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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. I don't mind you chiming in with your statement but get the facts straight. You can not at any place in the USA legally get a gun with just a drivers license. You do get a back round check and the gun is registered to you. No felons or people who have been deemed mentally ill or convicted of a violent crime can legally have a gun in their possession. Now to clarify all of the people mentioned can get ahold of an illegal gun just as any one born in Canada can. The rifles used for violence are not legal to own weapons in most cases but are military rifles that have illegally been purchased. Sorry for this rant but it is an important difference for all to know that legally owned and responsible citizens of the US far outnumber the few illegally gotten guns used in these heinous attacks that can occur in any place in the world. Art
  2. I have a few toads down my way as well. They live under the front porch and feast when the outside light is on. Art
  3. epoxy paint with a well prepared base will work great. Art
  4. If you are just wanting to record the garage you can have the recorder in the garage hard wired to the camera. This would make it easier with the wiring and power concerns. You can review the recording when you want or if you feel something is out of place. Art
  5. You sold some really fine leaders to Mike? That is like buying a bicycle for a fish.lol Just poking you Mike use them in good health and I am sure your post of this trip will be as exciting as your last one. Best to yaa Art
  6. very cool nothing like a rod that calls to you. good luck with it. Art
  7. The bro code is that the Moderators let some people get away with stuff and call others on it. Personally I yell at everyone that I CATCH doing something wrong. Some times it is lock the thread and other it is a P.M. It is not that we ignore some than others it is there is a lot to read here and we don't always catch it. If people used the report button when they see something instead of thinking their is a bro code they would be happier. If someone does not like the way they are treated they have the option of not coming to the site it really is that simple. If you like the site most of the time then stay and support the site and the moderators after all we are people doing a job that most don't want Yup you get yelled at sometimes but you also go fishing with some of the moderators too. We like all of the members here each is treated as fairly as we know how to. Art
  8. And this one is also locked by the same person. I am the moderator here and if you read the rules you have broken a second rule. Please take the time to read the rules if you still have a question feel free to Contact me or one of the other moderators we are here to make your time here both insightful and fun. Posting specific fishing locations will get you slammed by the posters I attempted to save you that anguish as a new poster but following up with this post is just rude to not only me but the people who do read the rules and follow them. Art
  9. I use a shakey head and found that most of the hook ups are near the lips. The fish has to inhale the bait from the bottom and gravity seems to help. I will also use a circle hook when fishing it unweighted.. Art
  10. very nice report Mike thank you as always for the effort you put in to show us that life and fishing go together. Art
  11. welcome to the board. You might find that an introduction goes a long way to get people talking about places they fish. We do have a few rules one of them is being to specific on where to fish. We have found this to be frowned upon by members on the board. You can get the help you need by extending an invitation to hostfish or offer to supply food/drink/gas money if they host the trip.
  12. Top loader for me also. I had a front loader but their dirty little secret is they mold if you keep the door closed. I now have the samsung toploader that works great and is also a direct drive so no belts to worry about. Art
  13. If you are using amsoil or an oil that is formulated as 100:1 you are safe. Personally I mix at 80:1 using amsoil in some high performance motors and never had an oil related failure. Art
  14. Best of the day to you Paul I hope you have a great time. Art
  15. The market is about to be flooded with boats the fall is typically not the best time to sell to maximize the profit. On the same not the spring is not the time to replace the boat either. Best of luck on the sale. The perfect storm is buy in the fall then sell yours in the spring if it is possible, Art
  16. I know gas is up in some places but we went from 3.65 to 3.51 locally. I bought a 100 gallons for the boat. Art
  17. I use them in place of spinnerbaits sometimes. They have there uses and in some areas they haven't been seen by the fish ad nauseum. Having a perch pattern and a white in the box can save the day. Art
  18. Glad to hear sometimes all it takes is a ten minute break and a calmer mind finds the answer. Art
  19. Good heart on yaa Mike you can beat it. Thanks for sharing the photos and the update on your life. Art
  20. I think we all have the same ratio of idiots ours gun ratio is much higher than in Canada. If we look at the number of total murders in the same study we would see the numbers are about even. Art
  21. I don't buy into the mindset that guns are evil....I have had guns all my life and so far to this date they have never hurt anyone. In fact I can guarantee until a gun is interacted on by a human it will rust back into a pile of scrap metal and not hurt anyone. Blaming guns is like saying spoons make people fat. I can go thru any house and show you 100 ways to kill someone with legal products laying around. Blame what it really is PEOPLE who are to stupid to own a gun. Art
  22. Down imaging needs to be on the back of the boat in the water shooting thru the hull gives poor returns. The puck board is the way to go. Art
  23. Separate the plug and read the pins with a voltmeter on the output side of the vehicle to see if it is the trailer wiring or the truck feeding wrong signals. Then read the trailer from circuit to circuit then to ground. You will need a schematic and know how to isolate the circuits. The problem with the brakes is they were energised either from a power to power short (rare but since you said they were locked up they were receiving close to full voltage ) or the truck was sending voltage when it should not have. Hope this helps Art
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