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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. wow looks like you got the ROYal treatment their. Art
  2. If you use a polishing wheel with a medium twill with a blue rouge it will clean up the blade nicely. I use a variable speed buffer and have finished off the project with a dremel tool around the handle. Please note the direction of the wheels rotation and make sure you never point the cutting edge in counter rotation of the wheel it will grab and throw the knife violently. The handle can be finished by sanding it lightly with 3oo grit or finer while sanding try not to round off the edges it is a common mistake and detracts from the final quality. Once it is clean and sanded you can rub Johnson paste wax into the handle making sure you friction heat it so it soaks in. While it is easy to have someone do it the time spent restoring it will help you revisit with the memories that surround the knife. Art
  3. Good answer with a short 6 ft hose that has a screen on the end to keep out chunks it should be able to pull from a water source. Art
  4. When you see an arch you are seeing the fish entering the cone and then exiting the cone. It does not have anything to do with the size of the fish. When you see a fish arch in the cone at 30ft it does not mean it is 30 feet down from the surface it means it is 30 ft from the transducer. a cone records the first signal return as a mark on the screen if it pings a 5 ft circle 30 feet below the boat and it has a rock in the circle sticking up 2 feet it will report a bottom of 28ft. If their are 2 walleye at 29 ft you will never see them. Weeds are the biggest reason for misreading a depth finder a dense patch will read as a soft bottom but still have loads of fish between the bottom and the top of the weeds. Now with the 800htz the fish will show up as a smoke trail like presence because it reads in a flat line so a fish that is below the boat and stationary will show up as a solid line but fish are seldom stationary so the line will be denser and lighter as the fish swims and turns. Bait returns are a large oval to round moving smoke cloud that changes density as the school rises or spreads out depending on the noise or predators around. If you find a bait ball that is scattering and has heavy smoke trails on the edges you have found a bait ball under attack from predators so quit looking at the stupid depth finder and start fishing. The reason you hear them bragging about the bottom reading is the information you get from reading the habitat is vastly more important than if you see fish. If you were to go bear hunting do you go to the place were the bear has food and shelter or just hunt till you find a bear? You will mark a lot of fish that are neutral and are just moving from feeding place to feeding place. Looking for fish is most times frustrating and consumes a lot of fishing time. Now if you were looking at the DEPTHFINDER (notice I never call it a fishfinder) and you see a weedy hard bottom in 25 feet of water and a rock field with ambush points wouldn't you play the odds and troll that? So lets say you are blindly fishing one day and you hook into a pike then a few more occur do you take the time to look at your depth finder to see what the bottom looks/made of? Are they in the weeds or on the edges? Are they deep or shallow ? O.K. I know that you did so now what do you do?. Well you get your handy map out or Chartplotter screen and scroll around till you find other places that have the same features. A North shore with weeds in 20 ft of water occurs in many places on a lake and you can bet if you match all of the important features of the spot you caught the fish in then you will find more until the pattern changes due to weather or acts of God. The secret to finding out what your depthfinder is telling you is to see the returns and confirm the bottom. Get a 10 ft piece of pipe and run the boat around while looking at the screen the Echo returns are depicted in a color spectrum with the strongest returns depicted bright Yellow, medium returns depicted Red, and the weakest returns depicted Blue. Take the pipe and poke the bottom to see how hard is a yellow bottom? Does gravel also reflect yellow? Notice how wide the yellow area is the wider it is the harder the bottom. Once you get this info in your head you can then start taking off the automatic Gain and other features making it an even more useful tool. Eventually you will be able to screen out all most all of the clutter on the screen and only get returns from the actual fish in the water column instead of wood and weeds the sky is the limit as you start to explore what the unit can tell you. Good luck and have fun with it. Art
  5. That is one of my most recent genetic escapees it is a cross between a musky and a bulldog. I am also developing a mule/onion mix it is going to be a nice a@@ that will bring tears to your eyes. Art
  6. If you are intending to use a 12 volt bilge pump rated at 400 gpm it will not have any head pressure. The pump is a centrifugal pump that is spaced for volume not pressure to test this just put your finger over the outlet and see how easy it is to stop the flow. Their are 12 volt pumps that will work look for a wash down pump they are designed for pressure not volume.
  7. The lowrance elite series is the Lowrance hd-5 with the lss-1 chip built in. The 250 ft max is because it is running the 455 or 800 khz.The higher the Khz the more detail is painted but the signal strength is not as strong. You can expect it to fade out at higher speeds above 30 mph. I am running the 7 hd with the lss-1 module and find it is great at up to 30 mph and 75 ft of water or less showing bait and fish as entirely different images. It appears it does not have side scan capacity or the lower khz frequency for more depth penetration. I have had the 5 inch screen and splitting it makes it's gps function difficult to see ahead very far at higher speeds. It looks like it is a stripped down version of the unit I am running that was purchased in two parts the HD 7 and the LSS-1 for around $1300.00 within the last year. If you can save a little more for the 7 inch you will be happier. I have found the technology most useful for scanning an area and marking spots to fish then coming back later. The detail on bottom 4X makes it possible to scan an rea and find the humps and cover fish love. The unit also does not interpret the bottom like the lower frequency does it is not creating a cone signal it is creating a flat line building the image much like a MRI it is why it can see the branches on the sunken trees instead of a hump or spikes. Art
  8. A lot of the issues with the foot petals are because of moisture drying on the board and making a short on the circuit board. A cleaning with electrical cleaner works wonders and if it gets wet bring it inside a warm area to dry it off before storing it in a dry location between uses. Storing it in a baggy with desiccant packs in it will also go along way Art
  9. Correct no ammonia but most of them are labeled safe for tinting. If you use pledge the oil in it fill the hazing but it also attracts dirt. Pledge will also soften stiff vinyl if your seats start to get sun damaged. If the plastic is to clear then try Acetone and Deet it like spf 50 to keep the fair skin from getting tanned. Art
  10. Roy is correct I would scuff them up with a gray scotchbright pad then a high pigment cover paint such as Kilz. Paint what ever you want on them using Rattle can or brush then a clear seal. You will soon have a craving to airbrush and my advise is to get a 2 stage brush the first time instead of the cheaper single stage because you will just upgrade in a short time. Enjoy it is a great way to whittle down the winter months. Art
  11. No point in sending it South Roy we don't have the Salmon issue. But if it gets here I will be happy to lock it down for you. Art
  12. Paul I contacted Sunbrella awhile back and the only thing they recommend on their material is 303 High Tech Fabric Guard. I've found it in 16 oz, 32 oz and gallon containers. This product covers 75-100 sq feet per 16 oz. 303 products siteThe clear plastic can be cleaned with windex or equal as long as it says safe for tinted windows. Art
  13. Even by the wildest stretch of my imagination I'm betting not. Art
  14. Who needs coffee when you got that waitin for you. Art
  15. Good point you are correct the more hands in the pie the greater the burden on price. Well in the mean time USPS is here to help you. Art
  16. Thanks for the info I will get the chip out and update it. Art
  17. If those ribs and chicken taste half as good as the picture suggests I would be honored to sit at your table. Art
  18. O great the cats out of the bag now.... you all figured out of plot to destroy Canada...O and our own fisheries. Some days I am still amazed at the comments here between the Two Greatest Nations on issues that effect BOTH OF US. When 2 nations sharing a border have an issue of this magnitude you will appear wiser if you read ALL of the information out their on the subject and then comment instead of reading just one sides information and snipping at the other side. Art
  19. I use a plumbers lead ladle and a torch to melt mine. MAKE SURE YOU MELT THE LEAD IN AN AREA THAT HAS LOTS OF VENTILATION AND WASH YOUR HANDS BEFORE TOUCHING YOUR FACE OR ANYTHING ELSE. When you do melt down the lead the slag will float on top use a dedicated spoon to remove it before you pour the lead. The correct temperature for lead is when you can put a piece of paper in it and it browns immediately if it burst into flames it is too hot. The final warning is if the lead gets one drop of moisture (water or sweat etc.) it will react violently and lead will explode out of the pot and at 740F ruin your day and then some. I usually work over a piece of plywood in case the mold leaks or other mishaps it seems to contain the lead and absorbs the heat to return it to a solid quickly. Art
  20. Many years ago I had someone break into my work truck and take all of the power tools in cases and all of the products faucets and Garbage disposals that were in sale-able boxes. Cops were called but they were sure they went to assorted flea markets over the state lines. So far we have never had anyone brave enough to come on the farm and remove something we all have ways to detain the person till the ambulance arrives. Art
  21. As some of you know most of the things done by Joe and I are shared he has certain people he is in charge of to keep an eye on and I have mine. We then fill each other in on the ebb and flow of our friends lives and that way we get twice as much enjoyment.Just like Hockey he is in charge of wishing for the Caps to win and I watch Martial Arts Contests. We both tend to stick to our specialties both in our business and personal lives it seems to work and if a few people get our names or quotes wrong their is no harm nor foul I am proud to be confused with Joe he is after all my brother. Art
  22. P.M. sent back with photo I can't wait till October for it to arrive. Thanks Art
  23. Now why couldn't I be smart enough to figure out the lure/rod connection.... Thanks for the help IM HOOKED. I found the lures on E bay out West now how they got their I have no idea. I can tell you that if you printed out this thread you would be spending more than the price of the lures. Even if they were much more it is still a cheap price for a friend who has welcomed you into his home and given you his last beer. Our thanks and gratitude for everyone who has touched our lives and we look forward to meeting you sometime in our lives. Art and Joe
  24. Hey I sent you a P.M. and did not get an answer. I want to get another rod with the extra thick grips you built for me this spring.Do you still have the specks for the little one I forgot what guides and handle we used? If not I can send you a picture. Thanks Art
  25. It would seem if the merchants can price match and make a profit then they are the ones jacking the price.I think that most of the time they are using the Manufactures Suggested Retail Price and I am sure they will not complain since it is extra profit in their pockets.Some of the merchants down here also do the same thing but the competition usually causes them to make deals as their inventory stops moving.In the mean time find the item down here and ask them to ship it USPS so far it has worked well for the items I send up North. Art
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