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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Sorry I am a day late hope it was a good one. Art
  2. I hear he didn't because the pencil was to short.... Art
  3. Glad to hear this report. It seems you can't keep an old goat down.ummm Good goat. Art
  4. Ahh another happy man with a custom rod from the Spiel collection. He has been gracious enough to have built me 4 rods so far and all of them have been a joy to fish with. Art
  5. Thanks everyone for the well wishes and good cheer.A good time was had by all here. Joe cooked two of the best darn turkeys you have ever seen and we should also get a chance to see some turkey soup too. Art
  6. I am running the same boat as yours with the 89 Evinrude and a 14.25 x 23 3 blade SS. The Boat really likes to have the motor tucked in the down position for starting out. Once out of the hole at 3/4 throttle tap up a few times (1/2 second each) on the trim control and you will see your speed increase slightly without a raise in rpm. Give it a few more taps till the RPM raise between 25-50 rpms and you have reached the maximum up trim you want to run. If you are in rough water keep it trimmed down and give it 1 second of up it will keep you on the running pad solidly. My boat will run 54 mph at 5500 rpms and 2 people. The Ranger will run very nicely at 38 mph with a dry ride and no kidney punching. If you have some flat water go ahead and trim it up at 1/2 throttle till the rpm raises 25 to 50 rpms then bump it down 1 tap and give it full throttle...Watch the rpms for the motors recomended rpms and then you can tell if you are over/under propped. art
  7. I have found that at this time of year the carp are easier to catch using a Bow and Arrow. Art
  8. Sorry I will miss this one I sure hope T.J. gives us a heads up when Dave uses his passport and heads towards Washington D.C. Area. Art
  9. Next thing you know people will be buying things like water,rocks and dirt. Art
  10. Ya should have followed Joey and Paul longer they had some luck too. Art
  11. Looks like a good time except for them fishin pirates that was eyeing you fishin places... Art
  12. Thanks Chris I am glad to see you are having such a good time with your new place on the river. I enjoyed the shotgun hold it is one of the best ways to see the fish and the really wide grin of a happy fisherman. Art
  13. glad to hear Mike just remember use lots of ice and don't strain the muscles in the area. It will be really painful if you do. Art
  14. The one thing I have noticed when I am visiting Canada is the availability of power to some really remote places. I have seen some of the islands on Nipissing that had a fishing shack made of plywood and tarpaper with power run to it. Down here in the states they estimate the amount of power you will use in 2 years and anything above the estimate the builder has to pay up front. I have a house that is 200 yards from a main road and if they could run it overhead to within 250 ft of the house and then go under ground for 1000.oo but if I wanted it underground all the way with a transformer and concrete pad it would cost me 6500.oo Art
  15. If you like this one P.M. me Garmin 400c Art
  16. Reason number 127 why I want to catch up to Marc someday.... Thanks for the trip and the other things you have done behind the scenes here at OFC. Art
  17. Ahh the power of positive thinkin. Glad to hear you are heading home Jack.We will keep all of you in our prayers. Art
  18. I own both the hds5 and the hds7 and hands down when you are running a gps and the sonar unit the 7 inch wins. I usually have 70% of the screen for the gps and the rest with the sonar. The upgrade of the lss-1 unit is so sensative it will pick up the rope of my anchor. Art
  19. Good job Mike I like the website now it's time for the orders to start rolling in. Art
  20. Welcome home Dave good to see ya again. Here is the link for the lowrance elite hds5 dsiIt while above your price range it has a lot of benefits that you will be glad you have. I really enjoy the ability of the side and down scan of the hsd7 with the lss-1 scanner this is a less expensive version that will give you a real edge on fishing. To give you an idea how sensitive it is it picks up when I shift into gear you see the turbulence or dropping the anchor it shows you the rope. Art
  21. Good luck Mike make sure you use a magic marker to circle the right one..... Art
  22. Very nice fish Chris but were is my favorite hold? Art
  23. Happy birthday buddy I hope the plan of the day was to have some fun. Art
  24. It seems you would prefer to hear you are right and I am wrong.So here you go " You are right I am wrong" are we better now or would you like to continue detracting from the original thread???.If we are going to talk theory of electrical circuits then we would first have to clarify our definitions and it appears I can't do that to your satisfaction. I am not going to continue an argument on who can use Google to prove their point the best. If this truly matters to you feel free to P.M. me and we can eventually decide that we both are right and promise to have a beer in the future. Art
  25. Hey you can't be illing we haven't gotten a chance to go fishin yet. So keep your spirits high and with a few prayers and some help from the Doctors we will get you straightened out soon enough. Art
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