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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. Another name for a fisher is a martin hence Martin River. I friend of mine use to run a trap line up at mimisagamising and he loved getting fishers pelts, more valuable than most pelts.
  2. Been waiting for this report Mike good job on getting him out I guess steelheading is to much of a foulweather thing for the daughter. Your son can now say to her that she's never caught a steelhead.
  3. Dang I tried that bridge this spring but couldn't come up with anything. Thanks for the report Mike, worth the wait. 5 days for Nakina seems pretty rushed but when your hardcore a day of driving there and back makes up for three great days of fishing.
  4. The Atlantic salmon has no special designation as a species and has no power to protect the environment. If you are being told this you are being mislead. Builders will pay lip service only to any habitat and the OMB will overrule any attempt to stop building in sensitive habitats. Remember that cold water habitat is formed by recharge areas. Recharge areas are large tracts of land which slowly absorb rainwater back into the aquifer. You may protect the riparian zone but you won't save the recharge areas. That's not fear mongering or misleading people that's the cold hard truth. I've participated in a program that had an entire large city council on board. An environmental watershed wide assessment in place before any development could proceed to protect the last trout stream in the city of Waterloo. That's last, no more, extinct. OMB used the environmental watershed assessment to wipe its collective ass with as they paved over the entire area with houses and driveways. Needless to say NO MORE COLDWATER and no more trout. The Upper Credit is headed the same way and the Atlantic Salmon will not save it.
  5. I like the sentiment but there is also this thing called evolution and environmental factors are part of it and mankind, we suck as ecological partners. If the program was being successful then I'd have no problem funding it with tax dollars. But as its been mentioned the program is a colossal failure. Three fish??? That's not success by any definition. Were not even talking about creating a fishery which would at least have some intrinsic value. The thing that kills me is the headwaters of these streams are under intense urban pressure and I don't see the cold water resource surviving another 50 years particularly the Credit and the Oakridge moraine. In my lifetime I've watched population after population of wild native trout wiped out in the name of revenue and I expect nothing less from our governing bodies in the future.
  6. Bowfin always cheeze me off when I'm bass fishin. Pitch that jig into a perfect spot .. there's the hit.. set hook... holy crap HUGE BASS.. no wait.. dang Bowfin. And ling are super tasty.
  7. Anyplace on Temagami Its my favourite icefishing destination for lakers.
  8. Getting them on a waking fly is a nice achievement. Good job.
  9. When things are slow I break out the trusty ole 8" Rouser Glide Bait Kinda the exact opposite of Solo's experience I was fishing for toothy esocids when this fresh run steel got greedy. Beat him like a rented mule with the pool cue and 100 lb powerpro.
  10. Thats was an awesome report with fish and scenery that are just outstanding. You said that was dry fly action, yes? If so can you give me an indication of how you what you were fishing. Was it a specific hatch or were you using attractor patterns like humpy's and stimulators. I'm going to have to come out there and fish some of those rivers it looks like the adventure of a lifetime. I'm incredibly envious.
  11. I'm not a veteran or anything but both my Grandfather and my father served and I hold a special place in my heart for those selfless people that put their lives on the line for our everyday freedoms and existence. Regardless of your politics these people are heroes and I just watched a half hour of coming home videos on youtube. Made me joyous and sad all at the same time.Here are two of my favourites http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWRag1QKwTA&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysKAVyXi0J4
  12. Some gorgeous specks worth the October dunking Im sure.
  13. Heart goes out to you man. Thought I was going to have to put ours down last week.
  14. Congratulations and kiss your disposable income goodbye
  15. Well said our cheapness is killing us.
  16. The sad new is it's probably chopped up and sold. Had two brand new rangers stolen from our lot and within 12 hrs both boats were burned to the ground sans 225 which were eventually found in another province.
  17. Way to stick it out in the nasty weather and pull off some fine specks. Congrats on the PB.
  18. None of that is to hard. It looks good on film because of the line which was specifically produced for the film "A River Runs Through It". You do notice he's casting in wide open spaces with no trees and bushes around him right? Reminds me of a time I took a fellow FFF instructor fishing on a small Ontario stream. This gentleman can wail a line and was a Canadian distance competitor but he spent all his time removing his flies from the shoreline cover while I was catching fish. Flyfishing is about learning how to catch the fish right in front of you not looking pretty doing it.
  19. Sorry to hear of your losses but thanks a bunch for that link. Going to try that.
  20. Lots of commercial models available Here's one http://www.mec.ca/AST/ShopMEC/Paddling/CarRacksCarts/PRD~4015-488/wck-expedition-canoe-cart.jsp?bFlashEnabled=false
  21. Not this one. I'm a bit of a snob in the park and won't fish stocked lakes.
  22. Did you fish with either of the Chris W's or with Fred? Good guys whose knowledge of that system is fantastic.
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