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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Turn off the fish ID symbols. A F/F "sees" things in the water, bugs, leaves, algae and fish(if they're there). It has no way of knowing the difference, but if there is something, it will show it, and, with the fish ID on, you think there's all sorts of fish. Do a simple test, hang a jig and rubber worm so that the F/F sees it, shows up as a fish, eh?
  2. #1. Don't tell storys, and "they" won't know any better, call TD Primmum, it's also on line. I'll bet you can get the basic coverage for around $120-$150 a year to keep it legal. What do you use it for, puttering around on the farm and local trails where no permit is required.
  3. Who is the insurance company? I know some will only give you the basic PL/PD with no fire/theft/collision for the older machines.
  4. When you check the buy and sell paper, pay real close attention to the SCAMs, late model ATVs going for next to nothing. We have a couple of Yamaha 400's at work, enough power to get you around, independant suspension and lockable diffs. Both are used for plowing our parking lot in the winter, no problems with them.
  5. Ah, I don't think so, with that logic, you could find someone to put a set of skis and tracks on your pick up and call it an oversized snowmobile. My ATV floats and has provisions for an outboard, but it's still an ATV, not a boat.
  6. When you click on that link, look to the right, "MANUAL", it's a qick download, shows how to assemble it, it sure looks like the normal flip over hut.
  7. "Leaf fans deserve better than this crap year after year", well maybe if the dumb donkey fans keep supporting them and paying and paying, it's their own fault. Quit paying for a year, leave the arena seats empty and see how fast some heads roll and find staff and players to accomplish what they're paid to do. Isn't that the way it works in the real workplace. See the uprights....your butt is the next one that's going to be punted through it, careful of the landing, it might hurt.
  8. He could become useful in a couple weeks on the lake, but then again, he just might fall down into his own hole.
  9. I don't care how big that 2x4 is that you got strapped across the rear end, if you fall in, you're on yer own.
  10. This is better than saturday morning cartoons at times, now how the heck am I supposed to hold that MIG welder steady, there's a keyboard full of snoffee and the wife can't figure out why I'm laughing.
  11. Heck he just takes that single Cessna up to about 100,000, right bank, shoots a couple photos with a 3 foot lens and presto. Or you could go here, click the GL area you want to see. Only problem is cloudy days, all you see is cottonballs. http://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/modis/region_map.html
  12. Ya, you can grow some pretty big tomatoes on Bull. Still taste a bit funny though.
  13. OMG let the processed bovine rudiment begin. "Having the lowest operating costs of any outboard engine means that powering with an Evinrude E-TEC can save consumers up to $1,600 per year in fuel and maintenance costs." I haven't spent anywhere remotely close to that in the last 13 years of owning my Honda. If computer screens could exude the smell, it would smell like a western cattle ranch with that line.
  14. Good, hope the freezing continues without the snow cover.
  15. You had better get a legal interpretation of residence, rented ice huts are NOT. Maybe "up north" things are done different, but the rules are still the same. Look under the LLA.
  16. Why not just go and buy a new boat, it will solve a lot of your headaches.
  17. Oh boy, now we really have some logic, you drive, you're in control, the PO says stop, you stop, you don't, you suffer the consequences of your actions. I really feel sorry for the other driver that lost her life and the grief the family goes through.
  18. You think that's bad, with the public stupidity of buying sooo much on credit, and low mortgage rates being a big one, people are maxing themselves out to their maximum allowable debt right now. Just wait until the interest rates start rising next year. At a 140% debt load, what does that mean? A lot, and I mean a lot of people have no clue. If you make a $100 a week after taxes and you are spending $140 dollars, that means $0 is going on credit somewhere, sooner or later you have to pay that accumulating $40 a week. Now add a few more zeros and start smelling the brown stuff, and I don't mean coffee.
  19. Nobody has mentioned it, but, the first $1000 doesn't count on the Home Reno rebates.
  20. Quick, someone find a white truck and a driver, I'll ride shotgun, if we catch him we can hold him for a ransom and....hire a bunch more CO's. Then again I don't think too many would pay to have him back..
  21. Very nice to say the least, may you and the wife enjoy it for many years to come. Now comes the important question, can you get on the internet and keep up the "Lew o'clock" submissions or is it going to be morse code..
  22. Unless you're in a screaming rush to get one, why not look at some in action on the ice and go from there, once you have made the jump, then it's too late to change your mind. Flashers, whatever the brand, all do pretty much the same thing, with small differences in zoom, interference rejection, etc. Some units offer the ability to be used during all seasons, others offer the choice of running in regular graph mode or rotating rainbow of colours(definitely hard on my eyes and would not buy one). Lastly, some will say that only the "real" flashers(Vex/Marcum) provide real time info from water to screen, I call Bull on that. I just think they're mad they spent so much more than others and have to have something to moan about.
  23. Part of "someones" Xmas wish list included a Mustang floater coat, did some on line pricing, checked BPro this mornig, went over to LeB and saved over $100 on the exact same coat. Then we found quite a number of the regular winter lures at a very good percentage lower at LeB than BPro. I asked if BPro could price match, sure, bring in the catalogue, see if it's in stock, etc. you want my money, you do the hoops and loops. To top it off the staff at LeB have gotten quite the customer happiness attitude lately, I guess it pays off. At BPro it was like we were bothering them this morning with a few questions.
  24. I'm not rich, but have no debts, I think the local old fogeys home would get some help along with the boys.
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