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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Ohhhh, I was wondering why I kept hearing what I thought was the wind moaning...Wayne, Wayne,
  2. I went to the North Toronto auction this morning with my oldest son, he's the wise one when it comes to knowing pretty much everything about snowmobiles and reasonable prices. A quick check of the dozen or so older police skidoos, mostly 2002's, he pegged the reasonable price at between $1200-$1600, after the first few went, now we know why there are auctions, there are far too many fools, some of these were around $3000, some over 11,000km. We also ran into Terry and a couple of other fellows, they were just shaking their heads in disbelief too. I'm sure some of the suckers that bought the ATV's will probably get a frying pan upside the head when their wives find out. And to boot, it was colder than the inside of a witches bra.
  3. Maybe ya should have waited another week and then we could tell by how far the grass is bent..
  4. All depends if it was installed on the property line or inwards on your own land. The last guy that tried to attach his junk to mine found out very quickly, my fence on my property with my cash.
  5. Fix it first, no point in putting a band aid over something that needs stitches, then go and get the keel guard. Otherwise, you'll become proficient in fiberglass keel repairs..
  6. Make sure it's not a glossy finish, semi or matt is better for less reflection.
  7. 1.It's an annual event for me, should be open water right from the start. 2. Tiger Woods. April 17 to May 8 inclusive.
  8. That's part of the pollution that 2 strokes make, just unburned oil from the gas mix rising to the surface. You will see it in the barrel because you not "getting away from it" like in the lake when moving. Get yourself some high quality synthetic like Amsoil Saber 100:1 premix or HP Injector for 50:1. CTC carries some, other Motorsports shops carry it to. virtually no plug fouling and clean running engine. BTW, Johnson doesn not make oil, they buy it from whomever and put their own lable on the containers.
  9. Tried Fabricland, they don't stock any anymore up here, the thin camp mat or hunt seat might be next, Dollarama, next stop down the road.
  10. Yes, going to line the F/F box with it, that stuff is a pretty good shock absorbing material and it doesn't absorb a lot of water.
  11. Fabricland..like the sewing shop? Will call them then tomorrow.
  12. I'm making another fish finder box and am looking to purchase a some closed cell foam anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick. Anyone have any idea where to get it? Thanks.
  13. Got that problem of SPAM solved, goes directly into the spam box and doesn't get downloaded anymore.
  14. Hmm, maybe another e-mail harvesting site, take the test, but they don't give you the results without signing up..
  15. you want funny..put a foamy beer glass over a daddy long legs and watch him dance la macarena.
  16. Ha, hibernation time is over in SK, you must be hungry now.
  17. How about "read the instructions" christ it's not rocket science, all you do is plug numbers into little rectangles, add/subtract, a couple of percentage questions, oh my, wasn't paying attention in Gr 8 'rithmetic. How about getting the daughter to give a hand or is there another uh oh..math problem. At worst, if you screw it up, CRA will adjust and give the right answer. I've been doing mine for 39 years and only once used an accountant, and that's cause the company paid, never again.
  18. Don't let the door hit you in the arse on the way out.
  19. Why not check the boating safety regulations, there are NO opinions there, only facts and the minimum requirements for boating. As for tubing, don't know. Check the regs below, I don't know if a tube fishing float is considered a vessel, paddleboat or peddleboat whatever, but the rest is listed below. Look here: http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/marinesafety/tp-tp...nt_requirements
  20. Put it this way, you order from Cabela's, they will tell you exactly how much the total bill will be, shipping, duty, GST/PST, the whole enchilada. When dealing with other on line outfits from the US and you buy items that were originally imported into the US, then you will pay extra duty depending on the classification. The expect to get raped by FedEx,UPS,or any other big name shipper. Like it was said above, the only reasonable shipper is US Postal Service, cheap and efficient.
  21. If there's no tag, you might have a bunch of 'splainin to do when they check you on the water. Not worth the ticket.
  22. The CTEK charger is fully automatic and doesn't actually turn completely"off", it goes into a float and maintenace mode which is a sort of standby. Whne the battery voltage drops down a bit through natural discharge, it turns back on. I leave mine hooked up to the ATV all the time, great little charger and good warrantee.
  23. I'm sure they are probably waiting for you to put out the table and have breakfast with them like these folks do: http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=196...ient=firefox-a#
  24. Ya, 1/2 price off nothing in stock means they won't have a great loss.
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