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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. A bowfin on ice. Man thats the first I have ever seen that!
  2. I lost my largest muskie ever on a Jackpot. As everyone else says the hooking percentage is poor. Not only do the fish miss the bait at times but the Poe's baits are made of cedar and large fish can actually sink there teeth into the wood. This causes the plug not to slide through the mouth on the hookset. This is exactly what happened to my Geo Bay monster. He hit with 8 feet of line out from behind, power dove under the boat, peeling 15 feet of 80 pound power pro then simply let go of the bait. I was left shaking wondering what I did wrong until I looked at the bait and saw the deep teeth marks in it. The fish was in the 50 POUND class as I have never seen anything close to that size and my best is 32. A hard plastic model wood be better if you asked me. It would allow hooksets.
  3. I wonder if it has any spare car parts or other stuff in it.
  4. Ver heavy in Burlington right now. Heavy drifting 200 yard visibilty. Hard to tell how much is snow and how much is blowing. Ice pellets this morning for ahile now its fluff snow, but man that wind is cold!
  5. Great report man!!!! The release shot of the muskie is perfect , you should blow it up and frame it, just a wonderful photo!!!
  6. Looks like they have really cranked the amount up. Now calling for 40-55 cm by monday for Burlington-St Cats and Hamilton. Problem is in the city there is no where to put the snow! The new FJ will make this a fun week. If you dont have to go anywhere sit at home and enjoy a good old fashioned Canadian blizzard!
  7. When I landed that fish on 4lb test I thought it would have taken more then 3 minutes.
  8. Hard to tell from the first 3 pics but the fish Gbfisher posted looks the biggest.
  9. Looks like this winter is going to be the one that averages out the last few!
  10. Just state you hate all races!! Even your own!
  11. Guilty...Just announced Too bad we don't have a penalty bad enough for this piece of crap. The death penalty wouldnt be enough!
  12. How can we gain daylight before the winter solstice? After the 21st or 22nd yes, but not till then, unless the planet tilted this year?
  13. Well at least something good came out of the low water levels. Now they need to stock 100,000 northerns in there and let them take care of the carp in a few years. They will have all of Cootes for spawning., or would that make too much sense?
  14. Not sure if someone has already posted this but here is a photo from a couple days ago. As you can see all the kawarthas are frozen, as well as 70% of Quinte ( think the open seaon is done after last night) With last nights cold temps cooks bay may have frozen to Roaches poitne. It was almost there yesterday. This is an early season, no warm weather at all in the 2 week forcast. Be safe and have fun people!
  15. Damn I watched it and can't rememeber. Anyone want to PM me? Watching the smallie grab the bait was cool.!
  16. If this was true then they usually trade wildlife with other states and provinces. Something like this wouldnt be a secret. A natural population exists more then they are willing to say. I have seen a very large cat near Orillia and my buddie watched a cougar for 20 minutes on a game trail near head lake. I hunt areas with very high populations of cats in Alberta and have even been followed by one ( prints in the snow the next day ) but seeing one is next to impossible as they are the ultimate master of stealth. I have snuck up on 900 lb grizzlies before but I am only afraid of cats as they are nuts! 900lb grizzly 45 yards!! Would never try with a cat
  17. You will be rewarded by the karma gods for helping out the dude in the boat.....goood karma dude!!! I predict many PB's next year for you due to your good deeds!
  18. Have a feeling most launches except for the ferry launch will be frozen for the year after this week. BE CAREFUL out there guys!!!!!
  19. Nice to see protection for pike in geo Bay and walleye. But I thought the St Lawrence muskie minimum was 54 not 48?
  20. Might want to check the forcast out....won't be fun at all.
  21. Rich the navionics is on my list as well!!! I am secretly looking at a Mathews Switchback that the wife doesnt know about!
  22. Has anyone noticed the prices of fishing gear coming down yet. I stopped in Gagnon's on the way to the parents on Saturday and noticed Symetryes for 99.99. Thats a good deal but wondering if they just went down. Has BPS adjusted any prices? I just got a new camo parka from Cabelas for 99.00 US regular 275
  23. No big deal, they would have died anyway and as far as I know the limited natural reproduction for chinnies is confined to the Credit, Ganny Shelter Vallley and Niagara. Too bad we didnt get this rain 2 months ago.
  24. Depends on where you are going to be hunting. Find the local MNR office and they will tell you what seals are available. In some of the southern units you can purchase up to 7 tags for the year. These you have to buy at the office itself. Otherwise a standard deer tag will do. The ministry publishes there handout every year and can be found online here.....http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR/pubs/pubmenu.html#hunting Depending where you live the hunts are either , bow, shotgun or rifle.. Then you have to find some land to hunt on. Do some driving and polite knocking on doors and hhopefully soon you will be on your way!
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