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Everything posted by fishermccann

  1. I have used it for years , but now it has gotten expensive, so I have switched to Annchove paste. Cheaper and smells worse.
  2. Then you would be 6 over your pos. limit.
  3. Rouge is OK vision wise, but is VERY low.
  4. I was fishing for pike on Frenchmans Bay yesterday with a couple of other anglers, no fish caught. Last Sat. we were ice fishing on the Bay , this week open water and whitecaps.
  5. If you have investments and such, a C.G.A. all the way, I found out the hard way how much not using one cost me.
  6. That is a great answer, fight fire with fire( brimstone with brimstone).
  7. I smoked my last on Jan 5th. 2009 the best thing I have ever done, and the hardest
  8. What, was he killed by a chicken.
  9. Everything but sleds are getting stuck out there today.
  10. I have fished Cameron Lake for 30 years, (thats where the cottage is) , and have not caught a pike in the lake yet. Soon I suspect, as we are next in the chain!
  11. In this day and age, you have to move to where the jobs are. To bad if they are not where you want to live! Get the experience then move.
  12. I will join soon!
  13. Yes, but Tupperwear is not called "a bait managment system", thats got to be worth an extra 10.
  14. I just lost my coffee all over the screen, thanks for that!
  15. Not to bad 100 hits with the topic, " what the ??? " good job folks!!!
  16. O.K. now I know, thanks .Just wondering why it got more hits than some of the fishing topics, thats all.
  17. How come " what do you shave with? " gets so much traffic on a fishing website, don't we have grooming websites for that stuff? WHAT THE ????
  18. At the mouth of all rivers/creeks ( Duffins ,Rouge , Wilmot, Bowmanville) into Lake Ontario. As soon after the rivers are free of ice and are running as you can.
  19. Anybody going out on FrenchmansBay this week? I am going to try on Tues. morning, Clam 2000 , drop by. How was the fishing on the weekend, saw about 50 people out on both days. There was a few cars and trucks as well.Last week it was all pike being caught.
  20. Sorry if I missed the post, but where can I get some of those cool OFC stickers for my boat? Thanks
  21. Is it just the Rice Lake people that are upset? What about the other Kawarthas cottage ass. what do they say? or is it just to much rice lake inbreeding?
  22. That is so nasty that i have shown 3 other people, Thanks.
  23. Was out on FrenchmansBay yesterday afternoon lots of pike iced, 2-4 lbs. Minnows in 10 ft. About 2 ft. off bottom . only 3 others out there.
  24. Look for" The Boat Doctor" , he is down there. He can fix any boat problems you have. Good guy to know!
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