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Everything posted by OhioFisherman

  1. After looking at that picture I am glad I am not old! Our commercial trucks had roofs! even the fire trucks I recall seeing as a kid did too! LOL How many people fit in the cab of that thing? Maybe is was for speed of entry and exit? Less doors and other er... luxuries reduce costs? Mayors and other politicians need raises more than city workers in the cold need heaters?
  2. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Unused-Vintage-Heddon-Wood-Strawberry-Vamp-Lure-on-Checkered-Card-/231457167436?nma=true&si=CinTz6xAZQ2hwMeveUG1P4cVooc%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 I caught a lot of fish up north on those, not a color scheme I would normally buy,but they worked!
  3. http://www.munsonmarine.com/new_vehicle_detail.asp?veh=14777&CatDesc=&=#detail The last boat I looked at, same style different seller, glad I held off on that move!
  4. Cisco Kids were great trolling lures for up north! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Unfished-Vintage-Husky-Cisco-Kid-Musky-Lure-No-1821-in-Box-/191508717687?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c96cf2077
  5. Never paid an outrageous price for a lure, the ones that hurt losing were the proven fish catchers! Mostly due to using bass lures in waters with pike and skis. The old original Storm wee warts and wee steelie warts seemed to have like 1 in 6 that would out fish the other 5 consistently, same with their Texas shad lures. Trolling for walleye on Lake Erie with my brother and dad was a good way to find the hot ones to use for bass!
  6. It took me 3 years to get a correct diagnosis here stateside, with me telling them what I thought was the only possibility left for a year and a half. Finding a doctor here that wasn't arrogant and would accept patient input and order the proper tests was tough. 4 hospital and a half a dozen doctors later? A truck driver may have been smarter than some of the doctors, since I was right and they applied labels.
  7. #2 for me would probably also be a jig and pig or jig and plastic, usually anything from 1/16th to 1 ounce, even small ones can catch outsized fish.
  8. English seems to rapidly be becoming un - American, funny that our forefathers had no trouble learning it and not demand that Americans accomodate them?
  9. My " honey" is a dog, and he is happy with a treat or ice cube! That makes my life a lot easier! LOL
  10. A bare spot in the insulation on the wiring?
  11. For largemouth bass? http://zoombait.com/worms/swimming-tails/u-tails/ With only one choice for other species I would stay home and cut grass.
  12. Just my opinion, it would be pretty hard to go wrong with a Curado.
  13. It's always wise to plan ahead!
  14. Ya, this, even the ones stateside in my area had next to nothing.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XanZlZ1zzc#t=10
  16. http://rare.us/story/when-a-malfunctioning-weather-map-turned-up-the-heat-this-hilarious-weatherman-kept-his-cool/
  17. We drove from here to Lake Chautauqua in New York state before it happened, like 164 miles? My boat though was a bit tongue heavy on the hitch, that might have saved a real problem. I was a truck driver for 30+ years, I can be a bit more dedicated to making sure things are connected properly, that was the only time I trusted the job to someone else, he had his own boat so he knows what he is doing? LOL
  18. Never had a disaster, once going to Lake Chautauqua in New York for a tournament the trailer came unhitched from my buddies truck, it just bumped his bumper though. My boat and trailer and he hooked it up, when I did it I cranked the leg down and applied pressure to make sure it was hooked up good, he didn't. My buddy and his son took me fishing to a lake 70-75 miles away, I am disabled and only could handle a 30 - 45 minutes in the boat, I told them to just take me back to the ramp and I would sleep in the truck. Probably a good thing, I was walking past their trailer and notice 2 or 3 cross beams on their trailer had broken welds, and they were leaving for a trip to the French River the next weekend. They got it fixed before they left, a long way to travel with a glass bass boat with a 150 on the back. A buddy lost an almost new Nitro on I-90 coming back from New York. Can't recall even having a flat on a trailer tire myself. Either lucky or alert? I tried to avoid hassles.
  19. http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/target-s-package-for-ex-ceo-matches-package-for-all-17-600-canadian-workers-1.2927893
  20. I used to put dry fly dressing on my mono when using big minnows for bait, it kept the line from sinking in the lily pads and weeds as the minnow swam thru them, you could see where your line was and how much slack was in it.
  21. I wish the quality of the videos our police post were that good!
  22. I worked on truck docks and drove an 18 wheeler all my adult life. No heat on the truck docks and two pair of gloves were normal, leather gloves over fabric ones. My fingers would dry out and crack, the key was using a moisturizer like Vasoline intensive care, it would prevent it as long as I used it regularly.
  23. https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/sears-offering-jobs-discounts-workers-affected-target-exit-003521361.html
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