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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. "Has everybody forgot about the FORCE motor by mercury " Wasn't that made by chrysler?
  2. Has to be Nipigon hands down.
  3. Hope not to spoil the party but my buddies friend has one and its been a complete lemon since day one. It has alot of problems with trolling in the cold weather and fouling. It has spent more time in the shop then out. This falls Quinte trip was the third year in a row it died on him in the cold. I have a 4 stroke Yamaha and it is ROCK SOLID. Just my expierience with them.
  4. I hear they are planning to draft Stevie Wonder!
  5. Check out todays satellite picture of Lake Simcoe. This may be the biggest crack in the ice I have ever seen. You know its big when you see it from orbit!!!
  6. Started trying them last year. I either catch big agressive fish on them or nothing at all. Used the 10 inch Storm for lakers in Nipigon and only got one hit but the fish was so big I couldnt move it! I need to use them more and have more confidence in them.
  7. Green with envy!!!
  8. Have one for you in the morning when my buddy gets back. Should be lots of ice as they lost some of the crazy amount of snow they had and the temp hit -29 in Bancroft last night.
  9. Lake Meade is the principle source of water for Vegas and other areas. At the rate of depletion the water intakes will be above the surface in 3 years. They have had to scramble for something in the excess of 1 billion dollars to make a new intake in the next few years. OUCH!!
  10. But they are doing such a bang up job!!!!! Seriously they are! Sold out every night to 18000 idiots at 200$ a pop, why change anything!
  11. C ool report. Looks like the forcast is calling for a nice extended period of below average temperatures. get the auger out! Quinte....the reason the 10" power auger was invented!
  12. Awesome rig. I have heard the same thing that Irishfield has said. that you have to follow the breakin exactly on the Verados otherwise bad things happen. After that I heard they are super sweet! Congrats!
  13. Boat is always ready but it looks like the end of our January thaw coming. I just want the wind to die down for a day or two. Still want to try the Niagara for the first time.
  14. I think the herring are slowly making a comeback. I caught one last winter and witnessed 2 others in Cooks bay. The northern areas near Grape Island used to be the herring grounds 30 years ago. People would fill 5 gallon pails with big bluebacks. My wife caught a big blueback about 7 years ago in 45 feet of water in Cooks Bay that was 2-2.5 pounds. I thought it was a whitefish as well until I looked more closely at it. hopefully this is a good sign of improving water quality.
  15. So sad. At least we havnt had the usual 2-8 people go through Lake Scugog this year as normally happens. I hope I havnt jinxed it now.
  16. I know down here on the Lakeshore in Oakville that last year and the year before the swallows got wiped out by late season snowstorms. They were clinging to the sides of the plant out of the wind and dropping like leaves.
  17. Awesome, that shock wave setting up is amazing!
  18. Just perch head butting it on Simcoe is about it. You would be amazed at the amount of suckers in the deeper water of Cooks bay. This year I want to use it in the Niagara and hopefully see something cool like Rizzo saw. We used it very effectively on the French drifting for walleyes. There was a surprising amount of walleyes that stayed on sheer walls of the river.
  19. I almost had my head taken off last week as I walked around the corner of my house. A sparrow was going full oout with a Merlin 6 inches off of his tail. Came within a foot of my head. Now that would have hurt.
  20. None at my place this year either. Maybe they know something and headed south like normal. Last year I had a monkingbird hanging around all winter ( very strange ) Guess this means there is alot more winter coming....hey it has to average out sometime!
  21. Its too bad the record book is being re written with triploids and other pen raised fish. Ranks up there with canned hunts.
  22. Just a heads up for everyone to keep an eye out for the Burlington Teen Tour Band at the Tournment of Roses Parade. They still havnt come up as of yet at 12:00
  23. The good part of it is that it has some of the Muskoka lakes on it. I have the eastern great lakes chips so this should fill the rest of the list of lakes up for me.Wish it had Muskoka but it does have Vernon and others. Thanks for posting!!
  24. I also renwed it in November and just recieved it 5 minutes ago in todays mail. Hopefullu everyone gets them this week.
  25. Of course! The water never stops flowing to the people. But it's nice and quiet so I am not complaining.!
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