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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. I'm not sure I can explain it to you but fishing is not only about what you catch but how you enjoy the time there. While at Nippising I have no problems catching all of the fish I want because I have fished it for 11 years with some of the most knowledgeable people on the board. If I had to make the choice of forgetting all that they have taught me about the lake or losing the memories of the fun and laughter we have shared. I will chose the fun and laughter every time. I travel 13 hours and pass some of the best waters Canada has to offer to fish with my friends and yes I would like for Nipissing to improve but it is far from the fished out place some want to paint it as. Art
  2. Very happy to hear congratulations. Art
  3. Sorry to Chris and any others if it looked like I was giving tips or trying to change the way you all deal with this tragedy it was the last thing I was trying to do. The misconceptions of the internet has lead Canadians to believe that we have armed people open carry in public is just not true. I was attempting to alleviate the fear that some have displayed that your country becoming a militant state with people on the street corner is miles behind the US on that road which has not even been close to starting here. While I have a great deal of contact with Canada I do not follow the politics of your country I have my hands full trying to watch mine. lol I will state here that what is considered good or right or fair in the US might be poison for my friends up North that I know. The path that your county chooses will be chosen by the government and the people of Canada after weighing the repercussions of their actions. For as in all things acting or not acting both have a price to pay. Art
  4. Steve I will never be able to convince you that "might makes right" I am not even trying to convert your views. The statements of arms in view is bull and for every example you find on the vastness of the internet I can match with a conflicting view. It simply is not there and would spark panic everywhere open carry is in view. I can tell you in the same breath that 1 in 10 people have the knowledge/training and the weapons on themselves all of the time to kill you. It is why I caution people to not make ideal threats on this forum. Personally I like that you do not know who the 1 in 10 are it keeps people honest in my opinion. Kind of like putting a sign in a watermelon patch that one of the watermelons has been poisoned to keep theft down. I do not want to detract/derail this post of this horrific act that happened in Canada. Feel free to P.M. me if you want to continue but just realize your view and my view are based on completely different cultural exposure to weapons and I am sure both of use are 100% right due to this. Art
  5. Actually you are sharing links for border patrol to keep out drugs and Cuba's not for terrorist issues. Don't get me wrong if you came to my house within 15 miles I could show you civilians who have arsenals that make the police force look like they use sling shots and spit wads for protection. I have friends that work for the government as well as civilians that use machineguns as part of their protection policy. Weapons are every where but you will not see armed personal on the streets no matter where you are in the USA unless it is a designated sensitive area. Art
  6. Most tourist are looking for a good time with a few fish fries which can be easily done with a 2 fish limit. I have yet to have any one I know come back from Canada with fish much less enough to feed his friends. Nipissing has always been a destination for me and my friends and the fisheries can be improved but it is the Canadians I need more than the fish. Art
  7. O.K. I checked we do not have police armed with m4. M16, grenades or even 22 pistols hanging out in the streets protecting people. You will be hard pressed to find that in sight around the exterior of the White House. I know I live 45 minutes away. Now what we do have in strategic positions around the White House are roof mounted M60 machine guns snipers in the trees and roof tops with rocket launchers. They have been there since the 60"s not because of the unrest in the world presently but to protect our # ! person for a long time. Once you get 10 blocks away from obvious targets you will not find anything out of the ordinary only what the police force carries such as 9mm, shotguns etc. Some of the ideas thrown out about what is just across the border in the US is based in internet ignorance and should be thought thru before repeated. We put our pants on just the same way all of you all do and we feel the pain and insult of the actions of this terrorist act. On a second note CCMT you have been a member here for almost as long as I have and I have mete you a few times as well as the people in your personal life. I will say that the racism that is cast at people because of how they look is the worst kind. To be tried and prosecuted visually is a curse I wish on anyone. I have always seen you as a friend, musical, and fellow fisherman who will always have a seat in my boat. Art
  8. check the lock nuts on the shifting cables as well the brackets to make sure they are tight. The fast idle lever should have locked out the ability to shift on alot of outboards. Art
  9. Happy Thanksgiving to all of my Northern friends. Hopefully the year has been good to you and your families and another good year ahead. Art
  10. Happy Thanksgiving day to all of my Northern brothers and sisters. Enjoy and be safe. Art
  11. The tank in the boat is aluminum and is vented to the air. The temperature fluctuations as well as the high humidity of living at a marina makes water condensation in the tank a given. From the website of Stabil the blue marine does this Prevents Ethanol fuel related damage in marine engines Specially formulated for use in high-moisture environments Removes water from fuel to help prevent phase separation Prevents corrosion caused by Ethanol and moisture Cleans fuel system for improved in-season performance Stabilizes fuel to keep it fresh during storage For use at every fill up. Hope this helps. Art
  12. Good to see you are taking steps to insure your future path in mind. I have been doing plumbing since I was 18 years old for 34 years years now. I started my own company 19 years ago and have stayed in the field being both the mechanic as well as the owner and it is how I survived the damage that occurs as we get older. As we get older contractors have to learn how to sell there skills and knowledge to compensate for the wear and tear that we have done to our bodies over the years. For me gone are the years of digging, heavy lifting as well as the 24 hour service calls. Art
  13. Looks like we are getting a wide range of opinions here. I use the blue marine stabil in every tank on the big boat. This is a 70 gallon aluminum tank on a boat that lives in the water 24/7. After 7 years I had the tank examined and there was no water damage in the tank or phase separation of ethanol from the gas. The carburetors where torn down this spring and both carb's had normal wear with no rubber damage. The fuel to the carbs are protected by filter that also are water separators. The filter which I drain every two months have not shown signs of water. Is it the result of Marine Stabil????? according to the manufacturer it does. Will I change what I am doing??? nope. Art
  14. Aplumma, I really like the santoku and pairing knives. Do you do your own heat treat? I have found that the cost of the kiln and the other pieces of equipment to expensive to buy for just a hobby. I already have a Tig , Mig, plasmacutter, powder coating and Sandblasting booth for restoring motorcycles and cars as a hobby. I invested in an expensive knife sharpening set up and fund it with some custom knifes and a few chefs send me their knife rolls to repair there handles and regrind their edges. Most of my materials come from this site http://www.knifemaking.com/default.asp. they can get the full spectrum of blades from blanks to finished edges. The pairing knifes are actually a pretty high end blank they were made for a client who had them forged in Japan in the damascus style using a blue steel core and 128 fold overlay ( R 65). Art
  15. Actually lots of people do not know much about the tattoo technology that is available now a days. To show my age(53) most of the tattoos I am familiar with are military tattoos that where done in dark places and bad artists when they were drunk. I personally do not, then nor now understand getting inked and branded or pierced as a way of expressing myself to the general public. As I look at it I see a really nice piece of art that I would be proud to hang on a wall but the practical (old school) part of me sees it as an obstacle that could preclude you from the dream job that your mind may qualify you for. I know that as time goes on tattoos etc are getting to be the norm. and I am glad that is occurring soon I will be the abnormal one without my tattoos but since I am on the downhill side of the employment game I can afford to be the odd man out. No offence intended to the tattoo friends I have and I love to see the artwork as it happens. Art
  16. Glad to see you got all of the folks out for a good fishing trip. Art
  17. I figured I would also post this picture of the bench and table my Pops built. He is a wood working genius. for sure. Art
  18. Nice wood work for sure. If you feel like doing knifes give me a holler I have a few sources here in the States that might be of help. The first photo you posted I thought you were making a coffin lol.
  19. I use the electric one and it is set the jig and sharpen chains. I have 2 20 inch saws and keep 10 chains rotating between them. The offer from Big Cliff is one that I would take him up on if I was closer. The ability to sharpen a chain in the field is needed if you do not have enough chains to keep a days worth on hand. Art
  20. wish I was closer nice invite for sure. Art
  21. I have left hundreds of toilets with the pipe in the condition and never had a call back. We have run cameras down lines and natural conditions exist that are far more restrictive that what you have found. You just got to see one of the secrets that live in an average house that we as professions see every day. Art
  22. You spelled your dogs name wrong again it is BROOKE. Art
  23. Jimmer is correct with an additional adage what you are seeing is called uratic salts it is from the minerals that your body eliminates into the bowl. If you have a flapper that is running on a toilet that has urine in it the minerals are trickling out with the water and forming a crystal sludge type deposit. They are not harmful and usually do not extend past the first foot of the toilet. You might want to replace the flapper on the toilet and if you are a if it is yellow let it mellow to save water type of person it is a good reason to rethink this and flush after every use UNLESS you are wee weeing at night and you do not want to wake the spouse. lol Art
  24. Sorry to hear this Mike I am sure that he is still looking over your shoulder till the day you reunite. Art
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