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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Carbon monoxide is heavier than air settling to the floor where you are laying down and sleeping. Place the heater in the middle of a 5 ft tent makes it 2 1/2ft off the floor. Plenty of air to keep the O2 from cutting out as you die in your sleep. It isn't a game you can die from this. I can't tell you how many people die from a cracked heat exchanger on their furnace because it is odorless,tasteless, and initially non-irritating making it very difficult for people to detect. Art
  2. I wish that it was possible to make the cold weather up North go away but since I can't try this Blowing soap bubbles http://distractify.com/culture/arts/frozen-bubbles-in-wintertime/ Art
  3. Carbon monoxide is called the silent killer. The airtightness of the tent, the amount of the carbon monoxide put out of a poorly burning unit and your bodies tolerance are all variables that will make any answer you receive just a guess on their part that will be you paying the price.
  4. I have a green unit like that one (white gas) due to the technology advances of propane it has little value. I paid 5 dollars for it mainly as an oddity than a useful source of heat in the garage. Art
  5. May your fishing buckets be filled with fish for this good deed. Art
  6. Before this goes down the wrong road. While I did not see the incident I am ex military from the USA and it is called the NATIONAL ANTHEM your nations anthem. Parade rest or if not in the official dress uniform at ease is the correct posture for a person who is not of the country. Sitting down or talking or drinking a beer while it is being played would be something to grouse about. I hope this helps people understand such a small incident should not be blown out of proportion during winternet season. Art
  7. Worst backlash I had was when I put the rod out on the bottom and forgot to put it in gear. a 30lb catfish came along and started to run with the bait so I picked it up and set the hook in freespool. BIG MESS was the result so I handlined him in with steel gloves for the release and hacked the mess to pieces ruined over 100 yards of 65lb powerpro. Needless to say I haven't done this stunt again till the next time .lol Art
  8. It could have been a murder of crows got on him. I have seen some really bloody battles in the sky when a hawk gets ganged up on. Art
  9. First it is a tiller then a slippery slope to what shoes goes with this dress..... Console. Art
  10. Pop goes the weasel comes to mind. Good Job Ralphie boy.
  11. Ummm it sounds like the start to hell freezing over up North. Art
  12. Well done thank you for taking the time to write it up for all of us to share. Art
  13. We used to put lunch trays under the back wheels of the front wheel drive cars in the parking lot. You can slide all over the place till the tray wears through. Art
  14. I would paint my name on all of my RC planes " Capt. Auger" Art
  15. You can be sure it is me by the poor grammar and punctuation. The way I write is the way I speak which breaks a few rules I was taught in English class 3 or so decades ago. Lol The funny part is that Roy corrects me when I make to large of a mistake that man is the silver toothed english speaken devil. Art
  16. I understand fully Bernie. I have seen some real monsters built after hours in a few local garages over the years. . lol Art
  17. - idiotic in F. Lew Art
  18. The site has grown thru the years and it has changed from being a small board where you know everyone. We now have thousands of people from all areas and walks of life. We all come here to laugh and cry as we share our days ins and outs with both old friends and friends we have not met yet. Is one better than the other ,will the answer in a word is no. We all continue to gain from our time here at the board or we would leave. One of the things that would go far in helping this site is if the members would control how they jump on each other for having a different view that theirs. We also have a policy that tries to prevent people from cussing or mock cussing not because we don't hear these words every day but it makes you think about what you have said if you are not using one of the automatic adjectives that you say without thinking. putting a level of how many posts are needed is already in place for the classifieds it is 20 posts and the newbies that are here for a quick ad will immediately send a mod a note and say they can't use the classifieds. Well once it is explained they either decide it is now worth any trouble and don't post or we get 20 nice fish posts so they can get their free ad. At the end of the day the most important thing to remember is you decide what to read and respond to. If you don't like a subject leave it alone. If you can't control your strong opinion then also leave it alone. As a Mod here it is a delicate balancing act between allowing the thread to go in a constructive path and shutting it down because of a few who are disrespectful of other views. The Moderators all have lives that are outside of the board and our time is limited. We read the thread adjust it if possible and if we feel it will go wrong again then we shut it down. Some people all look for a hidden reason on why we did it and accuse us of stopping threads counter to our views. It is one of the bad sides of the job of Moderator but the good part of the job far outnumbers the minimum bad. Thanks again to everyone for the most part patience and civilized way they interact with each other. To the other we will slowly weed them out but in an open community more will follow. Treasure the friends you make here and ignore the ones who aren't will go far in making this still one of the greatest communities on the internet. Art
  19. Ummm Bernie your a mechanic you can build anything you want .lol Art
  20. Good words for sure hopefully everyone after the emergency does drain the gas and run the carburetor dry a quick shot of fogging oil and the other issues you pointed out will have it ready for the next emergency. Art
  21. Ahhh good point I didn't think about that as an issue. That would put you in the category of being bent over the barrel. lol Down here the power company will destroy the trees as needed to restore power and the homeowner is responsible for getting it to the ground and cleaned up. In fact if you drop a tree on a power line you are fined for not calling them out first to trim it to a safe distance from the line. They also have the right to maintain any trees on an easement that you turn over to them to get power to your house. The trees are trimmed in concern of the lines not for how they will look after they are done butchering them. Art
  22. Smallmouth and largemouth do have different spawning habitat. I don't want to start the argument of is it good or bad for the fisheries. I know we have fished thru both of the species and have not been able to document any negative impact in most real life situations. I have a really nice 20 acre farm pond that I fish and have watch the fish spawn for a few years and identified specific fish that I have caught during the previous spawn return and do it again in the same spot. Art
  23. I am betting the quotes are going to be at a premium till they get caught up with the damage done. If you can stabilize it till this spring you will not pay as much. Art
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