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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. Engagement rings are never cheap. Just ask anyone whos been divorced
  2. Ramsey might be one of the best accessable Walleye lakes in the province. Nice report
  3. Its nice to have a non polarizing poster in our midst. Those are some great fish Mike. 42 degrees is still warm I hated those December mornings when moving water was actually below freezing and you had to wait for the water temp to climb a degree or two for the fish to start moving.
  4. Great Report and pictures. Those Dolly's are brutes I would love to get some on the flyrod
  5. I know it will sound morbid but this song brings back some good memories. After a night of drinking at University That mellow part of 3 in the morning, my buddy and I use to go sit across from The Maritime Sailors Cathedral and sing this song. And Old Man by Neil Young
  6. Ask to speak to Fred Dobbs at the NVCA
  7. Ahhh, now I know why you didn't catch any.
  8. This greased out term still kills me. Honey needs to meet Mike
  9. Im going to second Head Lake for getting a ski. If there was one lake in the province I would guarantee a fish this would be it. Small enough for a canoe. try the bay with the down logs in it, other side of the lake from the town dock and then work your way back to the dock clockwise. Jerk baits will probably be the way to go and Ive had a lot of luck with jailbird suicks there.
  10. This was tried on the no kill stretch of the Grand. It didn't work because they had no power all they could do was phone for a CO and take notes. We already have that program its called tips. People break the law on the No Kill stretches of The Grand, Credit, Whiteman's and the Notty yet all these sections of river are healthier and producing more CPU then the equivalent non regulated rivers. If what you want is better catching opportunities No kill and strict slots are the proven solution.
  11. Yup drifting dead minnows on the bottom of the whirlpool will get you some after the season reopens
  12. If you do that trip take lots of photos and video's Sure it will be the most popular report ever.
  13. Brown splooge
  14. To make sure Ive done it right I always preview post
  15. Agreed, the number of fish in the "eater size" range in that system is astounding. The bio behind this move is a personal friend Who lives and breathes Steel.He learned the effects of catch and release sections on the Grand from back in the day. He was the brown trout sections personal bio.We went from being unable to really sample any second year fish. To more big fish than small fish. Turned it into a world class flyfishing destination. I only wish we had more bios who were hardcore fisherman instead of bureaucrats. Shout out to the bios in S Ontario who actually fish hardcore.
  16. You look like you enjoy holding fish for pics. Your wife not so much. But its great shes out all the time with you.
  17. I ripped all my braking devices and magnets out of my baitcaster 7 ball bearing model from Quantum given to me by rep from company for said purpose. I had a custom Loomis rod made by Jon Witzke that had twist guides to take the line from the top of the rod to the bottom. Sold it here on the classifieds last year cuz I can't be bothered to steelhead fish anymore Here a pic I never had any problems on frogwater or small flows. Inferior to a pin yes but not by a lot.
  18. No it means all of St Vincent township. Quite a lot of fall river open but a lot is private
  19. Ahh the Japanese wiping out earth species one tasty morsel at a time
  20. I hope I win the lottrey
  21. Dana the fish are on the spawn. Do you eat while your ..you know? The sandwich comes after.
  22. Cold Burial by Clive Powell-Williams about the ill fated Thelon River expedition in the 20's is a good canoe tripping what not to do book.
  23. A great bit of Canadiana outdoor writing with a glimpse into life in the 30's in the Nakina area http://traplinesnorth.tripod.com/ I highly recommend it
  24. He pressed it when they asked him to turn on his cameras??
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