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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. there is about 4 or 5 inches of ice in my drink tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      Needs more drink, less ice.

    3. irishfield


      I always thought you drank your pepsi from the can...did you leave it on the porch and it froze?

    4. aplumma


      it is the only ice report we got down here. lol


  2. Very nice I should challenge you to a musky fishing trip. So far I have beat'en some of Canada's finest. I had one try so hard to trick me into catching a fish he bumped his first rock in his new boat. lol Art
  3. You can be a sheep or you can be a wolf in sheep's clothing. Attack from the strong points by blending in. Get into the political loop and back the forces that will make the change. If you can't beat things then mediate your damages as best you can. If propane is cheaper than electric go to gas. It is not who can complain the loudest it is who can control the impact of issues in their life's that wins. This philosophy has served me well in life hopefully it will someday make your life better too. Art
  4. My favorite is snap shooting at rabbits. You get a tractor and bushhog and make a large square. you post one man on each corner shooting in one direction. As the tractor cuts the square from the outside in the rabbits jump out and run thru the cleared section. The action is fast and the shooting is challenging. We also used to wade thru the swamps and shoot squirrel from the trees. Find a squirrel post one man on the tree and the other person walks to the other side to chase him around till one of you gets a shot. While hunting is a lot of fun I also like to target shoot using bowling pins swinging on a rope. We use pistols at close range and back off for the rifles at one range we had a 50 Caliber sniper rifle shooting at a 12 inch disk at 800 yards. While it was costing $5.00 a shot the excitement of hitting the gong was worth every penny. Art
  5. Now that is the truest statement I have read here. Art
  6. Absolute statements in black and white rarely pass the scrutiny of others the color gray is usually the correct answer. Happy holidays Art
  7. Your plane is about as warm as a convertible VW. lol When Joe and I rebuilt ours we removed and replaced the heater channels that had rusted out and collapsed it was the difference between driveable in the fall and freezing to death. Art
  8. You can hire a service and have a boat surveyed for a fee. It will give you the condition of the boat and the status of all of the paperwork. This service can be found from a place called US BOAT which is a national magazine/insurance/surveyor and they are a sound company. They have been fighting for boaters rights and safety for many years and have the ear of congress. I use them for everything including towing insurance/loss insurance and support them for their lobbying efforts. Art
  9. Thanks for the note it is the reason I spend my time money and efforts to help my many friends who I have met here over the years. If it helps even the Mod's are taken aside by each other to straighten out some of our own views. Why I remember the last time we physically spanked T.J. we voted to never do it again it seems he likes it..... go figure.lol Art
  10. Truth is I have never had a bad police officer talk to me ever. I have had 2 tickets in my life and both of them were my fault. They treated me as well as I treated them and there are no hard feelings. I talk to a lot of them unofficially when I get the chance and they put their pants on one leg at a time same as I do. It is a job that most do not want because of the attitude some people give the police who are keeping things safe for all of us. Hats off to everyone who does a job that is dangerous or unpleasant so we all can live a better or safer life. Art
  11. I don't know if I want to see a blazing white winter burned person naked getting their first chunk of sun. Art
  12. We still have soft water as close as Virginia however the fishing is very slow to the point of not worth getting the boat wet. If I wanted to fish and be comfortable and know the fish are biting I would head down to Louisiana or further. Art
  13. Next year Ron gets a 45 inch penalty for to much time to fish lol. Thanks to everyone Captains and Joey for donating a lot of their time to make this possible. I am happy to see a lot of people participating in this fun event. Art
  14. I backed this thread up 1 hour to keep it on track. Do not go down the same path please. We need to respect other opinions and all the readers to judge if the info is useful to themselves. Thanks Art
  15. Good thoughts for sure and it is something (winternet) that we are going to try to curtail. I have found that if you are unwilling to sign your name to a post then chances are you should have not said what you did. Best of the holidays Art
  16. This place started as a club and now it has grown into a community. The number of friends that I have made stretches from the beginning where I was member # 77 ( 4 boards ago) on into our future. I have found some of my friends have faded from the board but I talk to them in other media. The spirit of this place is still here as the core and that is share what you know and help the man next to you as best you can. As with all good things in life it is a 2 edged sword thankfully the sharper side is the one that makes this place great. Art
  17. Thank you for taking the time for the report it was an excellent year for you. Art
  18. The post is fine lets not let winternet get ahead of us yet . It is to early. Thanks Art
  19. The files would get to full if it saved before you typed lol We would just be jammed packed with 0 bytes. I found this one by accident after I worded a big reply and my computer powered down for an update. I was grumpy and started clicking on things and it saved it. Art
  20. When you want to type a reply to a thread in the "reply to this topic" such as the one I am using right now. Look in the lower left hand corner and you will see "last auto save 9:05:14 AM " the time will change but that is what is there at the bottom of mine right now. Now left click it and a explanation of what it is will pop up. If you blank out return to the thread go to the "reply to this topic" and click on the auto save it should bring it back up to the last saved point. I am using Chrome with no issues. Art
  21. Shoot man we feed them things to the birds when they are that small in TEXAS. Art
  22. This may help you in the future Mike at the bottom of the reply to this topic box you will see where it says last auto saved click on it. We have auto save enabled so if you reload the page it will call up from the last saved point. It usually resaves every minute or so. Art
  23. they fish well with a look that is similar to a senco in movement. It lacks the flavor and consistence that makes sencos such an awesome lure. They also have poor hookup because of the way they are attached hook in front of the lure and if you get a hook up they can be easily thrown. Get a few packs of sencos on an unweighted hook and you will be miles ahead. Art
  24. Wind chill is a myth made up by man to exaggerate cold weather. lol I actually can do weather both warm and cold but I try to avoid outdoors when the hair in my nose freezes when I breath. Now let it get up into 90s F plus and I am good all day long. Good luck with the cold cold cold weather. Art
  25. I hear you I am not a fan of oil fired water heaters. I have avoided them like the plaque. The big issue is the smell of the diesel fuel and the soot. It gets all over the place and it never can be removed completely from the house. The HE water heaters are usually around twice the cost of the old style heaters but will pay for themselves fairly quickly. The only advantage the non HE has is it does not pump the surrounding air out of the room it is installed in and in most cases it is air that has already been heated by a furnace. The more often the heater runs the greater loss of heated air occurs. The newest generation of Air heaters have raised the efficiency of the heaters by drawing cold air from outside for the combustion chamber thus not sending heated air out the flue. The water heater has not been able to be designed in this manner that is cost effective. Art
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