I know how you feel. I live on Lake Ontario between Duffins creek and the Rouge river, two of the best carp streams east of T.O. It is great to be 5 min. from home for some after-work fishing action.Good luck to you.
The Sandhill Crane that have now moved into the Southern Ontario area have a very strange and distink call. It is very loud, long and strange , almost spooky, when you hear it the first time you will say , what the -.
I too live in Pickering, Rosebank South. I walk down to the mouth of the Rouge and throw a line in during the week. I also fish Frenchmans Bay in the winter. Do you fish in our neibourhood.
The name is spelt differently, but I played on a hockey team with the real guy while the crime was happening, and our sons hang out together. He did did time and then was hired by a firm to prevent it happening again. Good guy, good movie. P.S. He lived in Pickering at the time. Still does.
There are not so many east tribs, that anyone who fishes out that way could not figure it out.Any true trib fisherperson has already been out for weeks, at the mouth, just waiting for the rest of the stream to open up. Good Luck Everyone.