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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. What Terry said. I still use my X67 and it will pretty much do the same thing. Unless you're intent on seeing bugs walk on the bottom of the lake bed, there comes a time when hype and moneys worth just don't justify the end.
  2. I first saw them in the area about 6-7 years ago wondering what the racket was in the woods. When they get it in their head to make holes in trees, look out, the chips fly just about as fast as a chain saw.
  3. Yes, that was me, but I don't think I would be pushing my boat around all day downrigging electrically. When you're 6-7 miles out, you do need the bigger motor to get you back
  4. It really, really helps when you say where or a general location.
  5. First time I've ever seen 2 that close together. Taken about 35M away with a 30x lens.
  6. How about a fillet knife and cleaning board. Just sleep with one eye open after the 25th of Dec.
  7. I wouldn't roll everyone into the same ball of wax, I have no need for holeshot and top end. I get up 10 minutes earlier and take my time, I don't have the "look at me" affliction, and there can be days when trolling/downrigging that you can be out for more than a couple hours and cover quite some distance.
  8. I had one in my first '77 trailer, that thing was the cats meow. No power required just convection heat. If you add a small 12 volt computer fan, it's a very quiet way of moving the heat down to the floor.
  9. Camped there with my father around 1963, lots of panfish in there.
  10. Nice to see an end product that looks super nice and knowing you did it yourself.
  11. Trying hard to wrap my head around this one, I would have thought the jars would explode without any liquid in them. I'll have to try a small batch next time I do something that requires the same time in the canner.
  12. When you run out of electrons on the lake, are you going to try and stuff the Pink Bunny into your battery. Gov't keeps telling us to use less power but all you see is mountains of electric powered junk coming across the Pacific to fill our dumps. Might be ok for very small inland lakes, even then only useful for maybe 6-7 months of the year.
  13. I also made some apple sauce jars and carrots just to see how they turn out. Worked very well.
  14. Just follow the canning directions to a "T" and you'll be fine. Important thing is to leave that 1 inch open space at the top of the jar and do not screw the lids down like a gorilla. Barely finger tight, the steam has to escape from the jar during the process of canning, The lids will suck themselves down tight, I don't retighten the rings afterwards, I've never had one pop open. Also be aware not to put hot jars into water in the pressure canner that's cooler than the jars if you are doing a hot load.
  15. Yes, pressure cooked, deboned, skin off, with broth, hot packed, 100 mins at 11 psi.
  16. Have to agree, a 1 litre or quart size mason jar is a lot. I use 1 litre jars of canned turkey to make 4 turkey pot pies at a time. 250's are my go to for canned salmon and rainbow.
  17. If you can get it in the can, go for it, lol.
  18. Hahahaha, ah, nooo. That would be like getting a freebie at the local floosie house.
  19. Sears was another horrible one to do that, priced themselves out of business.
  20. That goes for a lot of stuff they can sell on "sales" at 70-80% off and not loose any money.
  21. Well it's not a flux capacitor, that's for sure.
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