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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. I have 3 compres and they have always been great. A really good bang for the buck!
  2. I have replied to the thread about this under the fishing news but felt compelled to post this on the regular board due to the amount of questions I have been receiving over the last few weeks on recent headlines. Recent headlines have highlighted the discovery of various chemical compounds in our lakes that have detrimental effects on the fish populations due to hormonal disruptions. These compounds are called endocrin disrupters and the adversely effect the reproduction of fish species and other animals exposed to these compounds. Since this is my field of expertise. I think that the some of the sensatinlizing of this story needs to be put in context. I have spent the last 23 years in the field of water and wastewater treatment. The discovery of endocrin disruptors is not a recent find. This has been at the fore front of water and wastewater research for the last 5-7 years. For some reason the media decided to run with the story of late and of course never bothered to follow up on progress that has been made in this field. This would have been a good article 6 years ago but it doesnt inform the public of the treatment options that are being utilized to eliminate and destroy these compounds. The category of endocrin disruptors is a broad category that encompasses all traces of drugs that have a hormonal effect on fish that live in the receiving waters of wastewater plants. There are two main ways of limiting this effect on the environment. 1. Proper disposal of Medications...... Take them back to the pharmacy for disposal. 2. Destruction of the compounds in wastewater effluent and water intakes thru the use of advanced oxidation methods ( ozonation and ultra violet light) and becoming more common is the use of nanofiltration by membrane filtration. Currently in the Region of Halton and many other municipalities in Ontario, ozone, UV and nanofiltration have been added to the existing facilities. These treatments destroy the compounds and reduce there concentrations by between 95 and 99% This reduces levels from the parts per billions to the parts per trillions. Making this a non issue in most larger municipalities. Of course continuing research is ongoing to improve these techniques and make them even more effective. Before and after Walkerton these efforts have been in place and have been making most Ontario municipal water supplies the most secure and highest quality in the world. If you have any questions feel free to drop me a line and I will be more then happy to answer any questions. Darren
  3. I need to speak up on this matter. Since this is my field of expertise. I think that the some of the sensatinlizing of this story needs to be put in context. I have spent the last 23 years in the field of water and wastewater treatment. The discovery of endocrin disruptors is not a recent find. This has been at the fore front of water and wastewater research for the last 5-7 years. For some reason the media decided to run with the story of late and of course never bothered to follow up on progress that has been made in this field. This would have been a good article 6 years ago but it doesnt inform the public of the treatment options that are being utilized to eliminate and destroy these compounds. The category of endocrin disruptors is a broad category that encompasses all traces of drugs that have a hormonal effect on fish that live in the receiving waters of wastewater plants. There are two main ways of limiting this effect on the environment. 1. Proper disposal of Medications...... Take them back to the pharmacy for disposal. 2. Destruction of the compounds in wastewater effluent and water intakes thru the use of advanced oxidation methods ( ozonation and ultra violet light) and becoming more common is the use of nanofiltration by membrane filtration. Currently in the Region of Halton and many other municipalities in Ontario ozone, UV and nanofiltration have been added to the existing facilities. These treatments destroy the compounds and reduce there concentrations by between 95 and 99% This reduces levels from the parts per billions to the parts per trillions. Making this a non issue in most larger municipalities. Of course continuing research is ongoing to improve these techniques and make them even more effective. Before and after Walkerton these efforts have been in place and have been making most Ontario municipal water supplies the most secure and highest quality in the world. If you have any questions feel free to drop me a line and I will be more then happy to answer any questions. Darren
  4. Sweet!
  5. The 2 most under rated players of all time in the NHL. If your going to wear number 19 nowadays you better be good!
  6. I do but always wondered what the point was since after a month of sliding in and out of the wallet they wear off anyway. Besides the wife has the number memorized and they dont look at the signature when she is shopping on the net........could explain why i am always broke!~
  7. Can never go wrong with a yamaha! I have had 3 and not a single problem! Just make sure you follow the break in procedures closely as the high performance engines have very tight tolerances now a days.
  8. Great picture Joey! My back deck is like that , just finished shovelling for the 3rd time since yesterday.....man I am not young anymore. I have to go back out and find my recyclable boxes..... there under there somewhere!
  9. Great day! Notice the fish were on a selction of different offerings aswell!
  10. Glen Are the water levels coming up yet down there. It seems like a bunch of good rain lately? Darren
  11. Thats brutal!!!!! But funny in a twisted sense!
  12. It seems to just get worse. Check out the snowfall map. For most of us in the south thats 30-60cm! Holly crap http://www.accuweather.com/news-story.asp?...0&article=1
  13. Terry Didnt say they cant be, just that one over 36 is an EXTREMELY rare fish! People throw these numbers around like they are caught every week. Thats an awesome fish dude!
  14. The 2006 In-Fisherman Region 2 ( southern us) catch and release bass. Region 2 Mark S. Held Magruder L., GA 28" 11/28 1/2F Lucky Craft Pete Rosko Golf Course L., FL 27.125" 6/4 Crippled Herring/wht Pete Rosko Golf Course L., FL 26.25" 6/19 Erie Shiner Spinner/gld John Martins Lake Tarpon, FL 26" 1/29 D n/a J. Steve Crouch Big Shanty, GA 26" 3/22 1/2D XCalibur/ornge Hans Wentz Bay L., FL 25" 1/15 F+1 shiner Jimmy Chambers Big Shanty, GA 25" 4/20 jig & pig/blu-blk Chris Simonds Lake Istokpoga, FL 24.25" 1/28 D-1 live shiner/gld Cecil Lunsford Lake Fork, TX 24" 4/3 jig & Speed I have a 24 inch inch x 18 largemouth on the wall beside me that freaks me out. Its 7 lbs and change. I know this shouldnt bother me but it does. I grew up in quinte and 34 inch eye is the biggest I have ever seen close up yet every week from Oct to Feb28th someone is catching a 16 lb plus fish. I once saw a 36 inch eye I estimate in the Moira on a spawning run 20 years ago. Slayinem and my freind Chris's eyes are the 2 biggest I have seen east of the Missippi this year in print or the internet. CCMT 's is very close behind. Oh and the pike ................................................. 42.2 is the current record for Ontario Here is my 48 inch 29-31lb pike.....and that other fish is nearly 40% bigger............................. My Freind Chris's 15.0lb eye on a digital scale Finally my 22 inch PB smallie from simcoe this fall. Thanks Misfish for the spot!!!! Dan has seen what a 25 inch spec looks like...it will blow your noodle when you see one like that. Even for Nipigon thats almost maxed out. Done my rant on fish exaggeration for the year.. I do it once a year. Thanks for listening people! And thanks to all the real sportsman out there that tell the truth!! Somehow they all seem to belong to this board! Keep it up guys! darren
  15. A 27 inch speck from Wilmot................COME ON!!!!!!!!!! At least make it beleivable! Makes me mad when I hear crap like this.It takes away from peoples accomplishments with real trophy fish. 36 inch walleye....NOT! 53 inch Pike NOT!!!!!! Hey Mepps guess we should have added 6 inches to our pike too! 29 inch largemouth........... do the math on that, they don't even come that long on the Stick Farm or other Trophy southern waters. I am going to submit my 22 inch perch this year!
  16. It's coming down at a ferocious rate out there. Lightning in it to could be alot worse then the they forecast. Full blown blizzard here now.
  17. Since it was only worth 60 bucks I would tend to keep it only because it would be such a pain to take back and return and pay for with the automatic inventory software out there. If it was more I would probably take it back.
  18. I am amazed you found enough open water that was slow enough to drift! Good going!
  19. Great report! Perfect for a sunday morning with a coffee and some quiet time. Thank you!
  20. Thanks guys! Think I might get away from "Mr Reliable" thoe old black #6 bucktail and try the SB more this year. Been watching alot of shows this winter and it looks like the inline has fallen out of favour.
  21. Wondring if anyone out there has anoticed a difference between using Large spinnerbaits succh as the Bionic Bucktail and the MG vs a standard bucktail. I automatically pick up a bucktail when muskie fishing but am starting to think maybe I should be throwing a large spinnerbait more often then I am. Any preferences out there? Darren
  22. I must have been inside too long, I went to BPS and lost control. Just have to figure out how to use these cranckbaits and spinnerbaits thru the never leaving ice now!
  23. Darren's shopping list Jr Thundersticks on sale = Spring Browns Tail Dancers = Fall Quinte Eyes NK's = Summer Salmon Reef Runners = Summer Erie Eyes. A bit for every season!!
  24. I was going to say Peter Frampton until I saw that Giecko commercial last night! Pete where did your hair go!!!!!!
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