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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. we actually do this in a lot of the vans when we carry pipe. Art
  2. yes if you clear cookies or use a program like C cleaner resigning in is needed. Art
  3. The bait was ballyhoo they are very effective. Sounds like a good time was had by all. Art
  4. A story I am proud to say happens often here. Thanks to fishlogic for being so generous. Art
  5. Welcome aboard glad to have you here. Nice job on the camera rig it looks like you got a following of builders ready to make a go at it. Art
  6. O.K. this horse is dead if you want to refill them then go for it. If you don't want to then buy them on sale. We are not going down the trail of legal VS illegal because we all do illegal things daily. Art
  7. Yea that it definitely a port on the bottom just keep digging till you find it. Art
  8. Actually you have no idea if you hired the dirty ass boat till you get there. I have seen $500.00 charters that had broken poles,bait wells that will turn your stomach. lunches of wilted lettuce and lunch meat that should have been condemned. Now if you charter very rarely then you might have not ever chartered with a bad Captain so you don't have a comparison to see how good a trip can be. The other side of the coin is are you a good customer? I have had a few charters that I would allow to come back out for free on a day that I was not chartered but scouting for new spots. I also have a few that I am forever booked and can't possible take them out again. It really is up to how you act as to how you will be treated. Case in point I was up North and a guide was waiting on the dock for his customer. We talked for a few minutes and I was throwing a saltwater bait and he like the action and said that should be a good Muskie bait. I had another one in my boat so I cut it off and gave it to him. We talked a few minutes more and he asked how my fishing had been and I said great but I was looking for a few more good pike spots. He then did the one thing that most guides never do he started to mark up a map for me of good pike spots. So I got my map and we traded notes of places to catch what we were after. In 10 minutes we both had expanded our knowledge of the water more than we would have in a month of fishing. His only request was not to show others the map since it is how he makes his living and because I fish the waters one week a year he was not concerned about me burning out his spots. That is a GOOD guide who helps everyone he can no matter if he was getting a tip. So you wonder did I give him a tip.... well not in money but I gave hima secret arsenal of baits that the Muskies haven't seen yet. Art
  9. Thanks to all of you for making this possible. Art
  10. A tip is a way to say thank you for a job well done. If he has a boat ready to go when you get there. If he packs a decent lunch . If his boat is clean and well stocked with equipment. Basically if you feel like it is fishing with a friend rather than having someone who just puts in time to have you on the water. Most of the bass fishing is catch and release so him cleaning your fish is not usually a service they offer. I would go for a saltwater trip before a bass trip you will see more beauty as well as fish that fight harder. Art
  11. You can in the evenings put lanolin or your favorite cream on and then a pair of rubber gloves/ finger cotts to give them a chance to heal. Art
  12. Snake head is a very firm light white flesh fish. Much like catfish. It broils and fries very well and needs just a gentle spice to make it an excellent meal. Art
  13. All manufactures have issues with any mechanical thing. It is how they treat you when an issue occurs. A good dealership will make the effort to make the repairs with the least amount of inconvenience. I know if I have an issue the Ford dealer that I took the time to befriend will allow me to bring it in, give me a free loaner or a ride home if I don't need the truck and keep me informed on the repair and what they found. Since they treat me that well I send anyone who is looking at a Ford to them and they treat them just as fairly as they do me. Art
  14. It depends on what you want to fish out of. I fish ponds with a 600.00 boat and the ocean in a 100,000.oo boat. average ocean trip is 400.oo in expenses. It isn't that I have excessive money it is that it is worth 400.oo to take 8 people out comfortably and safely for a day of fun and fishing. Art
  15. No the xi5 is also made with anchor lock it is rated as being better than the Minn Kota however it is all about what brand you like. The xi5 should be considered as it can also be linked to a lowrance HD2 or newer unit. This also comes with a wireless foot control as well as a hand fob. With the link up with the Lowrance you can plot a course and it will navigate the plotted course. I researched it and upgraded to the xi5 because of the support and features that are now and in the future possible with the lowrance motorguide union. Art
  16. You can also use lanolin it comes from sheep wool and it works great. Art
  17. You will be hard pressed to catch one up that far North. The rules in the USA is you can catch them but it is illegal to return them to the water. It used to be we turned them in to the Department of Natural Resources but the data has been collected and they are deemed an invasive species. The bright side is they fight like a champ and are very good to eat. We dine on them as often as we can catch them. Art
  18. I rebuilt my 89 Ranger as well. It was the last year that they used that hull design with the encapsulated wood bows and stringers. It was the ride that made me love that specific year. I bought the boat for1500.oo 6 years ago and tore into it over a winter with an additional 2800.oo. I replaced the impeller and some additional work on the lower end this winter and it is getting the new xi5 trolling motor for the spring fishing season. All in all I still have less than 7000.oo into that boat and it is good enough that I will repower it if the 150 Johnson blows up. Art
  19. Good job Mike thanks for crossing the border even if it is a pain in the butt. There are a lot of good people down South that chase the Muskies and with your products we got half a chance to catch them. Art
  20. The mechanics behind the snow dip or rub is that your body perceives a warmer temperature after the snow dip. Which triggers the "repair" mechanism "flushing" to occur so the nerve cells that sense the cold not the thermo receptors which control the smaller capillaries to open to prevent damage to the hands/feet from frostbite. It was the reason given why frostbite treatment has changed so dramatically from yesteryear. The human body has so many fascinating tricks it does to survive I am sure we will continue to be fascinated by what we learn for many years to come. Art
  21. Find the minnows and you will find the Crappie. For years we only fished for Crappie after dark but we used a lantern over the water to get the baitfish in. If this is illegal up North then don't do it but in my area it is a legal way to fish. Art
  22. I did some research and the only time I found in print was from 1900-1920 medical journal to rub the affected area as well as rub snow on the area. As medical knowledge advanced the standing practice today is to not rub the area or to get them wet in water or snow. Here is a cut and paste of the ddynamics of bodies reaction to cold. Thermo-receptor cells, less than a millimeter below the surface of the skin, are what cause us to experience changes in temperature, says Michael Tipton, professor of human and applied physiology at the University of Portsmouth. Normally, the skin is kept at a comfortable temperature thanks to blood pumping through the capillaries — tiny, branch-like blood vessels that make up our microcirculation. But when the thermo-receptors detect cold, they react by causing the capillaries to shut down, diverting blood flow — and warmth — to the heart, lungs and other internal organs. This process is called vasoconstriction. Incredibly, when we’re cold the amount of blood flowing into the skin in the extremities can become as low as 0.02 litres per minute (the maximum rate is two to three litres per minute). ‘It’s a bit like placing a blood pressure cuff on the arm,’ says Professor Tipton. ‘It’s the hands, face and feet that tend to be coldest and that’s partly because they’re exposed, but it’s also because the body will sacrifice these extremities to keep the internal organs warm.’ That’s why our hands turn white, and even blue, in the cold, and why those who survive extremely cold conditions lose fingers and toes to frostbite. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2277153/So-THATs-womens-feet-hands-cold---Its-hormones.html#ixzz3Ok5gsBWO Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook Just food for thought I am by no means an expert on cold weather in fact I avoid it as best as I am able. Art
  23. Photobucket you can make your folder private and invite only the people you want to view them. Art
  24. John I am pretty sure my Eco Boost would not get that even if it was on a rollback with the engine idling.lol. Just did the math 28.7 MPG your a funny man most of my motorcycles don't get that ... Art
  25. I am torn on the mileage thing see while Ford statements of the MPG of the motor was exaggerated it is hard to blame it all on Ford. The MPG on a turbo can fluctuate quite a bit driver to driver and even to ambient temperature. If you buy a pickup to get good gas mileage then you need a truck/engine that is small displacement and tall gears. If you buy a truck to tow with then you need a big engine and shorter gearing which means less MPG. The EcoBoost is an attempt to meet the demands of both classes by basically making a variable displacement engine from the 3.5 to a 5.0 (14 lb Boost) engine. To me it is more important to fit the "tool" to the job meaning I tow heavy boats long distances and the trade off of having the ability to start run and stop with authority costs me more in fuel when I am not towing. People need to take these things into account when they critic a vehicle if someone complains that a truck gets poor fuel mileage but does not tell you it has a tow package with 3.73 gears they their comment has no validity. EC as a mechanic I value your input because it is based on what you have seen and had your hands on so your comments are supported by facts. The people I depend on to repair my vehicles when it is past my understanding/ tool availability have been very happy with what a well maintained Eco Boost engine and drive train runs like. I still feel no matter who makes your vehicle if you maintain it you will get a good and happy life from it. If you only make repairs you will never find a vehicle that makes you happy. Art
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