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Everything posted by Fang

  1. For me it's #19 but for Paul Henderson - 1972
  2. Posted this a while back but here's an update. Liquidation world still has some sports cat(1500 btu) and black cat(3000 btu) heaters for $35. I just picked up a Black cat and tested it out in the garage. Tested it out in the garage. Kicks out a lot of heat. For propane cylinders guys, head into the tool area at CTC and get a 1lb propane bottle for the soldering torch for $1 less than the same green Coleman bottle in the camping section. Now all I need is to finally finish the financial plans for 2011 at my work and they'll let me take my holidays - Friday was supposed to be my last day. I'd say I'll be done around Wednesday so fishing Thursday/Friday and all thrrough next week.
  3. Have seen these advertised on WFN. Great idea as cost of material is pretty cheap. pay the kids to pick rocks from the local river. I paid some good money a while back for a few camo sinkers for carp, same idea - they were rocks with holes drilled in them
  4. make sure you get a cover or rig up a snow deflector for the front half. these kick up snow like mad. Had one in our group up in Temagami doing some back lake fishing. Made a big mistake of putting the power auger in that one and by the time we got in the sleigh was full of snow - couldn't see the auger. Took a while to get it started.
  5. number one on my bucket list - fishing/outdoor personality to meet (seeing I already met Dave - is that sucking up enough!!!)
  6. don't know why the bother, there's no fish in Temagami!!!
  7. I've always been a Carol Burnett fan love Love Tim Conway Enjoy
  8. Fabricland has several colours, patterns and materials to choose from. I bought about 15 yrds of the base green camo pattern for making ground blinds and it was pretty cheap
  9. Is that this year Wayne on the big lake up north I'm staying at home this year over Xmas to new years but maybe I should be planning to be a visiting relative and impose on the family up there.
  10. I think I counted a total of 18 flakes on the driveway last night in Oakville. Cold and windy but so far no snow.
  11. One of my all time fav hey look it's enrico pallazzo!!!
  12. Fishing the peir is all about tide and timing. If you see the peir gets busy then the locals are on to a bite of some sort. Talk to the guys in the bait shops nearby not at the peir. I always make a stop at Indian shores or at Johns Pass for some shore fishing but I'd much prefer to do a 1/2 day charter on one of the big party boats. Hubbards is at Johns Pass but I have had really good days with Double Eagle out of Clearwater. I took down my muskie tackle and picked up 2-3 oz sinker/bait rigs at the local bait shops. Squid pieces (provided by the boat) will get you bit by the little guys but pick up your own bigger bait like frozen sardines, whole squid/shrimp. Get there early and pick a spot at the back of the boat. Great day on the water and doesn't bust the bank. Nothing like fresh caught snapper and grouper
  13. no experience with their trailers but when my boat trailer was in needs of parts and repair they were great to deal with. Got everything I needed and prices were very good. I've been looking at their ATV trailers and tryng to get some pricing.
  14. Are you trolling with the 115? If so you should be putting enough juice back in the battery. Downrigging all day while running a color sonar will drain down the battery. Suggest putting a 12v gauge on your dash to keep an eye on this. I do the same in my boat and have the biggest amp cranking battery I can buy
  15. No stretch Braided fishing line in mid 80's GPS plotting and electronic maps 90's ish and now side imaging
  16. I launched out of Crystal Beach last week and thought to myself then this place would be a real nasty trying to load/unload a boat with the wrong wind. Low water in Erie doesn't help. It was calm when I was there and still there was less than 3ft of water off the ramp for a ways before it dropped off. They also pulled the docks last week so it's tricky getting in to drop off guys. Unfortunate and hope they were all right.
  17. Well the cat is kind of out of the bag with this stuff now all over. I started doing home made ones a few years ago and snuck them down the holes while perch fishing on simcoe so my buddies didn't see them. In my opinoion they did work when on areas that had very little to no cover. Best was way out in 20+ feet of water or when on hard rock bottom Here's how you can make your own guys. Go to Dollarama and the sell 3 different plastic plants that are about 4-5 ft long just like the ones in the link. Add a 3 oz sinker to the bottom of them and then tie in some green garden foam around the top leaves to make them float. I tied on some heavy fishing line and dropped them around the holes I was fishing.
  18. Sounds just like our day last Thursday. Loads of guys hitting the big shoal on the south side. Good thing you got out Saturday as the winds really blew up Sunday. You like the new Lowrance units? I'm really enjoying that bird Aaron
  19. Fish Hawk 1750 If I was to do it over again I probably would have went FH 1850 to get more storage. Yesterday we had 2 small tackle bags - 8-10 rods, net, lunches, 2 butt poles front and back and I found it a big crowded. When you put ropes and life jackets under the front console there's not enough room left for too much else. I put paddles, rod holders and other gear in the rod locker so rods tend to stay out on the deck. Have a 115 HP (regular 2 stroke) on it and it does 44-ish by GPS full out with no gear. I can cruise pretty rough water in the 25-30 mph range but like most boats it all depends on how wet you want to get. . With a bit of a swell yesterday we ran 8 miles at 25 with no problems. I do run a lot on lake ontario for salmon and have no problems deciding to head out to the blue zone (+10 miles) when weather lets me. Boat cruises very nice and is stable to fish front and back deck. This ones a 2001 and I've seen a better front deck layout on the more recent ones
  20. For the last several years I've had a very large desire to get out for the fall smallmouth fishing on Lake Erie but had conflicts with Moose and Deer hunting trips. This year my work has made me jump through hoops cancelling or moving holidays, while they put in a new computer software system. Having to cancel my moose and deer trips this year was harder than I imagined and my "jones-in" factor for some hunting/fishing has been in overdrive. My buddy Rob (familyguy) pushed me over the edge by texting me all day telling me how many big smallies they were catching and I had to do something. Booked Thursday off and pulled the cover off the boat. Got an early start and had to stop 1 block away from the house to fill up the boat. Looked like it was going to be a great morning. Launched the boat on the CDN side and headed over to the south shore with NY license and passport in hand. First drift started very nice with a bass in the boat in the first 5 minutes. No bruiser but a decent start. A little hiccup as I lost the next 3 hook ups in rapid succession. Of course a big one gets away on a real bad hook set and I have another bigger one snap 10lb flouro at boatside - probably should have checked the leader with all those zebra mussels. A mix of tubes was pretty much the choice for the day with 1/2 and 3/4 oz heads. Tried some drop shot rigs but defintely the tub bite was more consistent and the darker colors in greens and blacks had more action. Getting back on track with a nice double. The bigger fish was 4.2 The rest of the day was pretty much constant action and it's the first time in a long time where I lost track of the number of fish boated but we were running a disappointing number of lost fish to landed. My camera died after mid morning in the cold but was able to get a few more pics before being DOA. No real big ones but how does one get tired of boating 3.5 - 4 lbers all day My big one at 4.2lbs and a little over 20" Can't wait to get another day out there!
  21. Just another reason I took mine back Saturday morning
  22. Fang

    ice hut

    I bought this on Friday, took it back this morning. Very difficult to put up as a single person. For ice fishing these are big balloons when the winds are up. I bought an ice fishing tent a while ago and both Malcolm and I had a four person tent and those poles don't like the cold. Both of ours cracked first or second trip out I have a 2 man Clam and a single Frabill now. Buy an ice hut not a tent.
  23. probably the last time he'll wear those hunting pants. I had bull come out of the bush like that about 10 years ago. Big rack and we were paddling a canoe down a beaver pond first morning of the moose hunt. I guess he got all riled up as he heard the sound of our paddles hitting the side of the canoe. I had a bull tag in my pocket and my gun across my lap as he came up to about 10 yards. Problem was it was the first week and the tag I had was a group tag and my buddies weren't coming in till week number 2. I took a bunch of shots (film) and showed the prints the next week. They all said I should have shot it.... That's my Leaf curse, since then I haven't even seen a moose qand worse yet had my vacation for moose hunt pulled this year by work. If I can't be there nice video to watch
  24. Bought my first mojo this summer and was very impressed. Picked up a 6'8" spinning. Will look at their heavy action next season as my 7' pitching rod needs upgrading
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