thru my hand" Duhhhh , I cant believe they have tornys for this , just stick your hand into a hole in the bank , maybe a poison snake maybe a beaver , AHHHHHH , maybe a cat fish , are you guys for real !!!! noodling for musky probably the least of their worries , They are noodling for WHO KNOWS WHAT ... My mother taught me not to laugh at those ,how do we say "less intellegent than a slug " but damn these dudes are FUNNY ..
  15. Yes we should all have prayers for his family. When I first thought about summer charters for simcoe lakers he was the guy that taught me the where and how , never held back . A great guy and a great family man , he will be missed by many . rest in peace bro , you earned it . B
  16. Two words "slot size" ... lol nice catch bet it tasted as good as it looked .. Fellow Beacher
  17. one day I hope to make the big league and get a change to spend some time with you guys . Too bad about the water this year hope they get things up there worked out , but good food ,good company , water even if its shallow ,boats, makes for life time memories , didnt see any pics of ccmt and headhunter playing guitars , dont tell me no camp fire sing alongs ?? Im jealous as Im sure many are. B
  18. Probably the only time I do where a PFD all the time is when Im alone duhh?? . Dont Know why maybe Im a big guy thing but if im alone in the boat I never take it off , with guests its when under power I wear, if we are fishing its over there some place , crazy ehh ????
  19. I have 6 or 7 of these rods in different sizes and actions after spending some time talking to Dave about them this spring, his show on sharks where he was battleing big sharks on these rods with no problems started the conversation. All I can say is they are the "Ugly Stick" of the Shimano line , a little too heavy as LucG said but strong and still sensitive(way more than any ugly stick I ever hated lol) and for the quality CHEAP . For the weekend guy and even for the semi serious , a very good choice in my humble opin . B
  20. IM an old guy so its gas for me now , but I think the niose it makes , slows down my fishing as it takes almost an hour before things calm down after punching a few holes , most of my ice time is spent on the bog and the noise my augger makes in the shallow water must scare every thing in a kilo radius ,might not be so bad in deep lake trout water on simcoe , but like I said Im old and even tho a good manual will cut ice like butter , only have so many turns in these poor shoulders left .
  21. THats what this place is all about (one of my favs too , the flutter spoon has been a main stay on my boat for years , still got a few stashed ,I bring them out on tough days , great minds think alike) we may have our tiller vs consol , merc vs honda , 2 stroke 4 stroke ETC. debates but when ya need some help , this is the place to ask , GREAT group of people . Aplumma your a class guy , in a world where class guys are getting harder and harder to find .
  22. About 15 years ago me and the boys would drive up to the Chapleau game reserve and fish this logging road lake with huge pike in it on opener, I miss this trip as familys grew and things changed in our lives we dont get together any more , Any way to the story . I was in a 14 foot tinny with good friend Paul , there was a small island in the lake that had two points and a small bay in between them allways got pike off these points so we were trolling along. As we rounded the south point Paul yells fish on and he stands up , he says the fish has good weight , I was driveing so I killed the motor and sat back to watch the fight . Out of the corner of my eye I see something big in the water , I called to Paul who was fighting the pike look theres a moose calf just beside us in the water , no sooner did i say that when out of nowhere a huge momma moose was trying to jump into our boat . No room in a 14 footer for two big guys all there gear and a momma moose . How we got between the calf and momma to this day I dont know but NEVER never do that . momma moose got one hoof into the boat (still dont know how the boat didnt tip) and bite Paul on the neck . Between trying to start motor and hit the moose with the paddle I dont know how I got underway all happened so fast , Paul got 30 + stiches and a broken colar bone from the bite , still cant beleive the power and how momma got to us out of nowhere with me not hearing her , she came up behind us and just attacked the boat . Paul still gets laughs at partys with the line "want to see where the moose bit me " lol crazy but true .
  23. dan gave me day off too and I dont even know him but thanks for the day of morning , two tone I knew him well , An OFC minute of silence ... To two tone you will be missed , to all who cared and loved you FAREWELL MY FRIEND ....
  24. Great report , time spent with family priceless .
  25. Due to the lack of rain this year , the salmon run has been cancelled. Refunds can be picked up at your nearest mnr office.
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