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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. There are a lot of grass roots things being done such as carp rodeos where the winner is by the LB's . Those fish are sold to a fertilizer company that hand out prizes and cash for the people who participate. We also have a lot of people who have contests for most fish best costume most creative way to catch the fish. It is the people that do this not the government which I am fine with I have yet to see a project run better in the control of the government than in the hands of the people. Either way they are here to stay such as the other invasive species in our lives such as Small Mouthbass, Snakeheads and yes even the carp we so enjoy to catch down here. Art
  2. 9 out of 10 people said they would rather eat dogfood than "carp" so first off we change the name to Asian Steaks. No really the issue is not just at the boarder it is all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico so setting up a plant is not feasible. The demand for the fish is very low brings a price that is at best break even because to catch them using nets is the most expensive way to harvest fish in a river basin. Your nets are catching not only the fish but get quickly torn from the bottom and debris the current bring about. It would be as foolish as harvesting Gobies as a food source for the needy in Canada. Just because someone needs help with getting food doesn't mean they want to eat the "trash fish" of seafood. Now the hunting for the homeless programs where you can donate any game animals all season to local butcher shops is a winner for sure. The butcher will take the animal record the tag and check it in legally and then process it for a set fee usually $50-70 for a deer which pays for the supplies and time plus a meager profit of 10-20 dollars. While not a good way to make money since the shop is already cutting regular customers meat at 100 + a deer things go pretty smoothly for most of the good butchers. Art
  3. Interesting we have a winter kill of shad in the river that is like ringing the dinner bell. They live year round in the Potomac river due to the fact it flows to Saltwater. Art
  4. just remember just before the herd runs you over they will say mooooouttaway. Art
  5. Sand blasting with an epoxy based paint should be the ticket. It will cost you a lot of time and some money so check over the trailer to see if it really is worth it. Art
  6. Personally I used to invite them in and keep them around for as long as I could it usually was more fun that what was on T.V..Now that I am out of the city we get zero uninvited visitors. Art
  7. bring ear plugs you are getting old and it could be to loud for your ancient ears.lol Glad you got out finally for a little fun. Art
  8. dead bait with lots of patients. We are at 50 degrees F right now and the bite is slow with muddy water and semi swift flow. Most fish caught on the dark flats or wind blown area. Back swirl areas should also be looked at as the fish kill from sever temperatures will pile up food for them to eat. Art
  9. I had a cj5 for a few years it was good off the road but it was windy, noisy and cold in the winter. I found a hard top International Scout that was just a tank anywhere you pointed it it would go. Art
  10. See if P3TA shows up to one of our Merican hunts they see shotguns, pistols and buck knifes so they keep their yaps shut... Art
  11. Some areas we fish in a side arm is needed, as a kid we always had one in the boat for gators and snakes in the trees. You are running the boat thru canals that are sometimes 8 ft across with a complete canape of trees over your head in Louisiana. A nice tasty gator presents itself and you had gator and fish to fry up. Art
  12. You got to keep going till you get to dry solid wood. The rotted stringer/wood are what let the glass flex and water in. The water wicks up into the new wood and you are back to square one again. I had to go deeper than I wanted restoring a 1985 Ranger but the end result was worth it. Art
  13. I forgot my rainsuit and borrowed a buddy of mines and we fished in one heck of a rain/wind storm. The suit was one of the old style Gortons fisherman suit all rubber and I was bone dry till the sun came out and the humidity hit us. I was sweating in 10 minutes. So when it is an overcast day and raining enough to keep me cool I bring out the all rubber suit. Otherwise it is a goretex motorcycle suit. Art
  14. You can store them at my house for free....... Art
  15. I'm not sure I should have read the last few posts they are making me feel yuckky. Art
  16. There is a missing part to his story I live in Virginia and fish often with the local police when I ran it by them they agreed that there was something wrong with the story. If it was a ticket for 15 mph above the posted speed limit or less then it is a paper fine and have a nice day. If he was belligerent or the ticket was for a more serious offence then it would make sense. I personally was pulled over by the OPP and was inspected to see if I had locking devices on my trailer chains ans once confirmed he wished me a very nice vacation. Most Police are human just like me and you and while they are the deliverer of bad news that we brought on ourselves and will be the first to tell you that they write the tickets it is the judge or the court system that decides if it is just and what it is worth in the penalty department. Art
  17. Welcome as well but do not take any muskie advise from me. I have so far been able to put the skunk on both Lew and Richard lol. I am thinking about letting them off the hook and this year not cutting the hooks off my baits before I use them. Art
  18. Sorry that is not the case you will be issued a citation and then requested to pay it thru the mail . If it can not be paid do to the severity (DUI or reckless speeding etc) you must show up in court then you get to go to town to the magistrate. Same for anyone who drives a vehicle in the USA that does not have a place of residence to live at till the court date can be made. Art
  19. No matter which version that you are prescribed either name brand or generic they are coded by size, color and I.D. marks. here is a website to help you identify any pill you find as well as what it is used for. http://www.rxlist.com/pill-identification-tool/article.htm I am very glad Sue is better now and by reporting it if it was just a mistake there will be no harm but if it is a pattern then he will be removed from the medical system. Art
  20. Excellent fish candy looks like a good season for sure. Art
  21. Just to make things even smokier here the electronic wireless motors can be controlled by other signals besides your own pad. Have you been on the water and the motor tries to turn without you pushing the pad or changes speed? yup that is an erratic signal. Hows about finding out your key pad turns on another boats motor at the boat ramp ? Art
  22. smelly jelly is the bomb for a slow bite. Art
  23. Replace the plug with a twist lock plug and you will not have any issues with connection issues. A switch if used needs to be rated for the amp draw and wire size of the motor so it will be expensive for the correct one. Unplugged as Lew pointed out saves a motor from burning out either from a surge in the charger or a forgotten switch. Art
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