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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. The gauges in most boats are wired positive in series so it is most likely a ground issue. Remove clean and reinstall the ground and all of the wires that go to the battery. Find the ground wire that goes to gauges and see if it has come loose at the last gauge. Clip the continuity tester to the battery ground lug and touch the power wire to the gauges if their is power the light will come on and confirms the ground is missing. Art
  2. I have never had a maiibu boat before but it sounds a little pricey to me. While it is nice that it has new support parts trailer, batteries, trolling motor etc how is the other components as far as wear? Is the steering free? does the electrics all work? Most importantly if the motor goes bad is it worth putting a new motor on? Check over the hull for gouges and soft spots they can be a major factor if the boat was stored outside even covered. I picked up a 1989 Ranger with a 150 gt that was garage kept and had no dings or even a scum line here in the States for $1200.00 so the deals are out their. Finally if he is a buddy and the deal goes bad will it affect your friendship??? Ask for a day of fishing were you will pay for everything so you can see it in action might be a good starting point. Then a trip to the mechanic for a motor evaluation will go far in being pleased with the great deal. Art
  3. We are not in first place give a vote or two. Art
  4. Moths have Balls ??? :dunno: It seems the ones down South don't have them but I guess they could ...never really checked. A bag of charcoal with a few holes in the top will get rid of odor and humidity. The bounce sheets works here just make sure you put them inside of the boxes, under the motor cowel and in the main area so they cant find a scent free place to set up house. Art
  5. A compression test is the first test to see what the health of the motor is. A spark test is the second test to verify the coils can light the mixture and the plugs are working. After that it is just a matter of detective work to see what part of the combustion triangle is lacking for a complete burn on the two cylinders A.I. oxygen-fuel-heat. Big Cliff has in the past donated a lot of information on small engine repair and Bernie has as well both of them will have the correct answer without guessing. Finally here is a caution for incorrect advise Their is a stopping point you can easily cross for home mechanics who can inadvertently destroy a motor just by turning a screw the wrong direction. I have had motors come across my bench that someone turned the high speed jet in because it made it faster and toasted the block on a motor that could have run for many more years. How to fix something you don't understand and medical advise are the two worst things to ask on an internet forum. Art
  6. You might post a picture so the rod builders can help you on the decisions. Art
  7. The reel is a good reel and can be found for shy of $300.oo with careful shopping. I sent you a p.m. on the rod possibilities. Art
  8. It's not that I am not your friend it is I have a tier rate of friends that is money driven. Badgers can be found in the frozen food section of Walmart or if you prefer Freeze dried they are in aisle 7. Art
  9. If you send me the same amount of money I will happily send you the same P.M. I sent Ron.... Now if we go for the 50/50 split I would be happy to be your personal Catfish guru till we win. Art
  10. Ron some of the baits I use fishing for larger Channels cats are usually fresh dead fish. Chicken livers are good for the eatter sizes but the real cats eat fish. We have a fish down here that is the base forage Mudshad that when cut into strips work great. You first cut the fish from head to tail in 1 inch x 3 inch strips cutting them only when you need to to keep them from fresh. Keep them on ice but not in liquid to preserve the oils and blood. Use the whole head cutting it just behind the gills and send that out their it is the best part of the bait for the bigger fish.If shad are not available use any oily forage fish you can find even carp strips will work if that all you have. The use of live bait is more inline for flathead catfish but I have caught a few channels with live bleeding baitfish.I use a 3/0 to 5/0 circle hook tied with 30 lb mono then a 24 inch leader tied to a swivel. Above the swivel is a bead and then a 3 to 8 oz slide sinker depending on the current. Keep the bait fresh changing every 20 to 40 minutes and scatter the old bait around the fishing place. Good luck and be prepared to become a catfishaholic. Art
  11. I don't wish Snakeheads on any ones waterways... but if they get their they are a blast to fish for. It has become my fish of choice when the Catfish are spawning or I want to fish artificial lures. I will still come up North to fish for Pike and Musky but it is a lot easier between trips now that we have a fish with teeth to entertain us. Yea the invasive species argument this is not the direction to take this post it is irrelevant they are established here their is no going back. Art
  12. One of the local fisherman went out and caught this monster last Saturday from my favorite fishin spot. It was caught,transported, certified and released alive for future fun. This female on the next spawn will be over 90 lbs and a great addition to the genetics. 79 lb new Maryland state record Art
  13. the tica caiman is a great reel and it is one that I use for 50 lb catfish for the past 3 years with no failures. Please advise them you are in Canada they have in the past been very Canadian friendly. caiman Tica reels Art
  14. Thanks for clarifying your abbreviated previous posts do not relay the passion in your pursuit for a cleaner lake. They made you seem more of a self appointed dictator. I see that I am wrong and commend you on your passion. Art
  15. At no point in my post did I say littering is acceptable. The statement however does lead me to share with you a little insight that might be the key that escapes you. I am pointing out a flaw in your basic logic that is undermining your attempts to have a positive outcome. If I walk into a new bar and say "no one look at the scar on my face" 100% of the people will look and remember I am the man with a scar on my face. If I walk into the same bar and tell the funniest joke in the world they will remember I am a man who has good jokes. Both of them are tags that people have given me one is positive and is pleasing to all, the other one is irritating to me and offensive to them. I took the time to read your previous posts and they all have undertones that are less than desirable. They rub against the fabric of the forum and project a confrontational attitude that adds little but excites emotions, mostly negative either towards you or the subject matter. This is not an attempt to judge or to criticize you because I have not lived your life this is an outside view of what you are showing the world in this forum. Past people who have gone down this path are rarely here for long.... P.M.'s are welcome if you want to discuss the positive aspects of this forum Art
  16. Treating people with the assumption that they are guilty of something before you have any idea that they were thinking about doing something will usually reap the negative effect you are campaigning against. Art
  17. Well written Mackenzie...you got my vote. I am glad Chris gave us this chance to read it. Art
  18. Until the cottage owners that feel they own the lake and the fishermen that feel they own the lake are both banned from the lake it will always be the same argument. I am on both sides of this story the slip that my 28ft boat lives in is owned with a deed same as your house and I have had lures bounced off the boat with paint damage and stranded lures left in the lines. I have had different reactions from the fisherman from dang I lost my lure to can I make this right with you. I have also been the fisherman who has fished a dock and left a lure behind or hit a boat with a lure. At that point it becomes a prospective thing in 5 minutes will it make a difference in my life? If I say anything will it change the outcome? If the answer is YES then go ahead and say something but make sure your motive is positive and not something you say because you decided to spearhead the campaign to be the self elected spokesman( I.E. an asshat) for either side. Most of the time the answer is NO so let it lay... your blood pressure will lower alot quicker if you don't escalate the situation past the point of common sense. You also have to keep in mind that people get killed for just flipping the bird in traffic to the wrong person. The same could happen between the cottager and the fisherman after all life is to short...to intentionally aggravate yourself. Art
  19. Sometimes it seems that people no matter what the conversation starter is will decide it is easier to not acknowledge the spoken greeting if they do not have the ability to continue it past the starting point. The Spanish speaking community down here are not all bi lingual and I am very limited in my Spanish so at times they will pretend to not hear me or chose to ignore my attempt of communication to prevent the awkwardness of the situation. I personally feel it is wrong not to say hello back and then smile and wave to any person no matter what the barriers are. It does not sound like this is the case for your situation but it is an easier to accept answer than they were being plain out right rude... Art
  20. O.K. lets get this fight going....Steel heading is for people who use pin reels and hold their pinkys at a strange angle.(not that their is anything wrong with that lifestyle) Art
  21. While it is a fine unit the X series means it does not have the gps ability like the hds5 which does. If you have the funds upgrading to the hds7 makes the split screen much easier to read being bigger. If the X series is good enough then the 5's screen is large enough. I am running the hds7 with the lss-1 module and I am very happy with the way it preforms. Take the time to learn the unit and how to adjust it manually you will be amazed at what you can see... Art
  22. We had a buddy of ours that gets sick every time we go fishin on big water so we make him eat anchovies the night before. Seriously though you can also check for a medication called (promethazine) it is an antinausea drug that your doctor can prescribe it also has other medical value and a search will give you the precautions to see if it is for you. Art
  23. From the reports that have come out of Lloyd's customers I would be hard pressed to argue with HH n Roy. We down here in Virginia have a lot of guide services but we have few lodges. You will usually have to use a hotel ($$$) plus a guide ($$$)both are expensive but they are needed to have a great trip. If it is something that you would like to go for I suggest you think Saltwater the fish varieties are huge and it is something that Canada can not offer easily. Art
  24. Here is a link for all of us who are Northernly Challenged... link to webcam Art
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