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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. I get a magazine called Boat US it has lots of info. on what it takes to find and maintain the boat that will fit your lifestyle. The downside is the destination and area write up are in the US so they would do you little good. You can check them out on line at http://www.boatus.com/magazine/. Art
  2. All these trips down South and you keep forgetting to stop over in Virginia. Art
  3. Just a note to all. They get locked when the Rules get broken to often. Mainly name calling and fake cussing are the culprits. Be nice and respectful of each others views as you mostly have been and it will be kept open Thanks Art
  4. Yaa did fine keeping the same size bar on it will make chain purchases easier. We run 20" bars and have 12 chains at various ages it makes it easy to run thru 11 chains and then sit down and sharpen them at once on a CS sharpener. Good choice and use quality oil in the saw and special Chainbar oil to keep them happy for a long time. Art
  5. best to put this one to bed. You did what you had to and thank goodness no one got hurt. Art
  6. Welcome to the board and thank you for joining. Art
  7. I was looking at the quote and refigured it for what it is worth down here, 1 mechanic @ 85.00 x 7 hr = 595.00 2 helpers @ 40.00 x 7 hr = 560.00 excavator @ 125.00 x 7hr= 875.00 mat 100.00 10% misc 125,00 tax 4% material 4.00 2259.00 total I don't see any issue with the quote the set up time and the break down time for the job is 3 hours. profit on the job is 650.00 if you don't count set up or breakdown plus waiting for the inspector and tying up the equipment for an extra day. Art
  8. I have a lot of teak on my boat from 1985 and we sanded it down to fresh. We then on the interior used teak oil but the outside wood we sealed with 5 coats of spar varnish. The finished product has not grayed out in 6 years but the teak treads have discolored where the varnish has been worn off. If there is evidence of rot it is not teak wood. Art
  9. Describe the blade you want long short, flexible,stiff handle material main uses for what size fish. All of these make a difference in choosing a knife. Here is a link to steel and handle material and what it is best for http://www.midwayusa.com/technicalnotes/application_pages/knife_steel_and_handle_material_chart.htm. They have some of the more basic knives on the site also. A final name is SHUN they are some really nice blades and I like the edge the take and hold. Art
  10. I tried but he has the master key to the castle. lol Art
  11. The albino gene is a recessed gene that is actually a mutation. If it produced lets say a crippling effect on the animal we would shoot it out of compassion. It however does produce a beautiful oddity that I personally like so I have let all albino deer walk on when I hunt. Art
  12. It is a plant that distorts reality same as a bottle of beer in my eyes. If you want to grow it for your own use and do not involve any kind of criminal element have a great time. IMHO. Art
  13. We have 3 saws 2 husq 1 stihl all have a specific job. One husq 268 has a 20" bar and a professional chain (no anti kickbath teeth full on cutting) it flat eats wood as fast as you can feed it. The saw is heavy but with the torque and high RPM's it processes large wood easily. The stihl 260 has the same chain and bar and while it runs as well it has 20% less torque (less CC motor also) but is lighter and is easier to fell trees with. The last husq is a 55 with 14" bar which is light and high RPM's and will limb out trees all day without being to heavy. None of them are the perfect saw...all of them will cut down a tree... each one has it's shining point's. The less you spend on a saw the less saw you will get. I have seen saws that will not pull thru wood with a good sharp chain because it has little torque. Once it dulls down the RPM's pick up and it is not ripping chunks out of the tree but making rough sawdust. It sounds impressive and the job gets done and you are happy because it has cut the wood. One day you will see a high end torque ladened motor pulling huge chips and flying thru the logs and you will see the difference. Spend as much as you can on quality and take good care of it and it will last a very long time. Art
  14. I am a contractor and use the tom tom it has lifetime maps and the updates are frequent and accurate. (US maps). Art
  15. Phil made sure I had a few special lures before I went up to Canada this year in August. If you think you have gotten less than stellar service contact Phil he is a stand up guy and will make it right I am sure. Art
  16. It is funny how everyone has a "great chainsaw" till they have a chance to run another "great chainsaw" and it losses. lol. Good luck on your search but if you can, run a few different saws before you buy. Art
  17. I use the I5 and for using messaging, texting or e mailing it wins with one feature it is the speech to text. It is very good at turning the spoken word into a good solid text. It makes few mistakes unless you have marblemouth or lots of background noise. Art
  19. Looks like a good time was had by all. Thanks for sharing. Art
  20. This is not a money issue it is the government holding our spending hostage till we get rid of the obamacare crap that will ruin our country. As for guns if there is no government then I am glad I am armed at least there will be one wolf in the pasture protecting the livestock. lol Give it a few days and they will come up with some kind of answer that will keep both sides of the government happy as for the people.....who knows. Art
  21. Lay your track slowly in areas that Kevin will tell you about. You also can follow the veteran Joey and Tybo to get your tracks laid. Art
  22. Husqvarna or stihl I have owned both brands and have 20 acres to maintain. Neither have given me any issues my choice would depend on which one has parts locally (chains,bars and other parts that wear). Art
  23. Well done and a well deserved fish. Art
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