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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Thank you as always Roy for getting invision to get rid of of a few more glitches. We have unfortunately had to keep our upgrades up to date which changes the way the board looks and works to keep us from getting hacked and viruses. I am impressed with the way invision has keep us out of deep trouble over the years they seem to be worth all of the money we pay them. Granted there are cheaper companies but we get what we pay for. Art
  2. Awww I was waiting for it to say " A sandpiper a duck and a seagull walked into a bar"...... Nice photos as always Joey Art
  3. I agree with the patterning of fish as a key tool to finding the bite. I am very fortunate down here with the variety of fishing guru's I have met and fished with over the years. While fishing we talk about may things and some of the discussions have been what to do on a hard bite. The first thing that we all agree on is that fish react to its surrounding the same way every time the condition is exactly the same if it is in the same condition/health etc.. This means a fish that is in a body of water is removed to a laboratory during the spawn will, if the conditions are changed will stop spawning You can then simulate in the lab the spawn and they will start back up. This train of thought of cause and effect can make fish easier to pattern. We all know that fishing a wind blown shore after a few days produces fish. The reason is the wind concentrates the food chain on that shore and we find them in a feeding pattern. The fish don't decide that it is windy so I am going to check the wind blown shore they have just followed the food. Once you have found the food you have to then decide what mood are they in. If they are hungry then it is an easy day to fish but what if they are neutral or negative to hunger. Now you have to get them to bite for another reason like anger or curiosity. Once you find the key to the reason you will catch fish that are hungry, angry, and curious. Eventually the bite will fade and it is time to recheck the conditions and if they have not changed move to an area that has the same set of conditions and start catching fish again. As much as we wish it was true there is not fish everywhere in a lake the lake has X amount of food, cover, safety that the fish gravitate to and the other places are just water between on place to the next. Finding the places that trigger the fish to feed by seeing the environmental patterns will go far in the pursuit of fish that bite. Patterns change but fish for the most part react the same. Art
  4. We have polled the members, discussed it and voted on this in the past it failed 15 years ago and every couple of times it comes up a year we hold the same view. Sorry if it causes you to not read the excellent reports that some of our members post. Think of it this way some of them have spent hours putting the reports together so you having to use the search function is a small price to pay for a clean looking and easy forum to view. The members have spoken as they have in the past so I am going to put this to bed. Thanks Art
  5. We are trying not to cut the site up into to many subforum we have found this to work best. Hitting new content seems to be the best way to keep on top of the active threads you enjoy reading. Art
  6. I actually place most of my fishing abilities on being able to identify patterns. I use all of the clues mother nature gives me and apply it to the day I am fishing. No matter what the effects of the barometric pressure or the pull of the lunar cycle is fish will react to it the same way. Fish are driven by cause and effect (instinct). They do not make decisions on food, shelter or even breeding but rather these actions are reactions to the environment around them. Part two coming soon I got to head out to work. Art
  7. Shielding paste can be used often to keep you from disassembling the bottom end. A machine shop would be a better option than a boat repair shop they specialize in metal and will have the correct equipment and talent to make you happy. Art
  8. The swim bladder of a fish is designed so the fish can take O2 from the water thru the gills or gulping on primitive fish and adjust it's buoyancy to the depth it is swimming at. It is not a fast process that is why you sometimes see a deep depth fish having trouble leaving the surface. A fishes swim bladder is also able to feel vibrations in the water and in some produce sounds (catfish). This means a fish can move up or down in the water column to an extent without gassing off so barometric pressure can be tolerated or adjusted for if it was severe enough. (unlikely considering a 2 meter move is much larger than any storm front). Some claim that the swim bladder swells up and the fish are not hungry but since a minor adjustment is so easy I find this to be unproven in my book. We can also look at fish that do not have swim bladders(sharks and rays to name two) and we will find that they also can be off the feed as storm fronts come and go. Art
  9. Good thoughts on these points. Water as it is heated changes state from a liquid to a vapor. the temperature as it increases allows vapor in the water to expand and the total weight of the water is the same it is the vapor the weighs less thus the combination of the two rises above the cold water. Atmospheric pressure does change a small amount this change can apply more pressure to the water column but the density of the water is not affected by the change. Picture a nut with a brick on top of it. Now hit it with a small hammer you will have no reaction, hit it with a larger hammer and the nut cracks. Did you change the density of the brick with the blow ? No you transmitted the force thru the brick to the compressible item below. The ocean reference is because lakes are not deep enough to begin to illustrate that water under great compression from it's own weight will not cause the water to become denser. I did take one liberty and that is not to mention that saltwater has enough salt to be tested and compressed which is not the water again compressing but the impurities. I don't contend that barometric pressure is not a good indicator of when to fish. I contend it is the conditions around the reading that are affecting the fishing not a pressure change in the water column. Art
  10. Amps X volts =watts. Look on the plug or electrical objects and find the amp's it draws. Take that and apply it to the formula and add all of them up for your total watts. now multiply it by 1.5 and that is the ideal size generator you need. This will allow for start up amp surges and for the unit to not to be running in the upper RPM's or sub 120 voltage. Art
  11. If you post the report of what your water sample shows it would help to see what it will take to clean it up. Art
  12. I haven't found an answer that I believe as far as pressure on the fish changing their patterns. I agree that they react to wind,light,presents of rain and other factors effecting their environment. The barometer pressure fluctuation before during and after a storm is slight compared to a change of only 10 meters of depth which is equal to 1 atmosphere. (1.03 kg at sea level) with this in mind a move up or down in the water column of only 2 meters is greater than the difference in pressure between a blue bird day and a hurricane. We then have to look at water is not compressible to the extent that the deepest point in the ocean is 1000 atmospheres which does not change the state of water meaning there is no increase of density at that depth. I will say that water can be compressed to 90,000 PSI and still be a liquid because we use it to cut stone with it. Art
  13. It is a skull with fish parts and assorted other items a taxidermist put together. It is kind of a jackalope contest they have with this one just being plain creepy. Art
  14. I have traveled to the end of the internet and this is what I found. Art
  15. Looks like a really nice trip Rich glad you had some ladies take the bait. I am sure the lures I gave you will produce for you leaving them in my hands would have been a crime. lol Art
  16. DanC I would also say offer a low ball at this time of year and work on the price from there. I would also want to see it in the water and running before ice up. Good luck and I would offer $6,500.00 as a starting point. Art
  17. I had one that had been stitched up so many times we named him frankinfrog. The baits are awesome for bass and the snakeheads really like them. Art
  18. I can tell when it is a good moon my hound dog goes out and wanders around the farm for hours. Art
  19. The true Target baits can be sewed with braid. I first wrap the nose before the bait is used to keep the hook from enlarging the bottom hole and tearing the body. When the body gets beat up I put arrow fletching glue inside of the body thru the hook hole and sew an X in front of the hook. The bait is back in business. So far Bass have had no issues with the glue. Art
  20. If we are going to make statements like this how's about !00% of the people who kill...... wait for it......... drink water..... Back to a reasonable discussion please. Art
  21. Well written Lew thanks for your view. I guess the easiest way to answer it is you are right there is no easy answer for the US to prevent illegal ownership of guns. The lid of pandora's box has been opened in this case. Closing the box will not cause this issue to go away or change the way we think about guns. I do know that at no time where you afraid to talk, drink, eat or fish with me when we get together other than the odd bad joke I am famous for telling. I was brought up to know that a gun equals meat, safety, recreation, and a real resalable value in a legal manner. This is what I strive to protect the legal ownership of guns and a tradition of responsibility that is available through ownership of guns. The amount of times I hear on this board that someone broke into their car, house, boat, etc. amazes me and I can't believe how often it happens. What happened to respecting others property and personal space? I was brought up with the view if it is not mine don't touch it and it is not the fear of being shot at that leads me to act this way. It is the culture I was raised in that makes me follow this path as well as the culture you were raised in. I personally know that you hold this value so being Canadian or being a US Citizen is not a dividing line here. The issue here is strictly when we add the word illegal/ immoral or unethical is when the gun issue goes bad. That said we can substitute now any weapon (we meaning both Canadian and American) here and all have the same argument should knives/ crossbows, cast iron frying pans be illegal. All can kill but all can be used for legal purposes also. If people look around them they can find a way to abuse anything and kill or maim anyone. Even knowledge can be abused and turned into a weapon take the man approaching you with empty hands he is a SEAL he can kill you burning less than 50 calories or the man passing the other way he can hack into a hospitals power grid and kill 50 people. The point is it is our values that make us do the right thing not the availability of objects that surround us. Art
  22. The best part of this thread is it will never change anyones mind on their views on gun control. Both sides can give 10 reasons on why it is right/wrong and neither side will give an inch of ground. The fact is what your government allows is what it will be as far as gun ownership. The gun owners (legal) do not see a flaw in the system because it works for them. Once you take it into the illegally owned guns there are already laws being broken and new laws will not prevent those intent on having illegal weapons in their possession from doing so. If we had 100 Canadians with guns in there house and 100 US Citizens with guns in their house you would find the same # on both sides pulled the trigger to defend their lives and family. If we have 100 Canadians armed with baseball bats and 100 US Citizens armed with guns you would find the same # of people used their weapon to protect their lives and families. Guns are not evil they do not have any choice in the act of using them for their intended function. You can shoot targets from now till doomsday with it legally as well as save your life or family legally and that is a mind set you either have or not both are correct in each ones views. To ask how many guns does one need is the same question you can ask of someone who has more than one fishing rod/reel. The answer is the same, what is the tools job to be done. I have 34 fishing rods that have different jobs or requirements and like each one of them for what they do. I will have 35 rods if I find a niche that it will fill and it makes me happy. I feel the same way about guns some of my guns may never get fired but I see them as a work of art or a piece of history that can't be replaced. Some of them are built for a specific purpose one pistol is for target shooting it is sooooo smooth and balanced I can shoot 500 rounds and walk away happy and satisfied. One pistol shoots a hunk of lead so big it turns a watermelon into airborn soup or lifts a 1 x 1 chunk of sod up into the air. You ask why do I have it ? It makes me smile and it is legal just like the custom rod and reel you treasure. Arguing gun control with a nation that has different laws and different mindsets will never provide us with a winning solution or even a change of thoughts on the subject. Please keep this thread civil and respectful of others views as it progresses. Thank you Art
  23. The key here is a legal sale. Any gun that is sold must be done thru a licensed gun sales point. If I give a gun to my brother as a gift to legally do it I have to go with him to a gun shop and fill out a form to transfer it to his custody. Many guns are sold illegally but if the paperwork is not correct the person that the gun was last registered to as an owner will be charged with a felony. I loaned a rifle to a friend last year to hunt groundhogs on his property and after 6 months he was still not sure if it was the rifle for him so I brought him to the gunshop and transferred ownership to him till he decides if he wants to have one custom made like this one is. Art
  24. The truth is if we compare apples to apples meaning violent crimes against fellow man with an equal access of deadly weapons per percentage of people you will find the numbers are comparable. There is no more mentally ill people in the US per population density as in any other nation including Europe and the Middle East. (barring our politicians but that is an a discussion for another day lol). To date I have not ever seen a gun kill anyone I have seen people use the gun (read Tool) to do a job it was made for. A point to raise is there are only a lack of Legal handguns in Canada there are plenty of illegal ones though. A fact that I am comfortable with is this if I placed 5 boxes on a table and told you that under 4 boxes are envelopes with anything from $100.00 to $500.00 and the fifth box will kill you would you play the game with me? It is the same thought pattern we have down South which house is armed and will use a gun? 1 in 5 is the answer. Back to the original post this is a true tragedy and one that hits close to home. I live 30 miles from the Capitol and the manpower that was massed in such a short time is comforting and the resources we will deploy will be considerable. The people or groups involved will be dealt with in a manner that will be more compassionate than I choose but in the end justice will be the judge which is what is the cornerstone of freedom in the USA. Art
  25. Nice catch Chris kevlar is the bomb when you need light and durable. The racing canoe for me is nothing but a quick trip to a swimming opportunity. Art
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