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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Every one has opinions and then there are facts. You take an Optima battery and several other brands. Find out what the capacity of the batteries are and then compare the price per output. You'll find that Optimas are priced about twice as much as others. Your schekel, your choice.
  2. No wonder GM can't make ends meet, they have to give them away. Something about business they don't understand. Secondly, you have to plug it in and the way the price of electricity is going it doesn't make sense. Somehow this reminds me of some of their other fiascos, Olds Firenza, 6.5 GM diesel, Olds 350 diesel, Corvair, and probably a few more if I think a bit.
  3. Honestly, that stuffs not good for ya anyway, all the additives and processing chemicals the body can do without.
  4. First thing, look at the tail, Chinooks have spots all over the tail, Coho only have spots on the upper half.
  5. I bought a Linc110 from Costco a number of years back with the option of the gas kit. I'm not building skyscrapers or the Titanic. Up to 3/16ths is quite doable with just the flux core, just learn to take your time and get good penetration. Practice, practice and more practice. If I was to do body work, I would get the gas bottle and .023 wire.
  6. There's one option missing from the poll choices, I would name it, "Don't give a
  7. Honestly, checked the other local site up there, it's slow although with the rain, things may improve. Good luck.
  8. Maybe he's going to buy some fish at Valu-Mart
  9. Pictures can be deceiving however, Cohos "generally" only have spots on the upper half of the tail, clearly not the first and second picture...they're Chinook. Third and fourth picture, look at the adipose, which is the only fish to have a black rimmed adipose? Which is the only fish to have the tail spots in exact radiating rows. Third pic, what is the gum colour?
  10. They were supposed to install ticket dispensers for parking by July 1st if I'm not mistaken, looks like they are holding off for a while.
  11. For a second I thought you were going to give Grandma a face painting while she was nodding in the rocker.
  12. Ah yes looks like the parking has been postponed for a while. As for only $40 for the ticket, the Orillia Perch Fest, Owen Sound Salmon Spec and others are cheaper. Keep it reasonable and more will come.
  13. Rumour has it CTV channel 5 Barrie may have a short video on the news at 6 pm this evening.
  14. Bull Granola, I sent Transport Canada Marine a couple of questions a while back, which included the above situation. Again, there are a lot of over zealous enforcement types that couldn't find their a..(donkey) if they were sitting on their hands. Here's the question sent and response from Transport Canada Marine: 3.Question Are nautical charts a legal requirement for a pleasure craft under 6 meters if a person has a reasonably good understanding of the minumum requirements listed from the paragraph below, an excerpt from Transport Canada Marine website? If you are operating a boat under 100 gross tons, you do not have to carry these charts, documents and publications on board as long as you know: the location and type of charted: shipping routes; lights, buoys and marks; and boating hazards; and the area’s usual boating conditions such as tides, currents, ice and weather patterns. Answer: If you are operating a boat that is under 100 gross tones you do not need to carry nautical charts. You may be requested to provide your local knowledge of the waterway by the enforcement officer. Resonable knowledge might come into question, but then I'd be throwing those questions right back at them. I'm betting most of them could identify donuts easier than other thing on a map/chart.
  15. Question: Is this a "one event" thing, door opens, dog(s) go out and stay out for the rest of the day and the door stays open to "other" intruders, or will the door shut after a preset time. One thing, dogs decide it's crummy out, don't go out and dump in the garage. Just a thought..
  16. A little on the pricey side + parking fees.
  17. We don't have a taxation problem, we have an immense spending problem. If we got away from supporting all the self interest groups that stand(mostly sit) with open held out hand and tell them to use that hand to work for their perceived entitlements, we wouldn't have a problem. This group, that group, my group, etc, etc, billions spent on bull granola that's not needed. If it can't support itself, it's not viable. Now for health care, go to the hospital and see how many are there with simple scratch and mini bruises that can and should be relegated to walk in clinics or better yet, go buy a damm bandage that's needed. Leave health care for real problems. Then everyone should and must realize the real difference between wants and needs. Wants is what you can do without, but most don't have the jewlery bag to save first and then spend, needs are what is required to run a life, not a life style. Anyway, I watched an interesting program the other night about China Motors Corp (CMC). Sorta sounds like GMC, just one letter change, anyone want t take a guess when that's going to happen? How many more companies are going that way. My father told me many, many years ago, don't worry about a certain group of nitwits, when you see the yellow wave coming..it will be too late. The old kraut was right. As an afterthought, you're right, we shouldn't allow foreigners to outright buy/own our companies. Hope Harper has the brass clackers to tell the foreign oil bid to go pound pinecones .
  18. A 2000 Honda won't have a fuel pick up rotting in the tank, ethanol doesn't effect the hoses they use. Fuel pumps aren't checked by pumping on the bulb, the bulb primes the hose to get the gas there faster than just starting off the fuel pump alone. Honda's do have finer diameter fuel passages in the carbs. Rick mentioned a healthy dose of Seafoam. Probably a healthy does for the next 2 or 3 tankfuls. I've run Honda's since 1987, drain the carbs at the end of the season, drain the hoses from the connector on the motor and the long hose, drain the gas tank..dry, put it in your car. Change the fuel filter at the end of the year after everything's been emptied. My Honda 25 has been running for 16 years with no fuel/hose/carb problems. Get the owner manual and read it. They say to DRAIN the system for storage.
  19. When looking at the Honda model, it's only got 9.1 inches of clearance, that's with no one sitting on it. The Yamaha 550 is 2 inches higher. You'll find out the difference when you hit the first stump or obstruction how far the human body can go over the handlebars When it comes to ATV's, (as much as I like Honda/Yama/Suzuki/Kawa ) products, the Honda ATV's are a bit behind in technology. Some are still using carbs, low ground clearance, and electronic shift, marvellous when it gets wet, 'cause then it doesn't..shift. As far as the other granola wagons, Artic crud doesn't even make my interest meter blip, Boombardier and Poopoolaris are just that. Go with the Yama550
  20. Best deal is probably old bedframes you can get at the restore/recycle place.
  21. And I bet they feed them with all natural food ...with maybe just a little bit of extra bull granola in there to make sure that they can make it to market.
  22. Jedimaster to the rescue, they were the middle ones I had.
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