Unless it is a personel best or the kids have caught it, why do you need a picture of another bass, we all know what they look like? Good fishermen would have hundreds if not thousands of the same type of fish and a fisherman with a goofy look on his face.Who are you trying to impress, people who do not beleive that you catch any?
I once found a molar (tooth) in a muffin from a well known donut shop. Reported it to the manager and recieved some free stuff. Believe me it turned me off that type of muffin for awhile!
If someone brings a saw to steal your car, or bolt cutters for your boat , then it is not a drunken spur of the moment thing, they are prepared pros, let them have it!
Biteme esq. you allways seem to be in a bad mood , with your short abrupt messages, you need to get out fishing and relax more . I think you picture says where your mind is at.
I think that there is a distance that you have to be close to your rod. I know a guy who in winter set his tip-ups on Scugog off shore and went and sat in his car on shore, Ministry pulled up and he was hit with a fine. He could see his tip-ups but was told he was not close enough, having a visual on the rod-bobber is not good enough.