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Everything posted by fishermccann

  1. Frenchmans Bay , in Pickering, it has pike and perch.
  2. Milk co. see their basket hanging there , they will be upset, want it back and maybe charge you.
  3. Thanks for the info I will report how I do . I will be right beside the big green hut. Stop, Say hello.
  4. If you put all that gear in your sled you will need a machine to pull it!
  5. I am going to Scugog tomorrow , how is the walk out from Goreskis, how is the parking situation now that you have to pay, enough room?
  6. 25 years ago? from the look of you on the video you must have been doing since you were 4 years old!!!
  7. Ordered a new Quad camera from Aqua-view 3 weeks before Christmas , arrived after 5 days , great service.
  8. Down at the Rouge River last night it was moving fast with lots of mud and logs going by. Petticotte creek behind my house is above normal and moving fast this morning.
  9. Easy to say from East york. You have your own preditor problem.
  10. On your first post you come up with this, go somewhere else thanks!
  11. WOMEN- does your wife know you have more than one?
  12. on- line you can print out a temporary one right away.
  13. Someone stop this guy before that thought spreads.
  14. I hear that Neal Maynard on the north shore close to Bollingbrooke is going to have huts out as well!
  15. That I think, is another thread all -together!
  16. Yes we should have an IN as he is ONE OF US.
  17. There are so many ways around the no call list, that it really does not matter much!!!!
  18. People just want to pay as little as they can for "stuff" even if it is crap!
  19. They do not spook fish. We have had many Whitefish ,Lakers, Perch come right up to the camera with the lights on and nibble on the camera. It is a good joke among us when someone gets the " fin ' , a fish comes up to the camera and puts its fin on the lens. I have a Quad360 so all four guys in the fish-hut get their own lens and get to watch their own spreader.
  20. I have a Aqua-view Quad-360 Four cameras to show all directions. I love it for ice fishing on Simcoe as it has enough lights to see down 70 feet in the dark.
  21. Mouth of Duffins Creek, Rotary Park.
  22. Open on Jan.1st. 2010
  23. You need a PAL to by a gun, I think that you should need a Pal to buy a bow. Just incorperate a section of the PAL course for bows. You would still need your hunter safty course anyhow.
  24. What I like is that we can get rid of the Pike in Balsam all year now. Kill and eat them all!
  25. The Kawarthas in Zone 17 are now open year round, ice fishing begins on Jan. 1st. 2010.
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