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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. A friend of mine has a Bowtech and she loves it. Thats serious cash. If you are confortable setting up a bow from scratch there are some great deals on ebay from the states for New Hoyt vectrics for 500$ I have been thinking about it too, have an older Jennings Speedstar that I still use but an extra 75 fps and quiet shooting is really tempting me.
  2. After all the debate about fishing pictures and the limitations of self photography it reminded me of something that happened 4 years ago. I was staying for a week in Gbay and doing some Muskie fishing, I found a primo spot and was waiting for the wweather to turn to see if it would produce. On the Wednesday of the week the weather set pefect with hazy humid weather and a big cold front coming in. My second cast on the spot with a Jackpot resulted in a muskie hitting with about 8 feet of line out in the clear water. I got a perfect look at him as he powered straight under the boat before he simply released the bait. This fish was twice the size of my largest fish and I couldnt really estimate it since it was so far out of anything I had seen before. I settled for 50-55 lbs. Here comes the question.... as I was sitting there shaking like a leaf I realized there would have been no way to get a good picture of the fish without keeping it. I didnt want to kill the fish but what if it had been more then 60??? your by yourself and cant get a good picture. I have thouoght about it amny times and decided I would release the fish but leave it in the net reviving as long as i could hoping someone came by that could take the picture. That or quickly place it in the bottom of the boat for a quick photo ( not the greatest since you be doing more harm then good. Just wondering what you would do. BTW the very next cast after I settled down I caught a 14 pounder! It looked like a twig!
  3. Dan is right........ weighing the fish isnt necessary a quick tape on it and a photo. Hard to tell from that picture. Thats the bummer when you are fishing alone. If you want a real measurement you either have to keep the fish or keep it out of the water longer. I once had a muskie on by nmyself that was so big that after I realized its size I don't know what I would have done! 1 week to go on Lake O.... there is a 30 pounder waiting for someone. My avatar is a 48 inch fish but I didnt measure it around so when I had the reproduction done at Advanced I told him to fit the girth. Turns out it was close to 24 inches around. I call it a 30 but it could have been anywhere from 27-33 lbs. . The reproduction
  4. Thanks silver always wondered.
  5. I assume you cant do the club discount and the no tax thing at the same time?
  6. Happy Birthday Wayne! Hopefully we will be on the same team this year again!
  7. "No to Marty's Bear Den - If you have ever taken Sultan Industrial Road you will know what this is about."??????????????????????????????????? Was at Bisco last year , other then a horrible road I think I am missing something????? Took the turn off at the Watershed and drove forever. Guess I wont nominate a trip to Ramsey or Bisco?
  8. Thats a truly awesome fish!!!!
  9. Have to agree with Musky 66 1/2 ounce white and chartreuse spinnerbait. Slow roll , burn, fish thru cover...... TJ I hope your not using thsoe lures and only collecting them!
  10. A few years ago in the Hamilton phone book was a Hue G Rection ...honestly But the best is our present landscape maintnance guy at the plant Richard Phallis and No word of lie he replaced Hugh Johnson. We stilll laugh about this!
  11. Glad to have you back Brian, Sent you a thank you PM the other day!
  12. I asked a shimano rep this last week and he said it had to be bought at a canadian retailler, no internet sales apparantly.
  13. Awesome Sam Do you know the rough area it was taken, I have seen some real monsters near my brothers place just south of Stirling.
  14. How depressing.... looking at the Environment Canada website on Great Lake ice coverage. In the last few weeks when we are supposed to be slowly loosing ice we gained more then at any other time in the year! Without a very significant warm up ( which isn't forecasted) it looks like ice out will be at least 3 weeks later then normal. Hey I am just the messenger! Check it out.
  15. WOW!!! A turtle! I havnt seen a robin or swallow yet! Thats one brave and cold amphibean!
  16. The expected coliform count makes me want to barf!!!!
  17. Wow I think I would have soiled my pants. How far offshore were you?
  18. What is the point of closing the laker and whitefish on the 15th anyway. They both fall spawners. Is it just extra incentive to get the huts off? Always wondered the reason for this.
  19. Hey Glen was just looking at the USGS website and they have a realtime stream flow map. Noticed it still says low to record low flows down there. Is the rains over the last few months helping or is the ground still sucking it up. Darren
  20. Awesome fatty! girth of a euro pike!
  21. Great fish! especially the brown and that last monster steely! How is the ice in the river, I heard yesterday that it was unfishable due to the ice.
  22. Legal handguns have never been a problem...imported ones have been. Laws only restrict law abiding citizens. Glad to here its still pretty good here. people should take pride in that.
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