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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Some one admitting to criminal acts is not breaking the rules( for the most part) however our policy is to turn over if requested any threads and content that can be used as evidence in a criminal prosecution. Now disregarding the rules, bashing, cussing or mock cussing and other infractions will get threads locked. We hope that the participants of the threads who follow the rules will excuse us for stepping in before feelings get to bent out of shape during the winternet episodes that occur periodically. Thanks and now back to our regularly scheduled programming lol. Art
  2. I'll fess up I am Spiels friend .lol Art
  3. Do hip waders come with a boot and a belly size rating? lol Best of luck on the Rainbows Cliff Art
  4. Wow thanks for wheeling and dealing these special rates Mike. I wish I had the time to get up for a second trip this year. Art
  5. I put my business card in any bag I use so people can call email or deliver anything I lose. It does my heart good when they call thankfully it is not often this is put to the test. Art
  6. With the choices you have optimax battery because if you have an issue it is widely distributed and warrentee is easily taken care of. I personally run the best batteries in my boat some times I fish two or three days straight without any chance of charging them. My optimax batteries once brought me back to the dock when fuel pump dumped on me. Art
  7. Nothing like the smell of lead and cordite in the morning. Wack em and stack em. Art
  8. The force of the tongue of the trailer digging in the road will destroy the pivot point and the trailer will be free with the chains in front of the pivot. The chains the way you have them might as well be made of paper for all the good they will do if your trailer gets free. Art
  9. I did not meet Joey when she was young but ever since I have known her she has been pretty. Art
  10. The truth is if you do not eliminate the water the concrete or block is weakened over time from water damage. A dry basement on walls that are not sealed can lead to major damage at the foot of your house. Art
  11. Great job I went from 209 to 180 and I feel great. My blood work and last physical was excellent and the doctor said he didn't want to see me again till next year. Art
  12. For Christmas Joe bought me a bolt action 12 gauge Marlin slug gun for hunting here on the property. It is a sweet gun and I will be putting an aim and point on it soon to improve the short range shots. Art
  13. Cliff I have often fished with my brother Joe using the same bait and him even showing me the cadence of his retrieves and he out fished me easily two to one. It has to do with something subtle even to the point of 1/2 second slack line at the beginning for a foot of extra depth to lifting the rod and extra 2 foot on a jig out. When we have a pattern that is producing we actually will call out the cadence till the other one of us starts to catch fish. Art
  14. Taking a long term mortgage atfor a better rate is not a bad thing. You have the option at that time to pay the minimum amount monthly but you can also add extra to pay it down quicker. Most people pay the least amount they are told to pay not because there budgets are maxed but because it is the number they like so they have extra money. The extra money is a long term loan at the % of the mortgage and it is a money trap that you don't feel. Most people who have a payment can easily put an extra 10% every month but don't because it means sacrificing some of life's joys of spending money. Having money in the bank at the level where you are comfortable is a good idea but while it is paying a minimum in return the amount not paid back on loans is eating away at it at the percentage of any loans. Paying down the highest % of your loans is the first step towards getting finances under control. Look hard at your finances and get professional help setting up a budget will go far in getting your finances under control. Art
  15. O.K. I still respect you lol. The whiskeys are very nice on a cold day a slow shot after a freezy day hits the spot. Art
  16. OWWWCH I did not know it has gotten that far out of hand. I bought gas up North Last August and I thought I paid around $4.00. I drive a truck that holds 36 gallons and if I fill it at the border I can make it to Docus and then add 20 gallons of gas I can just make it back out of Canada. I usually bring 30 gallons of canned gas as well as 28gal of gas in the boat for the week. so a week of fuel is 132 gallons. I guess it is all prospective the big boat holds 100 gallons and gets 1.5 gallons a mile. Here is hoping that the price of gas comes down to the point where it is not a choice between fishing or other expenses. Art
  17. I tried the colts up North that is the nastiest stick I have ever thrown away lol. There are a large amount of good $2.00 cigars to huff on. I use a website called http://www.cigarauctioneer.com/ it may ship up North if they do they are a goldmine of great deals. The selection is broad and in the off times such as mid day and late at night the bids are usually not bumped up. Art
  18. Good points Dan I use the brake cleaner as a solvent that works really well. You can take the solvent and leave it in place for 24 hours if you suspect it is not clean enough. I have in the past had to cook a carb as well that is done by putting the solvents in the passages and heating them up using a paint stripper or double broiler both need to be carefully monitored and the brake solvent needs to be the non flammable type. Most of the carb issues that come to me are it is not clean enough. The replacement of seat, jets and plungers are only needed if they are mechanically damaged or corroded which is usually due to water and not evaporated fuel. The use of a wire tie is good but you can buy a torch tip cleaner which not only is sized for the ports and passages but they are textured to clear the passages. I have also in the past had where people who have broken off a piece of the wire inside of the ports and not realized it and ruined a salvageable carb. The big thing is clean it x3 usually alleviates the issue of if the carb is at fault or not. I personally like to work on the old carbs they are comfortable to me since I have wayyyyy to many engines on the farm. lol Art
  19. I got to go with the wisdom of Bernie here. He has seen a lot of vehicles and the caravan just is not a good tow vehicle. If it is disposable then have a go and tow with it but don't be surprised when it lunches itself. If it is in pretty decent condition and it can live as your people hauling vehicle it might be best not to ruin it. It is not all about temperature and the life of a transmission. You have other factors such as gear ratio, fluid volume, internal materials, brakes, electrical and suspension in no particular order. These can I tow with this vehicle posts kill me because everyone wants to bring a knife to a gun fight. If you have a doubt about it chances are it is your inner brain telling you it is not a good idea. It is not that I mind people making a choice to abuse there vehicles and even blow them up it is the safety factor that other people around you depend on that you are driving a safe vehicle that can start and stop in a timely manner. I rarely see vehicles down here not matched to the job because you will get a ticket and if it is grossly mismatched they will impound the trailer on the spot. I am sure it has to do with gas being $3.45 a gallon versus $4.00 plus up North but at some point the phrase "you got to pay to play" should come to mind. Sorry if this sounds like it is pointed at you Rizzo it isn't. It is for all of the people who I see in my trips up North not matching the vehicle to the job. Art
  20. Recheck your float level a high float will also throw off your A/F ratio. You can also check the float by filling the carb. then clamp off the fuel line start the motor. If it runs longer than before your issue is the float however try not to run it out of gas it is tough on 2 strokes. Most carb. issues are due to being not cleaned enough or assembles wrong. I tell people to clean there carbs twice then a 3rd time before they put it back on the motor. A set of welding tip picks a can of brake cleaner and compressed air are needed to do it correctly. Make sure that as you use the picks you are using the correct size to large will damage a jet easily. Use brake cleaner it is a good solvent for fuel deposits as well as it has a straw so you can blow out every hole in the carb. no matter where it is. Make sure you are wearing safety glasses some of the ports will start off in one direction and end up pointed at your face. Air is your friend after the solvent it removes what was loosened as well as drying out the solvent. Some carbs have diaphragms and the use of solvents and air will destroy them so make sure you are working with metal only as you clean them. Best of luck Art
  21. Some where around $2000.oo because I don't have near the talent that Terrance has. lol Art
  22. I fit into this equation as a tourist my roll in this is to bring money to the area and leave it there. This affects everyone in the Nipissing area. I personally do not fish for walleye unless a friend wants to run out in the evening I will tag along. I am hopeful that the fisheries will recover to the point that it attracts more people to bring money in and support the local economy. My view is that the area needs both the fisheries as well as tourism to make the area better off. With discussions between the angling population and the Natives both remembering that it is the third part called the tourists that can take it or leave the area. Art
  23. Some of the finest shine ever made in the deep wood stills of North Carolina. Served ice cold in small glasses. I'll keep you posted as to when we are coming up this year Randy we would love for you to drop by during the trip. Art
  24. I actually pick up a Spiel musky rod last year. A true work of art to be sure. I actually want to lose this year. Art
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