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Everything posted by Fang

  1. That's the way a neighbour used to do pike when we had a place on Hay Bay. It is pretty good with the butter sauce and especially when others take the time to clean them. Much better eating pike than cleaning them
  2. Fang


    25 or 30 lb XT goes on my heavy worm rod. Running a 3/4 - 1.5 oz weight for punching through heavy mats. Never really liked the way braid worked in these situations. On my regular worm and jig rod though I run 20-50 lb braid and tied direct to hook.
  3. Where'd you launch. I've been taking a few weeks off to do some more work on the basement reno but can't do any more until I get some electrical work done. I guess it's back out on the lake a few nights a week. Nice big tail. I haven't had a chinook fight deep for a long time - all come right up to the surface. Those deep fights are awesome
  4. Hey Jeff My first was an Okuma Epixor - did not last 2 trips, not worth the $. Went right to the Shimano 4000D and it is a tank. Great drag system and powerful. Only issue I have now is that after a full season in and around western Lake Ontario I now fully understand why the good carp anglers have the big reels. Spooled once last year in Hamilton and once this year at Port Credit. I run 30 lb braid and only get about 150-160 yds on it. Hooked into one the size of a small barnyard animal on the upstream side of lakeshore bridge and it decided to swim out to the lighthouse. I've been seeing the Penn Line Liners showing up on a few very respected guys and they love them. Not sure but I think they picked them up on the web.
  5. Raf is right on. There is a product out there called a slide diver and is available in various sizes. The concept is you thread a minimum thickness of line (20lb mono for the big one) through the diver and into the trip mechanism and then it allows you to run any length of leader behind the diver. Just remember to still ad the swivel a few feet in front of the lure. The swivel acts as a stop on the diver as it slides down the line after being tripped. I prefer these to Dispsey as I like to run about 20ft back to the lure when salmon fishing. They are a bit trickier to use but I have more confidence when using them
  6. I'm thinking a nice 9 ft 4 weight to go on that old Orvis CFO to get the mono line off it finally
  7. I have been back in touch with a very good friend of mine who I haven't really hooked up with in 20+ years. We've chatted the odd time on the phone, but last night we finally shook hands and shared a few hours on the water. We met back in 1983 when we both worked at Lebarons in Mississauaga. I was between high school/college and we instantly hit it off fishing all over the trent system, credit and both of us picked up flyfishing at that time. Loads of fun walking rivers fishing muddlers and marabou leeches for smallies. In recent calls, we've been getting closer to setting up a fishing "date" and he's been pretty insistent it be at his club. He's still an avid fly fisher and a member at a private trout club north of the city. I sold off all my fly gear over 20 years ago, lock stock and barrel - reels, rods, vises, materials and only kept a sentimental Orvis CFO reel(that I used for ice fishing) and 2 basic trout boxes of flies I tied back in the late 80's. Now I have to mention as a fishing junky I did purchase a few years ago 2 brand new fly set ups (7 wt and 9 wt)from Albright on a 80% off clearance web blowout. They have never seen line or the water until last night. Ran around a bit on the weekend making sure I had what I needed to at least make one cast. 30 lb Red Power Pro makes a great backing and had to re-learn how to tie a nail knot (over 8 tries but I finally got one to hold) Arrived at the club around 6 pm and had Curt pull in right behind me. He was pretty much ready to go and pulled his rod out and walked down to the lake. Only 2 other members around and they had had no luck. After a quick chat with the guys to find out about the water, I found that there's a fair number of fish in this lake but most are 12-14" with a 1-2 bigger ones (2-4lbs). Hey OK by me! I was still struggling with getting my leader tied up and then trying to see 4lb tippet to tie a fly on. Curt was already casting a leech pattern off this grass penisula when by pure luck I see some fish wake and swirl along the breakwall to my left. The penisula had a built up retaining wall made out of big cedar logs and fish were right up against close. A few other rises on the lake. Picked out a big hex nymph that was 20 years old and on the 5th cast (first 4 were brutal, first back cast right into a pine) picked up this beauty. This kept up for about 2 hours with a nice fish every 20-30 minutes. They kept showing them selves so I just kept casting into this small pocket against the logs. After the 4th fish like the first one, the other gents came down to have a look at what was going on. We all chatted about this little spot and there were still several swirls happening. With everyone standing close by, this fish hit, snapped the fly line tight and fought great. Bulldogged around for about 5 minutes and even jumped a few times. All I did was hang on. Rough guess about 6 lbs as it was thick across the back. Quick measurement was around 28". A few more typicals (12-14"ers) for the rest of the night and we finished it off with a quick burger on the BBQ and a cold beer. This place was a fantastic hide away. casting steadily improved as the night wore on - It is just like riding a bike. I pulled a hopper pattern out later and had some small guys jump all over it but no hook ups. Thank you Curt for inviting me and allowing me to catch all the fish that night. We will defintiely fish again and soon. My treat for salmon or bass. I removed the horseshoe from my back pocket and bought a lottery ticket this morning. Can anyone explain this feeling I have to go out and by a fly vise and a bunch of feathers and fur. Didn't realize I missed this type of fishing so much. What a peaceful and relaxing night.
  8. flouro on the crankbait/xrap rod braid for frog, pitching jigs 25 mono for worm in heavy mats and I like mono still on my spinnerbait, buzz bait rods
  9. I have always found that the normal offshore rigger release work good. I'd also have a mix of a few of the beefier release when I want to run lead core, small dipseys or bigger plugs on quinte. I buy the regular (OR2)stacker releases and then cut them apart to make long lead singles for the riggers or board releases with shower curtain hooks. It's a bit cheaper than buying the singles and gives me a night in the shop to keep busy. I got a drawer full of shower curtain clips you're welcome to have - no charge
  10. Is this one still available. I saw it last night and noticed it was dayton as well http://dayton.craigslist.org/boa/2491323079.html
  11. 1 pack of any color is never enough. On a decent bite I've gone through 3-4 packs in 1 day. Those Lebarons brand name ones are pretty decent for the price. If I like a new color I usually buy 3-4 packs at a time White Green/brown pumpkin Blacks Pretty much covers it all
  12. The steelheader book mark the river flow web sites Anyone fishing the great lakes like Erie and Ontario should add sailflow to their favorites. Never go out without checking it.
  13. I know I'm out in left field Kung Pow Borat Talladaga Nights Napoleon Dynamite Wedding Singer Dumb and Dumber Blazing Saddles Holy Grail Something about Mary Ace Ventura Pet Detective and my sons all time fav Benchwarmers (makes me laugh!!) Honorable mention Austin Powers (all of them) Meaning of Life Space Balls
  14. An inexpensive 1/2 day trip can be taken from Queen Fleet Deep Sea. They have a couple big party boat catamarans and go out a few miles to fish the artificial reefs for snapper and grunts but every time I went out we also did well for grouper. They have everything there at the dock. Also alot of charter boats there to check out inshore/inland-deep sea. I always buy my own bait and pick up some mid sized dead sardines. The party boats usually provide cut up squid as much as you want $8 will get you out on the pier but I'd rather spend $50 and take a boat ride. You'll be sure to catch a fair bit of grunts out on the boat and they are great eating. Did well fishing the rocks and tide flows at Johns Pass at St Petes. Sea trout and lots of sheepshead. Squid chunks work almost anywhere down there
  15. Nice fish Steve, looks like it gave a good fight. I haven't been able to turn a bigger chinook yet anywhere out there
  16. Very nice, I still got Wednesday offwork, hmmmm?
  17. Spent Day 2 and 3 of my holidays the same as day 1. Trolling out off Oakville trying to find some big silver fish. After Day 1's shaker-fest I wasn't to optimistic that all of a sudden a whack of 20+ lb salmon would all of a sudden show up. Started day 2 with my new camera (which I somehow messed up the white balance - enjoy the blue!!) Monday Started back in 140 FOW with my fav lure spread, NK's on the riggers and Dream Weaver's on the sliders. Kept the black/green and pink theme going but nothing was moving. I recently pcked up some silver fox lures and decided to throw that down on the slider. Took 2 quick shaker salmon and then this nice suprise. I have hardly ever picked up browns out in the lake. Nice little tubby guy. Was pretty dead on the inside water so a south troll took me out to 250 FOW to try for some bows. One boat followed me out and as we passed each other rods fired in both boats. Nice 27" Other boat must have gotten a good one as they still were fighting it as I was setting rods back up. Looks like the dipsey rod fired so must have had some line out. It was a nice steady pick for the next 3 hours landing 8 more respectable bows up to 5-6 lbs and the odd shaker mixed in. Still can't hook up a big one though. One that wouldn't sit still for a picture It got real rough out there later in the day with harsh offshore winds. Got really wet on the ride back in. Rigger program 42' and 34' surface temp 64F, temp at 34' was 54F Slider on both rods - Silver Fox Pink Panties was hot bait Day 2 - Tuesday Had all hopes for a bow repeat but wanted to do one pass across to Bronte just to check and see if there was any salmon around. Started right out of Oakville at 6:30 am in 100 FOW and spent the next 2 hours wasting gas. Never saw a mark, never saw a rod move, never heard anything on the radio for catching. It was barren. Several pass by's to other boats yeiled empty arms and big shoulder shrugs. At 8 am it was my que to get out of there. Headed south again and didn't stop till one of my old rainbow way points out in 290 FOW. Figured maybe test out the "almost" blue zone. Put both riggers at 35' with sliders. Within 10 minutes the port rod fires and starts screaming. Pulled the rod and felt some weight but absolutely no fight. Must be a laker. Got the fish easily to the back of the boat in a few seconds See silver - it's a bow but I think it's dead? Scooped it with the net and it goes beserk. I could hardly hold onto the rod and the net. The hook was in the gills and blood was flying everywhere. 30.5" ands 9.3 lbs on my scale. Had to keep it as one side of the gill was toast Was a good wait between fish but managed another 6 bows and of course the shaker mix. Had 2x of these come to the boat. Bow on the slider (pink panties again!!) and shaker on the main. Had to check lines every so often to clear the shakers Here's the area I worked hard One last bow and I was spent. Sunburned feet, had the sea legs bad and was getting really hungry. Kept the first bow and 2 other small ones for the smoker. Have tomorrow off but not sure about how much juice is left in the batteries. Running solo trips is a lot of work. Kind of think I need to go bass fishing now and wait for the big guys to come around later in the summer. The smoker will be running tomorrow
  18. Yes definitely change in speeds or direction will sometimes cause a strike. If I can mark fish and they won't hit I sometimes pull the lure out of the release after marking fish near the ball. The lure picks up speeds and starts to rise. This has worked in triggering some strikes but I only use this when it's a tough bite. What releases do you use. I run offshore and cannon's but modify the lenth of the lead to around 16-20" between clip and release. The added length lets me see any small pulls when shakers hit and stay on. You can tell immediately when you have a shaker on. It's been shaker fest out off Bronte and the other day I only had 2 fish pull the release. All the rest were visual hits on the rod.
  19. T-bones, striploin and lamb in no particular order. did a beef tenderloin last night. Very tender but for the price I wouldn't rush out again to buy one
  20. Just picked up several bags of Matzuo plastics. On sale for 2.99. No colors in worms but nice tubes and a flipping creature in stock. will give them a try
  21. My bet would be you need a new transducer
  22. This week started about the worst way possible. I was given this week as the only allowable time off from my company as we're putting in a new computer system for Sept 1. Last Friday a huge email from the head office in Japan lands on our desks with urgent requests for updated budgets and production forecasts. I was supposed to start holidays on Monday but now had to work. Finally got all the reports done on Wednesday and said SEE YOU LATER!! Woke up early today and hit the road looking for any carp action around west end of Lake Ontario. Pretty dismal to say the least. Checked out 3 spots and was home by 10 with nothing to show for my time and gas. OK what's next ?? Why not a solo trip to get the bugs out of the boat as it has not seen any action so far this year. Quickly grabbed my 2 riggers, spoon box and a couple rods just in case there might be a chance to set up a troll. Launch was completely vacant of other boats. Got clear of the harbor and lit her up to 35 MPH for a good 30 minutes or so. Went almost across the lake to Grimbsy and back as it was pretty flat. Came back to Bronte area and decided to put down a rod. within 10 minutes a little shaker was on These things were all over the place. Decided to try to put the second rod down and kept getting interrupted by another hit. Found a great pocket out in 200 FOW and had good amount of hits right through to 2 pm when it died. Think the final total was something around 18 or 19 of those little guys. Loads of fun for a solo trip. No other boats around till later in the day. All fish were on Dream weaver spoons greens, blacks and the hot color was blueberry muffin. 40-50 ft deep on the riggers with sliders. Equal bite on riggers and sliders. Really good temp break out there off bronte in abbout 180 FOW. Had only 2 hits all day that actually popped the release and this one a little over 28" Work gave me some extra days next week so I'm off till Thursday and hope to get back out there for some more fun
  23. Best big bass lure on Scugog is a muskie bucktail
  24. The 4's have been dropping $ on ebay and usually go around $50-60 but that's without shipping. 3's still will cost you close to $100 in good shape. With a box you can get to that $200 mark pretty quick. It's a collector reel for those who saw/had them through the 70's and early 80's. Light years ahead of it's time and a drag system that still rivals todays top end reels for way more money. The weight and constant clicker makes this a display case reel for me, but I know of a couple guys who still use them all the time. Been actually thinking of picking up a 7 for carp just for a laugh.
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