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Everything posted by fishermccann

  1. I agree put in super gas , no more problem.
  2. We love your reports by the way, and the pics. are great , please keep them coming for those of us that can't get out every day (got to work), even if I am on strike. ( essential sevice).
  3. Deeper maybe not, but that does not mean that they will be looking topside to hit surface baits. A little sprinking of rain may help topwater fisherpersons.
  4. So you are saying that you think all those people fishing that spot got it off this site, come on give me a break, this site is popular sure, but THAT popular I don't think so!
  5. Mouth of the Rouge for me, and I don't care how many show up, there is enough carp for everyone, and I just throw mine back. See you there!
  6. Only posted for 2 hours and have 30 replies, you seem to have hit a nerve.
  7. Way to go Roy that was a good one . Congrats.
  8. Sorry M.A. no offence , we all have other things to do as well, fish all you can and enjoy all you fish!
  9. Well Mark Adams I do not think that was the reply you were looking for.
  10. Who says the posters on this board were the first to discover a spot, I have fished some spots for over 40 yrs. Much longer than the age of some of the people I see fishing there. Most fisherpeople do not belong to this site. 60 posts in two years ,you are close to being a lurker your -self, nobody owns a special spot. .
  11. Keep on the GO train to Ajax and fish Duffins creek. You can get spots where you are all alone and whould swear you were out of the city and up north.
  12. Waterboarding!!!!
  13. You want lots of bigger Carp go down to the mouth of the Rouge, there are lots. It is reachable by GO train.
  14. Mods or no mods, this is not a site for that type of rant.
  15. Depends on how many fish you clean, 50 perch or one bass.
  16. Follow that logic, and you all would have nothing to complain about , just go work for CUPE!
  17. I already do like you, I just wondered why in this great big province why you keep going back to the same spot . It does not seem fair to those who dont like big lake pike fishing.
  18. THAT is the best thing I have heard , no clawbacks, I earned what I earned, leave it alone, the future- who knows!
  19. Just thought that if you went somewhere new every year you might get some different people,( if thats the idea) , lots can't go that far. Try for different fish in different lakes . We have a lot of great people and places to fish, spread it around! Unless someone has a vested interest in that one spot!
  20. Thats why we have a union. What is crazy is that a plumber with 4 years work in, gets 60 an hour, when you can get them to show up! A nurse that has a 4 year degree , and works 12 hr shifts, most holidays and 50% of weekends gets 28 .
  21. Over the past 28 years as a city worker I have saved up 85 sick days, when I retire we get paid out at 50% of those which is 40 days or two months , big deal after 28 years. Most of our jobs when we are not there we have to be replaced , as that is the law as set by the province , better to pay 50% at the end of your working life rather than 100% for someone else to do the job! Don't give us any more but surly do not take away what we already have. I saved those up in good faith.
  22. As a striking CUPE worker all I have to say is we pay taxes just the same as you. What they are taking away is things that we have already have , we don't want more. Just what we already have, no one wants to go backwards. P.S. I cannot go out as I work in the health care field.
  23. I have fished Cameron for over 30 years, have yet to catch a pike, but I can catch a Muskie almost every time out!
  24. Just wondering, why is it always at the same place? There is a lot of water in this province. You have to drive right past some of the best fishing in the world to get THERE.
  25. My 9.9 would do the same thing, it was a fuel filter problem, when you pumped the bulb it would push enough fuel through to keep it going. if I stoped pumping it would die from lack of fuel. Changed filter no more prob.
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