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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. IT's greed and nothing more.
  2. Since we are all wasting time for another 6 weeks till old man winter at least takes a break I was wondering what everyones goals were for 2008. Other then getting out more do you have a specific goal or personal best. I have had a few good years and my PB list is getting tougher and tougher but I think it will be a 20lb Brown or 55 inch muskie. That and finding new places on Gbay
  3. The river should be good from here on this year as Erie has frozen over and the wind hopefully wont break it up and be able to stir the turbididty up. http://ice-glaces.ec.gc.ca/prods/NAIS25ECT..._0003593590.gif
  4. Every drop is needed , it may suck now but come spring at least water levels will recover. Dont think this rain will open much rivers up as there is soo much snow on the ground it probably will absorb it.
  5. Keep Kaberle and trade everything else you get an offer on. If you dont blow this thing up all the way you will continue to mire in mediocrisy. Go to the OHL and grab as many standup guys as you can get.....works for the ducks!
  6. Due to the fact that Lakers are generaly spread out in the spring time, slowing down to jig may be couunter productive. Grab a pair of inlines and cover some water until you contact fish, maybe then start thinking about concentrating on the spot.
  7. MOdels are showing another major dump next Monday-Tuesday. Lets hope there wrong but its looking better ever run of the model.....arghhhhhhhhhhh
  8. Stock up for next year? At this pace it might be another 2 months of hardwater. I have been on Cooks bay as late as April 21st before......gotta sunburn!
  9. I have 30 years of In-fisherman here in my basement. Anyone want to make me any offer for them. I dont think you will find a better encyclopedia waiting for you. D
  10. The old timers in Quinte swear by it. But I cant see it better then a pair of mudminnows on my trebles. Plus addding a hydrocarbon to the water cant be good.. Hey maybe it helps slip those hooks home.!
  11. wow the perch have seen to grown into a nice size over the last few years. Maybe a perch destination other then Sicoe in the future. Thanks for sharing!
  12. He has to be lying. He is tight with Pettite and he admitted the both of them did it. What would Pettite have to gain......nothing.
  13. The day after the leafs missed the playoffs (again), they were at the ACC cleaning out their lockers. Bryan McCabe invited the boys over on Canada day for a party, all the players agreed to come. "Can you all bring beer?" he asked the team... Tucker suggested that McCabe call Paul Maurice, invite him, and tell him to pick up the beer. Maurice agreed to this and said that he would pick it up and bring it over. Canada day came, and Maurice loaded up his car with case after case of beer for the team and headed over to McCabe's place for some fun. On the road, he got stopped at a light and heard the car next to him honking like crazy, and some man yelling "GO LEAFS GO, GO LEAFS GO!" Maurice unrolled his window, and looked at the man, Leafs flags still hanging all over his car... Hey Coach the man yelled "What's with all the beer???" Maurice replied "I picked it up for McCabe!! The man looked at the beer in the back for a moment before yelling... "Good Trade, Good Trade!!!"
  14. Rizzo is exactly right. Too much snow this year = insulation for the ice making.
  15. Spent last saturday ice drinking for lakers on boshkong and caught 2 small ones and one in the slot. Alot of slush on the ice, current areas are not so good, Take care. FD
  16. Locusts come next!
  17. Just like I thought, It takes MANY years to become a good submission technician. If it was Royce in his prime the result would have been faster and Lesnar would have been without an arm or leg for the next 6-8 weeks. They should have put him in with Kimbo Slice....now that would have been entertaining!
  18. Dan!!! Please keep me in mind. I have 6 weeks vacation this year! Only lake where I can beat my PB 30# pike with a 40#!
  19. Too bad Gracie wasnt in his prime.....nothing funnier then seeing a 400 pound roid monster pound on a little guy for 5 minutes then start crying like a baby and tapping out. UFC used to be so much better. Now everyone fights with the exact style...all very good fighters but not as intriguing!
  20. Going to pick one up this spring and give it a try. Looks to be the ideal bucktail reel, you can always slow down. Also it looks like it will be easier on people with smaller hands.
  21. If you go to any local town there is usally a charter there that can take you out for sales. Also if you get a local NOT thru your resort youll pay about half as much.
  22. Congrats! Please beat the hell out Iaconelle!!!!! If EATV needs a new member I will be waiting.!
  23. Thinking of heading up as well, count me in if you need an extra guy.
  24. God Bless and good fortune. Afganistan was the only action I beleived in. THat bunch of lowlifes really needed to be weeded out of the genetic pool. If you remember this was the same bunch who had Saturday stoning and hangings of non muslims in there main soccer stadium and also destroyed a number of 2000 year old Budhist statues....all before 9-11. The world will really be a better place without this bunch! It's a good cause. D
  25. Spent the weekend on Boshkong and Kushog . Still lots of dangerous spots in the narrows due to the fact that they have had too much snow this winter. Lots of slush on the ice. 4-6 inches of slush with 12-15 inches of snow. Stay on the trails!!!!!
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