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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. I was using a quick response rig, ya did one of those places back around 1974-5, went there with our whole shift of 20 guys, we had a hoot to say the least and a pile of little tommies.
  2. Go to Metro or Provigo.. not quite sure when the tommy cod run is at St Anne de la Perade, give it a google, you can have some fun there.
  3. Best is to use the coarse pickling(kosher) salt, let them sit in a strainer, salt them and them let them drip dry for an hour or so, add a bit more salt and bag them in small ziplocs with the air removed. They will last a long time.
  4. I've had mine down to over 80 feet, looking at whities, roughly 6 feet clear and then hazy. Now that you mention it, I should take mine along tomorrow.
  5. WTH, get a Sea King, they break down more often than any snowmobile and you'll never have the Prime Minister want to ride in it, matter of fact nobody will ever want to steal it... we have 2 Skandic 550F's at work, not fast, so far pretty reliable.
  6. That's a pretty big "ice cube" out there right now, it could be this warm for the next two weeks and I wouldn't worry about the thickness, maybe a bit right on shore where the cars and trucks dump their salty slushballs on the ice, but good to go for the rest. When you go to Gilford, #89 east, you come to the big stop sign at the bottom of the long hill, (Gas Stn on left corner), turn right, go about 250 meters and then turn left, Gilford Rd. Keep going, cross the GO Train tracks, keep going, you'll see the line up of parked cars on the right side of the road, DON'T park on the left, DON'T block any driveways or park within 30 feet of any stop sign or other intersection, pay particular attention to NO PARKING signs, if you don't..$30 and maybe a tow. Walk down to the end of the road, turn a bit to the right, you'll see some blue and some green huts, go that way, about a 10 minute walk. If you want minnows, see Innisfil Bait & Tackle at the corner of #89 and Cty Rd 4, top of the hill on the right corner. Poke holes, apply minnow to small #6 or #8 hook, small splitshot about 1 foot up, send to within 6 inches of the bottom. Go fish, good luck.
  7. So if that's the weight, then why on earth would anyone want to buy a 15 Etec that weighs more than a Honda 25 electric start at 152 lbs?
  8. Thanks for finding that Wayne..in addition don't forget extra paper towels and a couple of tea towels for drying your dishes/pots, one of the few things we were expected to bring. They still have the nice wood burning stoves, we're going to bring a little extra dry hardwood, good for cooking up some lunch out in the hut. Maybe a good lantern/flashlight for lighting up the hut in the early morning/late afternoon. We're going next weekend, hopefully get a bunch of pics to post.
  9. Innisfil Bait and Tackle, north of Bradford on Cty Rd 4(Yonge St/highway 11) and the corner of highway 89, opens at 0600. Now get out the map and go explore..
  10. Speed limit - none, smart limit goes something like 50K, still pretty safe, you can see obstructions and big bumps and avoid them, 80K, you're starting to push the limits of being able to stop for "stuff", much higher than that and it says application for a Darwin award on the speedo. I like it when they hit those pressure cracks at around 150 and go like a missle, something like that wack a penguin game and see how many bounces you can get. You crash, my sympathy meter reads "0"
  11. Well now ain't we all in the humbug mood... I use it in everything, especially 2 strokes, chainsaw, weedwacker and ice auger, no fouled plugs for one thing.
  12. I'm stuck on using the Berkley Trilene Micro Ice in 4 and 6 lb, no complaints.
  13. A mighty milestone, 10 years, 10 pounds gained, 10 less grey hairs, may it continue for a long long time.
  14. Cut your ties with the one that only has bolts and washers in his toolbag, life is short, no point in wasting it. Go have a great pile of fun with the others, get some photos, show peanuts when you get back and either he'll grow some goullies or hide under the apron.
  15. Well I think the consensus is to "SELL THEM ALL" cause nobody likes nobody elses equipment, theirs is always better.
  16. Localized eh, well it's just a blasting away up here around Barrie too, pretty wicked whiteouts and drifting, drive down the roads and come back 15 minutes later, no evidence of previous tracks.
  17. Just for safety sake, how about not giving people the wrong idea, some are swayed just to easily, want to rub yourself out, I don't have a problem with that, just don't encourage others.
  18. Sweet, you da man..for this year , hopefully we get a good crowd.
  19. You should have added another option such as "both", some softwater days are miserable due to rain or bad winds, thunderstorms, etc, hardwater days can be just as bad with miserable cold windy conditions. The the weather allows, I like both.
  20. Friday there was someone ripping up and down the west side of cooks on a sled, damm near impossible to see where the ice had cracked and heaved, then they wonder why they go airborn or run into a hut like the one did last year. Speed doesn't kill, it's the rudely abrupt cessation of forward motion that does it. Some take safety advice and heed, some others, they make the news.
  21. If I remember correctly, I think they last from 4-7 hours, depending on the temps, in todays cold temps, probably not more than 4 hours. Your battery could probably do with an initial 12-18 hour charge depending on the charger(Idon't know what you have). You can of course get larger batteries but they won't fit inside the case. Those 12V 7 amp gell cells are about as good as it gets, no worry of tipping over and dumping acid on anything.
  22. Ya, it starts..why can't people wait a couple more days. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capress/100102/...wmobiler_search
  23. Jeezz, just goo borrow your wifes toy, won't make any difference, still smell fishy coming out of the lake water..
  24. Congrats are in order, no point in messing around with those dinky little preemy diapers eh? My first was about that size.
  25. Well here's wishing the best of health and prosperity to everyone for 2010. Couple of fish wouldn't hurt either.
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