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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. I received a card that is shaped like a credit card in the mail today from The MNR called an outdoor card.It is green in color and has all of the information that I fill out when I get my fishing license when I visit up North. I am not sure what it covers/use is? Does this mean I am finally officially a Canadian? Please answer quickly before I sell my house and higher a moving van to start the move to my new home. Art
  2. Cast aluminum will TIG nicely it is Pot metal that does not weld. I would go for getting it welded back together the shoes that I have seen all require you to drill holes into the remaining skeg to fasten it in place causing a weak spot and the shoe is thicker so more cavitation is possible. Check with auto repair shops in the area to see if they can repair it. They are slow now and will give you a better price on the work than any Marine shop will. Art
  3. No the time to be embarrassed is when you don't ask the questions when you have friends who will answer them.... Art
  4. To much restriction you need the correct drain hose size. The smaller hose is pumped out under pressure while the hose after the airgap is open to the air so backpressure is to high. Art
  5. The average hose is only 2 ft max from the airgap to the drain. Your better off with running the ABS drainline closer to the drain line. You are expecting this to be temporary right? You are way past the building codes and it throws alot of what ifs into this equation. The hose size from the airgap to the drainline is about twice the size as the discharge from the dishwasher? Art
  6. The small amount of water means you have to much resistance in the drain pipe which is the hose from the airgap to the drain. Resistance is from one of three factors. One is the line from the airgap to the drain is to long. Two is the line from the airgap has to many bends in it or a bend to close to the airgap. Three the line is not large enough from the outlet of the airgap.Their is a fourth one but it is very rare the airgap is not formed right from the factory and defective but one thru three need to be corrected before you jump on that one. Art
  7. Chris should be able to catch them then since he is a sub fisherman. My white whale is a Blue Catfish we call "Fluffy" who was last caught last year and weighed #56 lbs. Out of 4 of us no one has seen her I sure hope she was returned if someone else caught her. Art
  8. It should not have an odor thru the airgap but if you run the pipe up thru the floor and put a trap on it above the water level of the dishwasher you should be golden. Art
  9. If you have the drain loop higher than the back of the dishwasher but then going thru the floor below the actual height of the water level in the dishwasher then you can still siphon the water out of the dishwasher even with the loop in place if the length of the run is longer than the loop.You will need to install an Airgap which will break the suction of the downward pipe and keep it from siphoning. On normal drain runs were you are above the water level in the dishwasher what you did would work. You can get an airgap from most hardware stores and just mount it to the wall then run the 7/8 inch hose from the outlet to the drain below. Art
  10. you can send a p.m. or just ask here I will help if I can. Art
  11. We would have done it in our younger days but....after seeing the effort it took to do the job I am glad we got old. Art
  12. Well the Saturday 2 weeks ago I had a squeal from under the big boat coming from the running gear. I brought it to the mechanic hoping it was just a piece of rope in the drive train on one motor. They craned the boat out and started to tear into the problem and found both the port and starboard drive shaft Carriage bearing were seized up and needed to be replaced. The estimate was given and the work begins. I get the expected phone call after 2 days and more bad news one of the drive shafts was wedged in tight to the bearings and had machined a groove in the 1.50 inch drive shaft and was not coming out. A new estimate was furnished to heat and beat the old unit out and send it to a machine shop for rebuilding and truing of the shafts. Well fast forward 10 days and they resplashed the boat and I went and paid them for their kindness....I ran the boat back to the slip and it is working like a champ. The Velvet drives slide into gear without a noise and it only drops 50 rpms from neutral to in gear. So its tile to get fishin again just in time for the big Cats to start the winter feed. Art
  13. I got to agree with you here. I am running a HDS5 on the bass boat and a HDS7 with lss-1 on the big boat. Both have been flawless with no issues and it is very easy to learn the controls. Once you become comfortable you can set it to scan out most of the clutter and the gps is very accurate. I would take into consideration that Bernie says the Nipissing maps are horrible and if it is an area you fish frequentlythen you might decide on the garmin for that feature alone. Art
  14. Pete bad luck bud sorry to hear. If you have the receipts for all of the work that was done by a shop or the receipts for material you installed dig them out. You are going to need to prove that the value of the vehicle is more than the book value. Their defense usually is if it was worth more than blue book then it should have been appraised and insured for the correct amount. You can google any vintage car insurance and get what you needed to do before the accident. This will give you an idea on their line of defense so you can plan as best you can. Art
  15. This is one of the few times I am not trying to be funny but......Ask Roy or T.J. were they got theirs. Art
  16. Nope the waters fine before the rain it was clear for 8ft which is excellent here.We have a lot of run off from the rain and since we have soil everywhere we tend to get discolored water easier than up North. The fish that come from the area are very healthy and taste great. Art
  17. Terry you must have been sent this by an angel...Coincidentally I need $10,000.oo for a surgery to cure a hangnail on my left hand. Can you please send the money to my bank the routing # is 123 456 789 00123 45 5678. Thank you thank you you o so luck man. Art
  18. Wear a PFD because if you slip the water will roll you under and KILL YOU. I have lost 2 friends from this so please be careful. Art
  19. Yes we do My last name is Melancon and my mothers maiden name is Toupes.The Arcadian's went down the coast till they settled into the Bayous of Louisiana were the Indians and the escaped slaves showed us how to live with the land. The pigeon French is still a strong language that is mixed with lots of slang from other cultures making it hard to follow if you have not heard it regularly. I think even Roy would be pressed hard to understand all of the words they have invented. Art
  20. you could ask T.J. what he drives... he is pretty smart. Art
  21. What you all dont know is their are only a few of the U.S. citizens who know how to speak correctly. We call them Cajuns or Coonasses but if we dig hard enough into the history books we will find they are Arcadian. Art
  22. You were a little vague so I am guessing you mean Coke if I am wrong then it does not make sense to me... Lots of people do coke it has nothing to do with GM. Drugs and alcohol have no boundaries It will mess up the Millionaires life just as it does the Factory workers life on both sides of the borders. Don't do drugs is a good mantra in my book.Use alcohol responsibly works also. Art
  23. You are too funny.... it is not "Their" or "they're" it's There. See what happens when I type faster than I think. Art
  24. Just because the manufacturer is in the U.S. doesn't mean it isn't occurring in you own back yard folks. Drugs and Alcohol has long been the choice substance/beverage of the overwhelmed masses world wide for many years in the past and I am sure in to the future... Art
  25. Shall we now try to tackle Two, to and too or Weather, Whether? While we are here on this subject is it A, AH, or Eh for a question mark.... Feet and foot are some of the words that can be buggerized by were in the US you live. Crawfish is the correct way to say it Crayfish is what the the people Above the Mason Dixie line say. In all if you understand what the person is saying you got to sometimes ignore the path they took to get their. Art
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