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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Chris thanks for the praise it means a lot to me I was not sure I could do justice to the quality of the rod it was installed on. GBW you win you can have the title of the nicest butt in Canada but you got to get a female to vote for you to qualify. I however will retain the title of the nicest International butt. Thanks Joey Art
  2. Well Spiel has made me a few rods over the years and one of the first ones handle got damaged. I decided to replace it with a Burl Cork handle that I glued together. I then opened up the 1/4" hole to 9/16 to get it set on a mandrel for turning. After hooking it up to a lathe I sanded it down to the size (1.35 inches tapered to .80 at the butt). The butt of the rod is finished with a Walnut butt cap that my Pops and I made to complete the job. The rods beginnings The thread work Chris made for me The handle I turned The Walnut butt cap Art
  3. I am sorry to hear about the health issues in the family and I send a few prayers for her rapid recovery Kevin. Art
  4. Going to shoot yourself in the icehole Wayne? Art
  5. remove the unit and check the voltage with a multi meter to confirm the voltage. Remove switches and wire direct to see what the voltage drop is thru the switches and replace as needed (corroded contacts will increase resistance and lower the reading).Remove and replace the fuse and check connections for corrosion. Check to make ssure it is still factory wire between the battery and the sonar unit. The batteries if fully charged should read 12.65 volts. While I use Lowrance products I am sure it is the same on power consumption due to the units being wired in 22 gauge wire it should be minimal and the fact you can run one on 2 6 volt batteries while you ice fish points to a wire issue. Art
  6. Your not even close to offending me Brian. I have had the upbringing that allows me to chew tobacco on the front porch with Grandma and eat dinner with nobility and not offending either group. Art
  7. I got an albino skunk for sale he is all white except for were he is black still... A faded fish is not truly an albino their are other factors to consider but the photo does not give the detail to confirm or deny that it is what it is claimed. Art
  8. O you will absolutely be a part of some redneck fishin happenins like "hold my beer for a minute" and "hey yall watch this" with a few " just stick your hand in his mouth and pull him out of the water you woosie" thrown in. If you are a fast learner we could possibly fit in a trip for some "noodling" and some "snipe huntin" too. Why here at Camp Redneck we will have you Bubbaing just like all of the Southern masses we all have stereotyped. So send a check or a money order and get you favorite 5 gallon bucket polished up and come on down. * prices subject to gullibility* Art
  9. It's 70 degrees F here...I guess you are a little closer to ice fishin than we are down South. Art
  10. I have caught the same Catfish for the last 3 years from the same immediate area and have even followed them from being hooked to back to were they live in the wood piles. The pole also should have a second question and that is What species do you target the most? I think you will find the species we are the most familiar and fish for the most will mirror our answers for the original question. Yes it is Catfish that I most fish for. Art
  11. Since no one else has stepped up YET Well gosh I am honored ...it might not be Simcoe but you can Fish Lak Air with me next year at the G2G Brian. Art
  12. I was looking for information many years ago on the French River and found OFC. Daplumma told me he found a great website and sent me a link the next day and low and behold we arrived at the same place. I have been here almost since the first version was out and was member 300 and something.... Man has time gone by. I stayed because of how close people I have met have become to me and while I do not get up North as often as I wish I could ...you can be sure some of the finest people in the world live to the North of me. I would be afraid to list all of the friends I have made here over the years because their are so many and I am afraid I would miss someone. So while I may not show up on your doorstep be sure it would be something I would cherish forever. Art
  13. A can of compressed gas duster "dust off" stored in the boat goes a long way in numbing a hand up.You can then as Hammercarp mentioned a backer to help push it thru. I use my needle nose pliers opened slightly to make a firm backer to push thru too. After you get it out a little more freeze juice to stop the bleeding then pour on the alcohol and bandage. A word of caution is if you move a finger that is in the path of the hook and you feel a pulling up or down line of the hook it could be a tendon has been hooked if that is the case tape the hook to yourself and have a doctor remove it. Art
  14. If you show up for a fish fry we will go out on the mountain fed shallower Upper Potomac and get some really sweet tasting channel cats.We usually only keep Channel cats 5 lbs or less. Once they get bigger than that they are tough and a little rubbery. Art
  15. On a nice clear day Earl, Buddy and I decided to get in a day of fishin and test the new carriage bearings on the Marinette. This is Earl letting out the Gill net to catch some bait ... the local mudshad proved to be elusive and after 3 net drops and 4 baitfish we decided to see if it was enough to fish with. This is a view down river from bouy 55 where the blues hang out usually A short wait and rod # 4 goes down The results 14 lb Blue Catfish Ready set fish next fish coming on board A 14 lber on deck A 22lb shotgun is up in arms The final fish on board before we ran out of bait 34 lb All in all a great day on the water and with the boat repair proven to be correct a happy crew headed in to clean off the slime and put the boat to bed till the next trip. Art
  16. You need to be careful if it is a two stroke running it lean because of lack of fuel/oil can melt a piston. You will more than likly though find you have dropped a cylinder either from lack of spark (bad plug,wire,coil) or compression on one of the cylinders. I would do a compression check and replace the plugs/coil/wire test before venturing out again. Art
  17. I am not sure that I qualify for the ultimate asshat award because I see contact sports as a viable sport Randy. I do not have to concern myself with what my kids watch because I chose not to have kids. If you had kids to guard from the mean and cruel world around them then it is up to you to guide them thru the world of growing up. You will explain to them about Sex, Tobacco,Alcohol and when or if force is acceptable in their maturing lives. The sports that are full contact are not near as graphic/extreme as what they see on their video games that they play at home or at a friends house in fact MMA matches are usually less graphic than alot of the scenes in a pg rated movie. The contact sports which include alot of the martial arts disciplines are taught with the message that mind and body both must be disciplined together for a healthy balanced person. For the same person that can watch someone move the puck down the ice and outplay the other team to score a goal can also see the poetry in motion of a well place submission hold between 2 athletes. Our difference of opinion as far as what constitutes a sport does not mean you need to call others names. I have put your post in the category of someone protecting their kids rather than a person that truly thinks I am an asshat. Art
  18. I love to watch the MMA it has not only some of the finest athletes who have trained for years to become the best but the dedication to the sport is unmatched in most sports. It actually is one of the oldest sports (wrestling) that is guided by very specific rules to keep it a competition instead of just a brawl. As for the new X arm I am not sure it has the same appeal that MMA has for me but you can bet I will give it a fair trial before I decide. art
  19. I am not sure what the winter project is this year. It will most likely be mechanical in nature and something to do with metal but as to what type I haven't decided if it will be a motorcycle or a boat? Their will also be a few new lures built and other small projects around the house. Art
  20. Did they start adding Ethanol to avgas??? or is it the lower sulfur?? that seems not near enough hours to burn exhaust guides. I have never seen/worked with aircraft motors but in diesel language it seems like a short time. I am sure you will get it straighted out and back together quick enough. Art
  21. I purchase a Virginia fishing license,Potomac River charter license,Virginia gill net license,three boat registrations and one documented vessel totaling yearly $155.00 all of these go towards marine upkeep and patrolling of my waterways I use. To go up North and fish the fee is less than $50.oo for a week which is used to make the fishing/boating experience better.How could you not want to contribute to something that gives back so much to you?
  22. here is what the official web site says... is this more or less than the residential fees? BTW this is not a post I put up to get a debate going make a joke and then move on with it please. Art Non-Canadian Resident Temporary Fishing Outdoors Card and Application only. Valid for three years. Annual licence tags must be purchased. License issuers throughout the province $9.68 Base Price $8.57 HST $1.11 One-year Sport Fishing Licence Tag (for holders of a valid Outdoors Card) Licence issuers throughout the province $74.79 Base Price $66.19 HST $8.60 One-year Conservation Fishing Licence Tag (for holders of a valid Outdoors Card) Licence issuers throughout the province $46.00 Base Price $40.71 HST $5.29 Eight-day Sport Fishing Licence * Licence issuers throughout the province $47.89 Base Price $42.38 HST $5.51 Eight-day Conservation Fishing Licence * Licence issuers throughout the province $27.71 Base Price $24.52 HST $3.19 One-Day Sport Fishing Licence Available from many charter boat operators and licence issuers. $20.18 Base Price $17.86 HST $2.32 Non-Canadian Resident Angling Licence for a Member of an Organized Camp Selected ServiceOntario offices $4.85 per child Base Price $4.29 HST $0.56 Lake St. Joseph tags Lake St. Joseph tourist operator from whom accommodation is obtained No charge * Eight-day fishing licences are valid for eight consecutive calendar days. A calendar day is a 24-hour period starting at 12:00 midnight.
  23. Randy it is more than likely just the fishin card. It is labeled as an outdoor card but in red it Says Fishing Peche which I assume is Fishing in French. I guess this means I cant hunt any "citizens of Ontario." Why should this card act any different than my other ATM cards? Phil I am happy to be a member of the Canadian Governments machine for all of the great times and memories I have from up North it is small price to pay. Art
  24. You mean my Northern dream card is actually another way for me to pay money to a governmental program? No Way y'all have got to be jerkin me around..... O well I guess I will use it to jimmy open doors down South here till next year when I go back North. Art
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