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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. Sheephead don't count!
  2. Good luck guys and gals and play safe. It can get nasty out there. Just spent 4 days there. if anyone wants any info feel free to PM
  3. She will freeze over night this weekend in any sheltered areas. The water will freeze in your outlet tube but after a few minutes it will run free. If you take it out of the water make sure you lower your unit to get the water out. As proof it will freeze, here is a picture frome last weekend. Good luck!
  4. Cool I didnt even know it was coming to WFN!
  5. Awesome buck....kick myself for moving away!
  6. Looks like a great weekend! Nice fish. Way to go!
  7. Chris, Brett and I headed down to Quinte on Thursday morning to get a jump start on the rest of the guys that would be arriving on Friday and to do some scouting. Chris has never been to Quinte and his personnel best on walleyes was only 3 lbs , needless to say I told him his first fish would be his new PB. I was being guide for the weekend so I drove the boat and tried to get the boy's on some quality fish maybe even breaking my PB of 13.9 lbs from a long time ago. Arrived around noon at Merland Park to snow and cold. Needless to say we were pumped up! Me ready for the long cold ride. Headed East of the Ferry and set up in 65 feet of water with 5 rods, 4 off the boards and one leadcore straight down the middle. As we set the last rod up, one of the outside rods went off and Brett ties into a nice 7 pounder. A few seconds later the far side board goes off and Chris sets the hook on a good fish. % minutes into the fight there still is no sight of this fish as it stays deep. I see the fish and congradulate Chris on entering the ten pound club. As the fish gets closer it gets bigger and i net the fish. We realize then that this fish is a monster and place it on the digital scale where it bounces between 14.9 and 15.4lbs . It settles on 15.0lbs and Chris 20 minutes into the trip has beaten my PB of 40 years! Chris with his monster again. Chris is a big dude at 6 foot 4 so this fish needs to be judged with this in mind. We proceeded to go 8 for 10 that afternoon. The next morning we were back out but a nasty east wind made for cold and bumpy ride. Managed another 4 walleyes and Chris set another PB with a 12 pound grunt. In our boat if you catch a grunt you have to wear the HMCS grunt hat for the rest of the afternoon. Chris's trophy grunt! Saturday and Sunday were cold and windy so we decided to get away from the crowds and fish Long Reach. Breakin Ice to get out! Fishing was slow with the bright sunny skies but we managed more fish including a 10 and an 11 pounder. 11lber. Fish in the Reach came off of Silver and Grey husky jerks 18 feet down in 30 feet of water. Fish east of the fErry came on Deep Down Husky Jerks in Silver and Blue and Purple. Chris's monster came on a brand new Silver and Blue Deep down Husky jerk that was promptly retired after the fish, to live the rest of its life in the mouth of the reproduction that will be done from Advanced this week. All in all a good weekend with 18 fish in the boat and many more lost...including a new PB for Chris and me in a way! Darren
  8. Nice report. Were there any herring in beside Thompson yet? A bonus day when you can find new areas for a milk run. I also wonder why we have license numbres on the boat if they dont mean anything anymore???????? D
  9. He looks like the first hunter to win a trip back to the Pleistocene era.....up next cave bear!
  10. Decided to do a "SCARY" pumpkin for the kiddies and the board! Enjoy Darren
  11. You have that right....man those seats are damn ugly!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Brought the baby in to have her gas gauge fixed up at Bay City Marina yesterday and of course I had to grab a new 2008 Lund brouchure. After drooling and leafing through it for 30 minutes I realize to my horror Lund has dropped the Mr. Pike lineup!!! Guess they are trying to get people to move up to the ProV series since there is nothing between that and the sports series now. Next one was going to be a ProV19 anyway but the Mr. Pike offered the best value I thought. D
  13. Might want to pick a set of clip on weights. It allows you to run different style baits other then deep divers for deep fishing behind the boards. Just clip them on 30-50 feet ahead of your bait. Also try to run your set ups with braid and then flourocarbon. You will miss alot less fish that you never knew hit the board bait.
  14. Awesome weights. Must have gotten ugly out there this afternoon with that wind coming up. Wonder when the full results will be posted. Wonder if bigfish cracked the 8 pound mark.
  15. Jimmy Hofa is still fishing in Ontario!
  16. The only thing more dependable then Mcabe screwing up is Tucker taking a stupid penalty at the wrong time!
  17. My wife does this for a living . Ill post later what you need to do once she gets to work.
  18. Beauty fish with nice colours dude! Congrats! It seems to be the year of the smallmouth. A few interesting articles in In-Fisherman over the last year on global warming and smallmouth growth rates and range expansion over the last 15 years. Coupled with a good ctach and release ethic, I have to say its the Golden Age Of Smallies!
  19. This is too funny considering who is in the white house and there connection to big oil and Haliburton etc. . LOL If the US wants to maintain there lead as a world power they better get off there as s and get off the oil. With a limited supply it is time they became inovators again and freed themselves from oil dependancy. Maybe time for a "Manhattan project" style investment in the future of energy. I just cant get over how short sighted the most powerful richest country in the world is at times.
  20. Man how much fun does that look! Too think I turned the furnace on this week. Great report...nice Redfish man!
  21. Hey Ron I only catch big fish near green bouys not red bouys!!! I photo shopped the bouy red in the pike photo;-) I am afraid people are going to start photoshopping the pictures to get the bouy numbers off of them! ;-) D
  22. Might be a it to early to open water troll the area past the ferry in Picton. In that area use inline boards and deep diving cranckbaits to hit the big open water eyes as they return to the bay in the fall. Best bet might be working the resident fish in areas around Mallory Bay and Telegraph Narrows. Most residnt fish are weed related so try working deep weedlines with crankbaits and swimbaits in 8-14 feet of water. You will pick up lots of incidental largemouth and pike. If you are planning on using 3 way rigs use berkley gulp worms to avoid the constant rebaiting due to gobies and perch. D
  23. Way to go Brian! Funny I was just about to PM you to see how you did! Seems like they are still in summer patterns but this weather this week might just change that. D
  24. The only good thing about the story other then you releasing it is that a bowfin maybe the toghest freshwater fish in North America. They have a simple lung that they can use to breathe air like a gar. I am 100% sure that grinnel is swimming around laughing at them right now!
  25. Headed out to simcoe today to see if we could hook into some of the monster smallies that have been showing themselves on the board lately. Lots of BIG storms all around us. Nothing on tubes so we decide3d to troll some breaklines in 25-30 feet of water with crawfish pasttern DT Rapalas. Caught one small fish then moved to a new break line and hooked this baby. It stayed deep the whole time and i thought I had northen until it did a cartwheel 4 feet clear of the water! Bounced the scales between 5.5 nd 5.9lbs. This is the largest smallie I have ever put on a scale and just may be my PB. Then got chased by some BIG storms!!!! Darren
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