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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Looks like a great trip for an adventure. Sorry the lake was not better as a fishing destination. Now post the GPS cord. so no one else makes the same "mistake" lol. Art
  2. Lets keep this factual and light hearted I would like to keep this open for awhile. Thanks Art
  3. Good to hear Dan no more "batwings" from the heat. Art
  4. John you can get a pitch gauge from most auto parts places. You can also contact Mercury to order the bolt. I will make an assumption here and since it is a high stress bolt it needs to be higher grade bolt like a grade 8. Since the cost of the pitch gauge to find a grade 8 bolt you will be cheaper getting the bolt from a Mercury dealer. Best to you Art
  5. Good job lew hope the rest of the trip is as productive. Art
  6. We are past the sealed border part of history we are in a world economy now. The value of money is what its perceived value is it is what another country decides what it is worth compared to what it is decided on in the country of origin. The US dollar is worth the price it cost to print it. That is it's value in material. The value is in what it will buy on the world market. In Canada in past it was worth 1.20 or as little as .90 cents depending on how strong the economy is. Outside investing brings the world in to drive up the material value of the Canadian dollar. If the world loses faith on the monetary value of the currency then it becomes devalued and does not purchase as much goods as its face value. Picture being on a small island and the currency was shells. With the shells you can buy things from the other people there. Now eventually you all will decide one shell is worth 1 medium fish and everyone will use that as a base. Now a man shows up from another island and wants to buy fish using coconuts. No one on your island knows what a coconut is so it is decided it is worth 2 shells or 2 fish it has just devalued the shell by 50% until everyone on the island decided that one coconut is worth 2 shells. As trading goes on your island was valued as the total number of shells it had now with two items that have a perceived value so the gross value of the island economy has increased. Art
  7. fill the unused holes with marine tex it will keep moisture out. Art
  8. excellent job o and by the way T.J. was once again out fished by the female population at J.J. Art
  9. Nice report Mike thanks for taking all of the time to share your adventure with us. Art
  10. I have doubled up often when fishing rivers for smallmouths. The first fish hits and as it gets near the boat it is shadowed by one or two others. As you lift them up to boat them the other fish would slam it. I actually was on Pond X in Virginia and was trolling a rattle trap behind the boat. At level 2 on the trolling motor I cruised the shore and received 1 fish for the trouble. I turned around and trolled back at the same track and speed and lifted the rod to surface the lure to check for weeds and bang fish on. I continued this every 30 yards and pulled 5 more fish off the shore. It reminded me that triggers are just as important as what lure you use while fishing. Art
  11. Is that 1850's or 1950's Roy? Love yaa Art
  12. You should see the number of people who live outside of Canada holding stock in Canadian Companies. Few countries would survive without outside investment to bring in an infusion of cash to help improve their economy. A piece of stock has just as much legal value as a plot of land. Art
  13. I like the rock picture the best all of the other ones have some stupid fish in them... Nice lake X me friend. Art
  14. Glad to hear you are safe and unfortunately lost some equipment. I hope you get compensated for it. I would like to urge everyone to keep an eye out for all boats especially ones over 20 ft. Once you get into boats of that size the boats that are not on a solid plane have a large blind spot when the bow is riding high. This is not an excuse for them to not know what is in front of their boats just a heads up if you can't see the drivers face pretend he can't see you and take action. I also carry an air horn on any boat and will sound at another boat that gives me any indication they don't see me. Art
  15. Good choice on the saw for sure. I have Husqvarna saws one is a great big commercial saw 268 for trunks and then a lighter limbing saw makes the day of wood cutting easier. Art
  16. nice trip and good company DanC thanks for sharing. Art
  17. Glad to hear momma and baby are doing well. Happy Great Grandpa n Grandma. Art
  18. no that does look excessive Lew I was thinking it was less and not that visible. Even my Sprinter does not make dust like that and it has a goodly amount of weight I control. Art
  19. Lew you also might look at what the wheels are made of. My painted wheels of gray showed brake dust readily while the chromed brakes on the eco boost hide/shedded the dust much better. Art
  20. I have done it for years and never torn a tarp yet. I also put pieces on my trolling motor skeg and blades to keep them from tearing a hole in the tarp. Art
  21. I am glad that it worked I love the old machinery and have restored a few older engines in my time. Art
  22. If I catch 12 frogs they ain't going into no basses stomach.....Thats some good eating right there. I also have the same problem when I find crawfish too. Art
  23. Well done you might submit it to T.J. for his newsletter if you would like to share it even further. Art
  24. Live target frog or mouse gets me all the bass I want without the hassle. Art
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