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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Oh ya, I remember that one. Then there was another "almost one" when I saw them driving west on Cundles crossing Sunnidale. There's a bit of a whoop de do right in the intersection and that boat, came up off the trailer by at least a foot. No transom ties, just the winch cable holding it. Miraculously the boat landed right back on the trailer.
  2. And the vaccine does not prevent you from getting it or passing it on, it just lowers the amount of agony you're going to suffer.
  3. Well I'll go on the flip side of the coin and maybe the unknowing should spend 10 minutes asking the knowing what they should be doing.
  4. Did you bring an XL coffee and foot stool, might take a while to read. Charge batteries before leaving home, if you have muffs, do a quick start to make sure it starts at the launch. Put all your fishing gear into the boat in the parking lot. Put plug in boat. Undo all straps except winch( depends on launch). If you need a Ford with back up assist, then take up a different hobby or go practice at Wmart. Launch, and get the heck out of the way.
  5. Pretty much what Wayne said, my F40 takes 2 litres of 10W30 oil, about 1/2 litre of lower gear oil. Water runs out when vertical. But I do the same, let the motor sit in the water for a minute before starting, lets water up into the impeller pump.
  6. I know someone that already has about 10 days in the boat, been eating salmon already.
  7. Just like last week, the ski hills were infested with the travelers. If they don't put a complete travel ban in place, (other than for work, food and meds), it will never stop. Now there's reports that there are cases in Florida where people with 2 shots are still getting infected. Hmmm and there's a 10% chance the shots will not work for some. So, shoot up a million and have a chance that 100K still get sick.
  8. I'm sure if they did extensive testing, not too many fish would pass go and make it into the frying pan. Even the northwest pacific seems to be polluted pretty bad too.
  9. I went with steel roofing 4 years ago and never looked back. The type I got didn't need to be stripped, just trimmed a bit. Then a certain type of fabric laid down and the shingles over top, 50 year guarantee. Definitely cooler in summer.
  10. Yes, goofing off does not mean gainfully employed. Hard to see the Hydro One trucks lined up at McD's in the mid morning, and then the township trucks, etc.
  11. That has to be one of the earliest ice out years. Looks like the whole lake is wide open all the way to the Narrows. Sat Pic
  12. I believe they amalgamated their 2 sites in Canada under Cabelas, I keep getting redirected to the US.
  13. Ask Tromblys Tackle why it took them about 30 years to get with the program and even then the website looks like it's designed by a snowflake.
  14. Ya just can't fix stupid no matter how much duck tape or WD40 you use.
  15. Is it the right size for that motor is the first question. Can't hurt to run it at the half position. Otherwise cut it down in small increments.
  16. Somewhere in the garage I still have a bunch of my fathers wood working tools, some with the narrow blades, some for edging and what he used for grooving. There's even a plane with adjustable front and rear shoes for planing rounded items. Some veneer inlay tools too. Curse him for using phillips screws in the trigger assembly, lol. As for the wooden vise, I would believe there's a nut lodged in the upper slider of the vise and probably runs on a couple pins to keep it aligned.
  17. Quite the piece of art. I've seen a few of those sling shots but they use flat rubbers, apparently more accurate but then what do I know about them.
  18. Hamburger, backstrap and steaks.
  19. Last testing they did, it was found the Seafoam Deep Creep turned out the best results for loosening corroded stuff.
  20. Yes, much beyond 3.5 to 4 lb'ers taste too much like gumshoe.
  21. And a self centering roller at the back.
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