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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Yup, there was an old army cook from the rock, name was Mike Massey that used to kill the whities, back then the limit was 25. He had a hut out by Lefroy for perch we used to fish back in the '90's
  2. Remember waaay back a bunch of us used to go out on the ice around Thompsons hole and catch the splake there.
  3. Used to chum the holes for ice fishing in winter, loose roe for rainbow and whities.
  4. Regulations are current to 2021-01-28 and last amended on 2020-12-16 https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/sor-2007-237/page-3.html
  5. From OOD, page 22. From OOD page 22. Chumming for fish Chumming is a common practice among anglers and refers to baiting an area to attract fish. However, there’s been longstanding confusion between chumming and regulations associated with bait-bucket dumping. For this reason, included in the 2019 proposal for multiple lines, the MNRF also sought input on clarifying these rules.At the time, the OFAH expressed concerns that the wording provided in the fishing regulations on bait bucket dumping was confusing and needed to be updated, and that the definition of bait for the purposes of chumming should be clearly defined and exclude risky baits (e.g. live or dead fish, bait-fish, leeches, frogs, crayfish, and roe. THE OPENER OFAH INSIDER It is now illegal to release or attempt to release live or dead bait or baitfish, including fish eggs, gametes or fish parts, the water, soil, or other materials used to hold any of these items into or within 30 metres of any water. These rules apply to all FMZs across Ontario. Chumming is still allowed, but only with plant-based baits or artificial corn.
  6. Depends on how many donuts you bring, inversely proportional equation.
  7. Thanks Dan: This proves the left hand has absolutely no clue what the right hands doing, yours from the Aylmer office says it's ok.
  8. Back to the original subject, I sent an email to the MNRF to clarify if we could fish at night and got an answer back today. Not surprised that they didn't actually address my question but sent back the "pick one" of the gov't gibberish. Thank you for your email. There is a combination of measures that come into effect between Tuesday January 12, 2021 and Thursday, January 14, 2021, including a provincial declaration of emergency under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, orders under that Act, and amendments to regulations under the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19covid 19) Act, 2020 The enhanced public health and workplace safety measures are in effect for all of Ontario and are anticipated to be in place until at least Thursday, February 11, 2021. Under the provincial emergency, the following enhanced enforcement authorities are in place: All provincial offences officers, including police officers, will have the authority to disperse crowds indoors as well as outdoors. Similar to the provision under ROA, individuals have a duty to identify when a police officer has reasonable and probable grounds that an offence under EMCPA has been committed. Additionally, enforcement personnel have the authority to issue tickets. A person is required to remain in their place of residence and only leave their home for purposes permitted under the Stay-at-Home order, including: • Obtaining food • Exercise • Exercising an Aboriginal or treaty right as recognized and affirmed by the section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. Everyone needs to consider their purposes when deciding on activities that take you out of your household and possibly into contact with others. If you do engage in fishing for a permitted purpose, you are encouraged to do so close to home, and only with other members of your household and you are there for the purpose of fishing. You are required to remain at your place of residence otherwise. Individuals are required to follow applicable social gathering restrictions and should to maintain physical distancing at least 2 meters (6 feet) from other individuals who are not a part of their household. Anyone gathering outside is strongly urged to wear a mask. For more information on COVID-19, please visit www.ontario.ca. Regards, NRISC web reader - MC
  9. When the back says no to outdoor activity and there's apples in the garage. An apple cranberry crunch into the oven. Should be done in 35 minutes. Too bad there's no smell-o-meter, can't walk past it without sampling.
  10. My brother does the same, bad haircut, wear a hat for 3 days and nobody will ever know
  11. If this dam snow ever stops, should be good by then.
  12. Well, this is really getting annoying to the point I have no more room for this insanity. I sent off a Q to MNRF but that will probably take up to 2 weeks for an answer. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/thunder-bay/thunder-bay-opp-ice-fishing-lockdown-rules-1.5887138
  13. Well you can always park a couple of ARGO tires on the windward side, if it still moves you're probably pushing hurricane winds.
  14. For a second I thought you guys were trying to cook toe jam.
  15. Have you checked at this place on Commerce Park Rd for the spice packs. http://www.russianflyers.com/business/4268
  16. No, it's not too bad, I do it on relatively calm days or put a couple baffles of sheet aluminum on the windy side, sit out back with a huge cup of java.
  17. Pressure canning is done outside on the propane burner.
  18. Ya, you really have to be careful with those cast behemoths on the glass top.
  19. When you have your own hut but you can't stay overnight is beyond comprehension, well for normal people anyway.
  20. You must have laid the boots to them, says the survey is no longer available, lol.
  21. That sounds like insider trading, lol. Whatever works.
  22. Only thing, there's no Valuemart around here, but I do believe they are the same as PC/No Frills
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